PYP VOL ......odd times

Y'all got any tigers?? :nerd::nerd::nerd:

:lol: nah, I got a rabbit though. She got him from her co worker.

I never sweat my height (5'11") or my looks because being average in those areas never really held me back from anything. When it comes to vanity, I probably stressed over my hairline vanishing more than anything.

But I look just like my dad, have his mannerism, and some other unique things in common. However, my dad (R.I.P) was 6' 1.5", had a Paul George hairline well into his early 40s, and green eyes. After my parents divorced, mans was getting thrown at him left and right. Teachers, waitresses, my sisters ballet teacher risked it all to shoot her shot. Even now when I go back to the island, and I run into one of his old female friends, they stay gushing over him and talking about his eyes.

That is why I don't believe in God, and if there is one he/she ain't ****. Because if God was a real ***** he would have blessed me too, with my pops stat line.
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Thinking about copping one myself. Still brainstorming names, but Bunny Sanders is the front runner.

bunny sanders would be dope. :lol:

mine is jeff. :rofl:

they are pretty chill, he’s house broken so he can be out all day as long as we’re home. You just gotta watch for a couple things which will cause them to die in like a day, basically if they stop eating you gotta figure it out ASAP. Other than that they are easy.

mine isn’t scared of anything, he runs the cat around the house and chases the vacuum. I hear some freak out super easy but mine doesn’t. Just research the outgoing breeds.
I went outside less then a handful of times with gloves and masks on and it does not feel safe or comfortable. It’s like I wanna knockout anyone that walks besides me I’m walking on the street and **** it’s not fun

I feel you. Took my dog for a walk and this dude passes me jogging going the opposite direction. The dude then must've pulled a U-turn because he ends up passing me again but this time going the same direction.

So in my head all I'm picturing is walking through a mine field of this dude's filthy micro droplets.
i'm short, ugly, and poor. idgaf lol. i got a beautiful wife (that looks me in the eye lol) and two cute kids. the lesson being that smart and funny can still get you pretty far in life 🤷🏻‍♂️

How smart is someone if they are poor?

I come in peace.
I feel you. Took my dog for a walk and this dude passes me jogging going the opposite direction. The dude then must've pulled a U-turn because he ends up passing me again but this time going the same direction.

So in my head all I'm picturing is walking through a mine field of this dude's filthy micro droplets.
While I try not to think about invisible air born droplets im still paranoid about people being with ten feet plus of me. It’s not a normal way of life and not substainable for long term, people will start wylin
How smart is someone if they are poor?

I come in peace.
i dunno man. we own our condo and pay only maintenance fee, own our two cars and only pay for gas, my son's school costs 23k/year, my wife doesn't need to work and can focus on getting her masters and taking care of our new baby, we put most of the rest in savings so my walk around money is paltry. we have assets and savings but i rarely keep even $20 in my wallet. i dress like a bum but i guess i'm smart enough to put what little money i make to good use.
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