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Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

If you guys know anything about HTML, CSS.....hop on wordpess and not blogspot.
The Fatlace joint that I am on is going to look mad dope after it is done.
I'm on BlogSpot right now. But I want to make it more of an official website. Should I mess wit wordpress. I'm OK with HTML, well notreally.
Originally Posted by HypeBeast McStreetwear

Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

If you guys know anything about HTML, CSS.....hop on wordpess and not blogspot.
The Fatlace joint that I am on is going to look mad dope after it is done.
I'm on BlogSpot right now. But I want to make it more of an official website. Should I mess wit wordpress. I'm OK with HTML, well not really.

Okay I take it have to know more CSS then HTML. I mean they kind of come hand in hand but I think Wordpress (and even Blogspot to a certain degree)use a lot of CSS coding. It's like style sheet web language. I honestly have self taught myself how to read it and still have the hardest time with it.
Originally Posted by BEATSLIM

Dont you have to pay to customize your wordpress blog? pay for that, server space, and custom URL so you don't have to have the blogspot or worpress name to it. You definitely have to know what youare getting into when you pay for these things. If you have no sense of CSS knowledge nor wish to learn, then it is not for you. I spent the funds on it andwent like 3 months have the ugliest blog ever (still think mine is questionable) but finally decided to slowly get into it. It was only about 3 months agowhere I really knew how to tweak it and I have had my blog for ll months now. I just hate how I keep messing with the size of the template cause a lot of myold posts all look like crap and I am tempted to edit almost 11 months of photos just so it looks correct on all pages.
Originally Posted by SaNTi0321

Originally Posted by mjbetch

Phouvieng wrote:

My blog is absolutely terrible, but check me out none the less..
holy omg... your blog background is ridiculously annoying. hahaha
Its the go to seizure spot.

-- It's not the first time I heard that, it makes me laugh though. mjbetch, I actually followed your blog for a little bit, the name always caught myattention.
Originally Posted by Mr Fongstarr

Originally Posted by BEATSLIM

Dont you have to pay to customize your wordpress blog? pay for that, server space, and custom URL so you don't have to have the blogspot or worpress name to it. You definitely have to know what you are getting into when you pay for these things. If you have no sense of CSS knowledge nor wish to learn, then it is not for you. I spent the funds on it and went like 3 months have the ugliest blog ever (still think mine is questionable) but finally decided to slowly get into it. It was only about 3 months ago where I really knew how to tweak it and I have had my blog for ll months now. I just hate how I keep messing with the size of the template cause a lot of my old posts all look like crap and I am tempted to edit almost 11 months of photos just so it looks correct on all pages.

Word. It gets kinda technical when you pay for the domain (when it was in "transition" my blog at one point totally disappeared) and customizing theHTML to make vids and pics fit correctly.For the most part it's common sense and a little coding knowledge. So far ALOT of people like my blog but Imeventually gonna use it more to post local acts, interviews and stuff like that when I cop my camcorder. So I was wondering if anyone could PM me some pointerson getting that OFFICIAL website look. Like programs and whatnot.
word to chuck klosterman -

gay men are the last men in america that actually want to get married. let 'em do it!
I started a new blog, I would appreciate it if everyone checked it out. Has to do with sports and other stuff.

I have my interview with Ryan Hollins of the Dallas Mavericks up right now
what exactly is the point of a blog... for other people to learn about other peoples lives and juss hate on it? lmao
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