Puffy + Jimmy Henchman implicated in Tupac Quad Studio Shooting....

Yooooooooo . . .

King Tut is the informant . . . He's the only one not named, and they said the informants name would not be included . . . He's the only person thatwasn't mentioned . . . And the Mob connection is exactly what he eluded to in the 2005 Vibe Issue . . .

How haven't these crimes been solved?? I can't believe Tut is snitching, he from Brooklyn, be careful yall, not sure what neiborhood he's from butbodies will drop all summer until charges are brought against those responsible, Henchman, Diddy, Hatian Jack, the Italian fellow, and Andre Harrell . . .
Don't know about everything in here...I'll say that Diddy is a snake and I would not put ANY thing past him
This !$%% is sooo real, everyone that can listen to Makaveli once more time with this info, and Pac exposes a lot of !$%% . . . I doubt it can be used in courtbecause its classified as "entertainment", but Pac knew everything about his 94 shooting. I wanna see if he mentions the Italian kid, and if you can,check out the Biggie & Tupac DVD, and 2Pac Resurrection, he answers A LOT.

If anyone has the XXL (or was it The Source) interview with King Tut can you Please post it, or paraphrase it . . . Because 50 Cent even accussed King Tut ofplaying a role in the Quad Studio shootings . . . Give "Many Men" one more really close lesson, in the final 6 bars of the song . . .

Some of yall need to learn how to seperate the truth from lies in your music, a lot of information is out there the !$%% he listen to in our homes, cars, andclubs . . Its almost amazing. Tony Yayo also accussed Jimmy Henchman of setting up Pac on a hip hop website within the past 2 years . . . I think it was DX orSohh, also AllHipHop.com interviewes d a former Source employee who claimed BIG and Suge were talking business, and BIG was planning on leaving Bad Boy in 95,to jump !$%% to Death Row, and that was the REAL reson Suge got on stage and stated "if you wanna be an artist, and stay an artist, and don't wantyour executive producers all in the videos . . . Dancing . . . COME TO DEATH ROW" . . .

Biggie was angry after winning his award and only shouted out Brooklyn and walked off stage . . . If anyone has watched VH1s Behind The Music on BIG you'llremember.

Also listen to 2Pac's adlibs VERY clearly, he says A LOT of names, fills in a lot of gaps. He eludes to Jimmy Henchman also setting up Stretch to be killedexactly a year to the day of Pac's Quad studio shootings, also the alleged trigger man Tinard something also was a suspect in JMJs murder . . . Its onesbig mystery . . . The Notorious BIG movie just got THAT much more exciting . . . I hope it gets a good director and is based mostly on facts because themystery is amazing by itself.

I'm gonna continue to listen to Makaveli, I wish I had "Who Shot Ya" on my ipod, but I'll look up the lyrics and see if BIG reveals anythingor says any names . . .
crazy...i was into this heavy years back and was tryna piece it all together...the scandals and corruption of the police always intrigued me...the things thatjump out are basically who could benefit financially by the deaths cause at the end of the day thats what its all about...the gang stuff and rapping back andforth is all a smokescreen

crazy how names like Jimmy henchmen are STILL coming up for being involved in all types of stuff...

the thing i never could get tho is Pac being setup by SUGE...i mean it all makes sense except for him to be right there...of course if it was execution styleor something less messy i would say being right there would be the perfect way to take yourself OFF the suspect list...but if i'm not mistaken these dudescame up and sprayed the side with an ak right? thats RISKY, shooting low or not, once they let it off they got just as much chance of shooting pac in thegroin as they do of shooting suge in the face...the details were always sketchy on that too so who knows...
I wish I had "Who Shot Ya" on my ipod

I'm reading on this DVD I have that the District Attorny (Larry Longho) of LA's daughter was signed to Death Row record during the times in which bothBIG and Pac were murdered . . . That's is all according Russel Poole who was the lead investigator in the BIG murder. He also claims that 30-40 LAPDofficers worked security for Death Row

The DA was eventually fired for "inappropriate associations"

