PYP VOL ......odd times

Jeff right now...
I would advise you dudes to stop using the word "******" though

Many people with dwarfism consider it a pejorative.

And since the mods have been made aware of this thread, y'all might get hit with warnings because of it.

Just sayin.
Ima change “Giant” too
He also can’t ever just come off the couch in a chill way. He has to jump as far as he can off the couch onto an area rug, then he does a lap around the house super fast, usually looking for the cat. Jumps on the cat then you see the cat running upstairs hissing because he can’t really climb stairs. Dude is wild.
Mannnn I’m 6’5, my ex wife is 5’9. My son right now, he turned 13 in March, he 5’3. Bruh I was 5’8 at 17. I just had a growth spurt in the summer, then grew more in the military. I’m predicting my son is gonna be 6’6 maybe 6’7.
Mannnn I’m 6’5, my ex wife is 5’9. My son right now, he turned 13 in March, he 5’3. Bruh I was 5’8 at 17. I just had a growth spurt in the summer, then grew more in the military. I’m predicting my son is gonna be 6’6 maybe 6’7.

how tall were you when you were 13?
The height is there. You got goon weight tho?

nah more of the athletic weight, I can eat as much as I want, son too, don’t gain weight. Just the metabolism, my pops was the same way. I’m. 35 and a cool 195lbs. Weight fluctuates though.
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