PYP is back - Volume: Strict Probation

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Originally Posted by WickedNikes


not sure what happened there...


Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

gonna smack you! how could you think you look chubby? and you should post that pic from last halloween. You looked hot! (stalkerish that I remember that pic but I have that same costume)
I do look chubby.

That costume is kind of whorish a bit with the cleavage hanging out and my stumpy legs. I did post it on JJB, and NT KL, but they are nicer there, not critiquing people's looks and pics as much when it comes to girls. Over here, I would get roasted and get all these gas pumps and every gas station in the world posted quoting my pic as it happened.
If I am to post anymore pics, it would be old ones from like 6 years ago (in high school) and older ones like I have done for the rest of the pic posting.

You had that dark angel costume too? Do you have pics of you wearing it? Actually, you should just post any pic. All of them are hot. You were a Pussycat Doll right for last year's Halloween? Kind of stalkerish but I remember it clearly too, since you look really pretty as always.

Greeneyes, she was a dark angel too, her costume was so nice and she looked so beautiful in it!


"Are y'all serious right now..."


Originally Posted by ericberry14

just post the pic already... nobody is going to flame you, at least i wont... you seem like a nice person... nice people dont get flamed/roasted
Oh hellll no, not falling for the trap again. This is how it started. Thanks for saying I seem nice. You are nice yourself. The picture is justreally tacky anyways. My legs looking all stumpy as hell too.Trust me.

shakenbake - You posted some more...Nice.
I like the pic of you in the white tee. You have really pretty eyelashes too.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by hell0o

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by shake n bake718

couple years back
Oh my....

I JUST logged off my SN on here....then I see this...and had to sign back in with the quickness.

All the simping jokes aside, very handsome.
back off +%#!#

You kinna look like my baby daddy, Jon B <3
I was thinking that too! I will even go far to say even better than Jon B, from what I can tell. When I saw his pic, "Don't Talk" popped in my head instantly.

I think he should post some more pics.

That's funny you two mentioned that bc ive actually gotten that a few diff times lol. Only when I have the beard tho.
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by ericberry14

just post the pic already... nobody is going to flame you, at least i wont... you seem like a nice person... nice people dont get flamed/roasted
Oh hellll no, not falling for the trap again. This is how it started. Thanks for saying I seem nice. You are nice yourself. The picture is just really tacky anyways. My legs looking all stumpy as hell too.Trust me.

but seriously... nobody is going to flame you, there have been little to no serious insults at females this entire PYP... i doubt that is going to change thisfar into it... not to mention you've been all extra nice to people & what not...

but seriously, just post the damn pic
Originally Posted by SuperAntigen

Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by AngeLeeLee

gonna smack you! how could you think you look chubby? and you should post that pic from last halloween. You looked hot! (stalkerish that I remember that pic but I have that same costume)
I do look chubby.

That costume is kind of whorish a bit with the cleavage hanging out and my stumpy legs. I did post it on JJB, and NT KL, but they are nicer there, not critiquing people's looks and pics as much when it comes to girls. Over here, I would get roasted and get all these gas pumps and every gas station in the world posted quoting my pic as it happened.
If I am to post anymore pics, it would be old ones from like 6 years ago (in high school) and older ones like I have done for the rest of the pic posting.

You had that dark angel costume too? Do you have pics of you wearing it? Actually, you should just post any pic. All of them are hot. You were a Pussycat Doll right for last year's Halloween? Kind of stalkerish but I remember it clearly too, since you look really pretty as always.

Greeneyes, she was a dark angel too, her costume was so nice and she looked so beautiful in it!


"Are y'all serious right now..."



even as a chick that %+%@ is makin' me throw up a lil' in my mouth
Originally Posted by Hazeleyed Honey

Originally Posted by ericberry14

just post the pic already... nobody is going to flame you, at least i wont... you seem like a nice person... nice people dont get flamed/roasted
Oh hellll no, not falling for the trap again. This is how it started. Thanks for saying I seem nice. You are nice yourself. The picture is just really tacky anyways. My legs looking all stumpy as hell too.Trust me.

shakenbake - You posted some more...Nice.
I like the pic of you in the white tee. You have really pretty eyelashes too.

You're definitely your worst critic, we don't have anything on you

All of the "gassed" comments come after it's been deemed you have been complemented too much.

Your choice though, no offense meant.
[color= rgb(102, 0, 153)]Once we hit the 190's...dudes need to start posting like crazy so no *#++%% up #$#+ happens on199[/color]
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