Pulp Fiction Appreciation vol. Bad Mother...

Tarrentino in general

Basterds is still my favorite though.
this movies is very much appreciated. i will watch it every time it comes on. funny that i don't own it.
Originally Posted by TheHealthInspector

Originally Posted by thegoat121886

Kill Bill or Inglorious Basterds are his best movies but there will always be a special place for Pulp Fiction as my favorite. The breakfast scene

neither of those movies are better than pulp fiction, ill probably even put resevoir dogs above those too


but than again all of Quentin Tarantino are

i love kill bill and inglorious basterds

and pulp fiction and resevoir dogs are classic leading up to the kill bills ....

fav part of pulp fiction tho

- quentin tarantino part jimmy
- sam and john lil talk with the guys in the apartment

-bruce role ok dope as well the whole watch story gets me
every time
Man I love the opening scene when they're talking about how that guy killed someone over a foot massage

"Would you let a grown man give you a foot massage""

Would be interesting if the Blu-Ray had an option to watch the movie in chronological order. Probably wouldn't be as good though.
Originally Posted by damnitzdom

1. "True Romance" (QT screenplay, didn't direct) main star is a girl named Alabama, she is referenced in Reservoir Dogs.
2. The girl taxi driver from Pulp Fiction is supposedly the character from Curdled (Quentin Tarantino produced film)
3. Quentin Tarantino's character from From Dusk Till Dawn is shown in the movie Curdled, along with George Clooney's character.
4. The sheriff from From Dusk Till Dawn is also in Kill Bill and Death Proof (1/2 of Grindhouse)
5. Possibly Sam L Jackson's character Jules Winnfield from Pulp Fiction is the pianist in Kill Bill, Rufus. (Jules saved from god, wanders the earth, becomes a pianist in a church)
6. Mia Wallace is The Bride (?)
7. Vincent Vega (Pulp Fiction) is the brother of Vic Vega (Reservoir Dogs)
8. Eli Roth's character in Inglourious Basterds, Donny Donowitz is the father of Saul Rubinek's character in True Romance Lee Donowitz.

One of my ATFs.

Favorite part is towards the end......

"Tell That B!7ch To Be COOL - Say B!7ch Be COOL - Tell That F n B!7ch To Chill - Chill That F n B!7ch Out"
Can someone explain the turn in the conversation concerning the foot massage? Why does Vince ask Jules the "Would you let a grown man give you a foot massage" question?
Originally Posted by swishasweets

Can someone explain the turn in the conversation concerning the foot massage? Why does Vince ask Jules the "Would you let a grown man give you a foot massage" question?
There's a number of reasons. But more notably, Tarantino has serious foot fetish. In almost every film a female will be shown with bare feet. It's like a requirement for his films.   
Originally Posted by krazy88s

Originally Posted by swishasweets

Can someone explain the turn in the conversation concerning the foot massage? Why does Vince ask Jules the "Would you let a grown man give you a foot massage" question?
There's a number of reasons. But more notably, Tarantino has serious foot fetish. In almost every film a female will be shown with bare feet. It's like a requirement for his films.   

i think hes referring to jules saying something like "a foot massage aint nothing" to which vincent replied "would you give a man a foot massage" suggesting foot massages are sensual experiences
^ Oh, ok. I guess Tarantino's foot fetish can still explain why a woman's feet would randomly pop up.
In my top 3 movies. Tarantino's best too, imo. Cant wait for the bluray release 
The movie's sequence and macguffin is genius. Especially how Tarantino makes you wonder what was in the briefcase.
One of my favorite movies of all time.

two scenes still mess with me though...

-Travolta stabbing Uma with that enormous needle as she was OD-ing
-Ving Rhames getting raped
on of my top 5 movies

best scene that kills me everytime is the quentin tarantino scene where they talk about the gourmet coffee and he also says: when you guys pulled up did you notice a sign in front of my house that says dead n***** storage?

I like how John Travolta never looks at the people that he's talking to.
Sorry for the gravedig...

I was watching this and I realized something I never realized before.

When Butch goes back to grab his father's watch, I always assumed that Vincent made a rookie mistake left his gun on the counter when he went to the bathroom.

But it wasn't his. It was Marcellus Wallace's gun. He left to get coffee for himself and Vincent, Butch kills Vincent while he's gone, and Butch runs into Marcellus while he's on the way back to Butch's apartment.

Mind = blown.
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