2Pac's for bodyguard Kevin Hackie claims that Pac was owed $10 million in unpaid royalties by Death Row, and had planned on leaving the label, in hisopinion he thinks Suge is behind both Biggie and Pac's murders, he claims the BIG murder was orchestrated to appear to be part of the East vs West fued. Healso claims the FBI has BIG, Pac, and Suge under survielence during the times of BIG and Pacs fatal shootings, the alleged trigger man is Harry Billips akaAmir Muhammed (he ran track at Oregon University, google his name), he also named Reggie Wright Sr, (a gang task force officer in Compton, and can be seen onthe Nick Broomfield documentary Biggie Tupac, he does a indepth interview about everything, his son Reggie Wright Jr, also was in charge of Death Row when Sugewas serving his 5 year sentence for the probation violation over the Orlando Anderson beating), David Mack (LAPD officer, and member of the Blood street ganggrew up with Suge in Compton, and is currently in prison for a bank robbery in the fall of 1997) and lastly Rafeal Perez (anyone that has watched courtTV orA&E will be familiar with the RAMPART scandel, if not, just google it you'll see his picture)

2Pacs biological father Billy Garland claims BIG visited 2Pac in the hospital the night he was shot, and he personally believed BIG had NOTHING to do with it.Pac just felt betrayed by BIG, he explains this on "Holla At Me" on Disc 1 of All Eyes On Me (I think its #4)

Lastly, Orlando Anderson testfied in Suge's defense during the trail for his assualt in the casiono the night Pac was shot.

ALL Fact and mostly public records . . . My homeboy has his 2002-2003 XXL and Source subscription at home and is gonna try to find the King Tut interview, hesaid he remembers reading it but didn't remember in verbatim
its also said that supreme was involved in the 94 shooting. i remeber 50 cent sayin the guys that shot pac were preme's boys who he hired for jimmmyhenchman.
Jimmy Rosemond's response.....

"In the past 14 years, I have not even been questioned by law enforcement with regard to the assault of Tupac Shakur, let alone brought up oncharges," Rosemond responded in a statement. "Chuck Phillips, the writer who in the past has falsely claimed that the Notorious Biggie Smalls was inLas Vegas when Tupac was murdered and that Biggie supplied the gun that killed Tupac -- only to be proven wrong as Biggie was in New Jersey recuperating from acar accident, has reached a new low by employing fourth-hand information from desperate jailhouse informants along with ancient FBI reports to create thisfabrication. I simply ask for all rap fans and fans of Tupac to analyze this fiction for what it is along with Phillips' motives behind it. I am baffled asto why the L.A. Times would print this on its website when a simple and fair investigation would reveal that the allegations are false. I am currentlyconsulting with my attorneys about my legal rights regarding this libelous piece of garbage."
I feel some of what Henchman said, because as I stated in my first comment Chuck Phillips has little to no credibility as a journalist, and often uses bad info. . .

But Russell Poole, 2Pac, Volletta Wallace, Nick Broomfield and countless others are VERY credible

Do yourself a favor and watch Biggie & Tupac Movie, Pac's biological father does a very indepth interview where he claims to have met Big, and sensed ageneral concern within BIG, about Pac's well being the night he got shot

But Henchman damn near confessed to Vibe, unless he plans on suing them for defamation of character I think he's as guily as the words say . . .
This whole thing is crazy. Just crazy.

I hope both murders can be solved. I have never ever liked puffy and if he really had something to do with big being killed, I am surprised that nobody in BKhas gotten at puff.
Yea . . . After I watch this Biggie & Tupac movie again . . . In about 2 hours I'll be done breakin down eachline 4 or 8 bars at a time . . . I wannalist refernces where his accusations can be proved, and or how others can understand his statements in their totality (I smoke to much, yall ninjas got meusing big words soundin like Nay Cochran ) . . . I aint NEVER said "totality" in my life . . .
the more I learn about this %$$$ is crazy,I'm surprised my memory is this good after smokin as much as I do . . . I read these books 2 and 3 years ago, and never thought the crime would be solved,or that I would remember so much . . . I forgot my girls birthday, and my pops . . . I don't even know what size jeans I wear off memory.
That's crazy though about Lil Shawn because I remember when he came home his name was Shawn Penn and he made a diss record to Busta Rhymes saying thatBusta been robbed so many times crooks will take a day off.
The whole thing is one big mess. It's hard to fathom that the general public, after 14 years, can sovle a crime that the cops can't and/or refuse tosolve.

