Queen Latifah On Fresh Prince...Twice.

Dec 2, 2011
Yo, am i the only one to notice Queen Latifah has been on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air TWO different times as TWO different people?
As the fat friend that got salty at Will for not having her back and the bossy playhead boss of Hillary........ what year where you born?
This also happened on My Wife and Kids... I'm pretty sure Tony (Claire's boyfriend) was a different character earlier in the series.
Sherman Hemsley played two different characters too. One as the judge who died of a heart attack and then in the end he bought the Bel-Air mansion, playing as George Jefferson too iirc.
Law and Order is notorious for this. One episode somebody will be playing a junky victim or offender, the next episode they're a completely different character like a cop or lawyer or witness. Doesn't phase me so long as the person can actually act.
The episode when Queen Latifah was Hilarys boss was hilarious! I laughed everytime she called her Heather.
Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Originally Posted by AIRJORDAN JB23

Imagine when OP finds out that there were TWO aunt vivians
This blows my mind till this day. I can't believe I never noticed this until someone pointed it out. 

WHAT!?! someone had to point that out to you?

They have NOTHING physically in common besides the fact that they're both women...
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