Quality Pick-Up Basketball Appreciation Thread

you know what really grinds my gears? when you trip over your own foot sliding on defense and everybody is hyping it up like you got crossed
Originally Posted by enyceking

you know what really grinds my gears? when you trip over your own foot sliding on defense and everybody is hyping it up like you got crossed

Lol, If you trip over your foot and fall while defending....then you DID get crossed
i havent had a decent pick up game in like, 2 years man. all my friends in high school gave up on it in grade 12 to party.

i just started playing again religiously.

nowadays im the only cat in the gym at 5:45 am. my younger brother comes with me very sparingly since hes still in hs.

but back in the day, man i miss those that
I'll definitely be at the park tomorrow eaaaaarly to work off some of these holiday calories.

Cheesecake, FTL.
The feeling of winning to some old tall dudes being myself a short 16-year old, its pirceless!
Real talk, i need to get back in shape, I run on the treadmill at the school gym for about 30 mins every 2-3 days, and i been hittin the gym, I'm nottouchin the court looking like no damn scrub. Back in the day, I had energy for days and crossed dude over left and right but nowadays i'll showboat for agood five minutes and be on the bench soon after like an asthmatic looking for an inhaler. Lol I should be on the right track, I never thought that at 17 Iwould care so much about getting in shape
I wish I had the time to play more. Maybe once a week if I'm lucky. I love the game, but hate how streaky I am
there are no indoor hoops around me to play (for free), and its waayy too cold to play outside. my neighborhood FTL
I hear that man.

It's great when you have a team that works together and doesn't just jack up shots. Oh, and that can play decent defense.

Not having an indoor court around your way FTL.

When school starts back up, best believe, I'm in there like swimwear.
Playing a pickup game after not playing for awhile ftw/ftl

but pickup games with good friends is the best
Originally Posted by WearinTheFourFive

Me and my boys hoop on the regular. We'll be at the James Logan courts (
) tonight.
damm i need to go out there again...i probably ball out there twice and both times there were maddd people
practice at 10 a.m. tomorrow FTL. but basketball is the greatest game ever played. def. appreciated
Basketball is the best sport period...... If you are looking for quality pick-up games you might have to go to college open gyms to get a nice run in.

Since i have been home for break from College BBall, I have not found a quality run around my way. Not looking forward for practice on the 30th after a long 8day break....SMH
Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Originally Posted by krnxdanie1

Originally Posted by Chrispcb15

Damn kid, I feel you on that one....Pick up games are DF appreciated
Whats "DF" mean? I've always wanted to know. late pass haha

Buddy used it as an abreviation....I thought it meant Dungeon Family

he, he used it as Definitely.

but ant uses it, means dungeon family.

some outkast !#%.
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