And Starvin Harlem is REALLY droppin knowledge
. I didn't even knowhalf this of this stuff.
^^been knowin

good lookin on posting that documentary.
and watched the whole thingbut it just brought me down
This is my last post before I breakdown the Pac record, but I can whole heartedly say, after further review BIG was probabaly bamboozled to believe the Pacrobbery was a mere coincidence, and the fact that he was finacially obligated to record on Bad Boy, he just rapped . . . He seems to have really thought of Heand Pac, as friends, 2Pac may have considered BIG a associate of some sort

Its believed that BIG dissed Pac on "Long Kiss Goodnight", there's only one line that can possibly be a Pac subliminal, and that's in the 1stverse "Blood flood your dungarees" because he was shot in the upper thigh, around his man area.

On "My Downfall" BIG spits, "Aint no shoot hands in Brooklyn/ Army fatigues, bring fatigue to enemies . . ./ look man", later in the trackhe also states, "My crew be unruly, some old school cats that call gats toolies/ call blacks moolies" . . . To me it sounds as if he's describingan old school Italian, because why would a black person have a specific term for other blacks, especially as common as the term is amungst Italians on bothmovies, and possibly real life (I don't know any REAL connected Italians so I can't say 100%)

Puffy seems to have threw some of his own vocals over some of BIGs songs to make them seem as if BIG was goin at 2Pac, all BIG said on tracks is don't usehis name to advance your career, and he's not down with all the side shows

If anyone is being dissed its Boot Camp Click, Jeru, he does reference certain rappers having beef, and I'm sure he was speakin about Pac, but he neverreally says anything foul about Pac, nor does he allude to having and REAL conflict with Pac outside of the obvious references, and also if you look furtherbesides Hit Em Up, 2Pac really has no scathing disses towards, he's not even mentioned on Makaveli by name, Pac only says "Bad Boy Killa", hedoes however mention Jay Z, Mobb Deep, Jimmy Henchman, Diddy, King Tut, Stretch Walker (not by name) Nas, Xzibit is sent a subliminal by one of the Outlawz,maybe a few other disses . . .

I always wondered why he never again dissed Notorious BIG, or Junior Mafia by name after "Hit Em Up", he goes at Puffy and everyone else tho . . . Ifyou mention Puff why not BIG?? Pac may have knew that BIG had no real involvement in his shooting afterall . . . I'm not 100% sure tho, but if someoneheard BIG mentioned anywhere on Makaveli please tell me what track and n what fashion . . .8

Also the Outlawz claimed Pac would NEVER Kill another black man over rap music, and he let that be known amungst his clostest friends . . . Suge Knight alsodiscredits the Outlawz, and claims they were just young dudes that hung out around Pac.

I'll be back in a sec with the Against All Odds, this !##@ has honestly forced me to listen to Hit Em Up, a song I HATE very much, but I just wanted to seeto what degree was Pac goin and BIG, and it seems like he never went after BIG as hard as he did a lot of other people . . . I know he has a lot of unreleasedmaterial, but on his music released while he was alive along with Makaveli he doesn't really go at BIG as hard as the media would have you believe . . .

Listen to BIGs interview at the end of Life After Death Disc 1, I Honestly believe Pac and BIG had no real friction, it was all Diddy and Suge being greedybastards . . . The whole East Coast/West just seems totally fake, Diddy and Suge just didn't like eachother, and were willing to do anything to get money,weather it meant getting rid of their own artist for great financial gain, both of them made more money off of BIG and Pac dead then they did when they werealive . . . They both sold more records after death . . .

Finacially speaking, the theory makes pretty good sense . . . Suge wasn't as smart as P Diddy tho, his image went on you ruin him, meanwhile Diddy'simage has kept him relevant despite having one platinum selling album on his label in 4 or 5 years . . . BIG's mom still does not aknowledge Diddy as oneof BIG's "friends", they were mere business partners in her eyes, nothing more and nothing less, and this can all be seen and or heard the songsmentioned before and the

Biggie & 2Pac

Take a listen to the aforementioned songs . . .
O i also have this studio leak of puffy ad libing hit em up in the studio and poking fun at pac. Ima upload in a few its crazyy...
Also, my guess is that if they ever did arrest somebody and convict them, we'd just have one long thread about how that person (or people) probablyisn't the real shooter and is just a fall guy. So the discussion will never end amongst the conspiracy theorists.
2Pac - Against All Odds

Pac's actual words will be bolded, my explination will appear in regular sized text, 8 bars at a time. I will not attempt to speculate ANYthing, I willprovide refernces from magazines, books, and interviews at the end.
One love, one love, one thug
One nation, twenty-one gun salute

I'm hopin my true ++$!$%!*!%$#% know
This be the realest #$%$ I ever wrote
Against all odds, up in the studio, gettin blowed
To the truest #$%$ I ever spoke

Twenty-one gun salute, dressed in fatigues, black jeans and boots/
Disappeared in the crowd, all you seen was troops/
This little +$%%% named Nas think he live like me/
Talkin bout he left the hospital, took five like me/
You livin fantasies, +$%%% I reject yo' deposit/
We shook Dre punk %%#, now we out of the closet/
Mobb Deep wonder why a +$%%% blowed them out/
Next time grown folks talkin +$%%% close yo' mouth

Pac is describing the attire his assailents were wearing, as he stated they were most likely from Brooklyn because they wore fatigues, BIG, Hatian Jack, andKing Tut are all Brooklyn natives.

The Nas line is responding the second verse of The Message (track 2 on Nas's sophmore album, It Was Written) where Nas tells a story about being shot.

2Pac was convinced Dr Dre was a homosexual, (he mentions it on Bomb 1st, and To Live And Die In LA, not sure if there's any proof, besides his picture withlipstick as a member of the World Wrecking Class Crew of DJs in the mid 80s)

He was mad at Mobb Deep because he claimed to have respected there music until they took a photo with BIG that appeared in a hip hop magazine, possibly TheSource, or Vibe.
Peep me, I take this war #$%$ deeply/
Done seen too many real players fall to let these !!%!* $*#@+$ beat me/
Puffy lets be honest you a punk or you will see me with gloves/
Remember that #$%$ you said to Vibe about me bein a thug/
You can tell the people you roll with whatever you want/
But you and I know what's going on/
Payback, I knew you !!%!* $*#@+$ from way back/
Witness me strapped with Macs, knew I wouldn't play that/

Puffy made sometype of comment of Pac in a 1996 issue of Vibe Magazine, the interview can be found online, what exactly he said about 2Pac I don't know.But I believe he's alluding to Diddy brainwashing his artist about the 1994 shooting and possibly convincing BIG that he played no part (this isspeculation on my point and I want this to be known, I have NO proof outside of Pac's own words)

The part about having "Macs" is alluding to the traffic stop in either Brooklyn or Queens in which 2Pac had not informed the other passangers in thecar, 1 of whom (Jimmy Henchman) was on either parole or probation at that time that he was carrying a weapon, both Pac, and Hatian Jack are said to have beenin the car and were facing time of a sexual assualt of a 19 year old. (Queens Reigns Supreme)
All you old rappers trying to advance/
It's all over now, take it like a man/
$*#@+$ lookin like Larry Holmes, flabby and sick (look at De La Soul)/
Tryin to player hate on my #$%$, you eat a fat ***+/
Let it be known this is how you made me/
Lovin how I got you $*#@+$ crazy/

Pac felt like De La Soul took subliminals at him on Stakes Is High, he also pays them respect on this track "Old School" (Me Against The World)

Against all odds
Hopin my thug ++$!$%!*!%$#% know
This be the realest #$%$ I ever wrote
Against all odds, up in the studio, gettin blowed
To the truest #$%$ I ever spoke, against all odds
Hopin my true ++$!$%!*!%$#% know
This be the realest #$%$ I ever wrote

I heard he was light skinned, stocky with a Haitian accent/
Jewelery, fast cars and he's known for flashing (What's his name???)/
Listen while I take you back (+$%%% SAY HIS NAME!) and lace this rap/
A real live tale about a snitch named Haitian Jack/
Knew he was workin for the feds, same crime, different trials/
+$%%%, picture what he said, and did I mention/

He's describing his relationship with Jaques "Hatian Jack" Agnant, and him being able to plead down to a misdemeanor in the sexual assualt casethat sent Pac to prison in December of 1994. Hatian Jack was represented by a former an attorney affiliated with the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association(December 2005 Issue of Vibe)
Promise to payback, Jimmy Henchman, in due time/
I know you !!%!* $*#@+$ is listenin, The World Is Mine/
Set me up, wet me up, $*#@+$ stuck me up/
Heard the guns bust but you tricks never shut me up/
Touch one of mine on everything I own/
I'll destroy everything you touch, play the game +$%%%/
All out warfare, eye for eye/
Last words to a !!%!* +$%%%, "WHY YOU LIE?!?"/
Now you gotta watch your back, now watch your front/
Here we come, gunshots to Tut, now you stuck/
@$%% the rap game, +$%%% this M-O-B/
So believe me we enemies, I go against all odds/

He's accusing Jimmy Henchman of setting him up on the night of the Quad Studios shoting.

He also calls out King Tut, and promises retaliation

M. O. B is the Mob Piru, a Blood set that operates out of Compton, in the neiborhood in which Suge Knight, David Mack, Reggie Wright Jr & Sr grew up in.The gang is said to be about 50 members deep, you can also hear the gang being shouted out on the track "Piru Love" in the first bar of the track.

I'm hopin my true ++$!$%!*!%$#% know
This be the realest #$%$ I ever wrote
Against all odds, up in the studio, gettin blowed
To the truest #$%$ I ever spoke
I'm hopin my true ++$!$%!*!%$#% know
This be the realest #$%$ I ever wrote
Against all odds

Puffy gettin robbed like a !!%!*, to hide the fact/
he did some #$%$ he shouldn't have did, so we ride em for that/
And that +$%%% that was down for me, restin dead/
Switch sides, guess his new friends wanted him dead/
Probably be murdered for the #$%$ that I said/
I bring the real, be a legend, breathin or dead/
Lord listen to me; God don't like ugly, "It Was Written"/
Hey Nas, your whole damn style is bitten/
You heard my melody, read about my life in the papers/
All my run-ins with authorities, felonious capers/
Now you wanna live my life, so what's the answer Nas?/
$*#@+$ that don't rhyme right, you've seen too many movies/
Load em up against the wall, close his eyes/
Since you lie you die, GOODBYE/
Let the real live $*#@+$ hear the truth from me/
What would you do if you was me +$%%%/

Pac is alluding to Puffy having to hire secuirty when coming to California, its said that he was paying South Side Crip members for protection after a supposedrobbery in California (google Orlando Anderson and you will see his uncle's name and also, I have actually forgot his name but I'll know it when I seeit, he is one of the highest ranking South Side Crips)

2Pac was angry that Nas claimed to have been shot on the 2nd verse on "The Message", he also opens the song with the lyrics "Fake Thug, no loveyou get the slug/ CB4 Gusto", if you've seen CB4 is about fake %%# rappers, Pac may have took this as a diss to him. He also used the same track Pacused for "All Eyes On Me", on his track "Street Dreams" the video depicted Nas as a crime boss based in Las Vegas, on the movie Casino,Vegas was however an area 2Pac and all of Death Row frequented, Pac is bascially telling Nas to stay in his lane and stop being a Rakim knockoff, and leave itto the ones who lived it to tell their own story.
Against all odds
I'm hopin my true ++$!$%!*!%$#% know
This be the realest #$%$ I ever wrote
Against all odds, up in the studio, gettin blowed
To the truest #$%$ I ever spoke

Against all odds
(Twenty-one gun salute)
One love to my true thug $*#@+$ (Outlaw! Outlaw! Outlaw!)
Twenty-one gun salute to my $*#@+$ that die in the line of duty
Representin to the fullest bein soldiers with military minds
that play the rules of the game, twenty-one gun salute
I salute you my $*#@+$, stay strong
I ride for you, I rhyme for you, I roll for you, it's all for you
To all you !!%!* made $*#@+$, I'm comin for you
Against all odds, I don't care who the @$%% you is, +$%%%
You touch me I'm at you
I know you ++$!$%!*!%$#% think that I forgot
Hell no I ain't forgot +$%%%
I just remember what you told me
You said don't go to war unless I got my money behind me
Aight, I got my money right here, now I want war

Pac basically explaining everything I just did . . .
good looks Nay for dropping all this knowledge.. its truly appreciated... i wanna go and listen to Pac and Big now and try to find subliminals or just stuffreferring to this whole situation
I'm about to read the breakdown of Against All Odds....

but quick question...Pac went at Nas JUST because of the song The Message where Nas played a role in which he got shot? THAT'S IT??
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