Quentin Tarantinos Movie Thread - “THE MOVIE CRITIC” cancelled

"The only time white people feel safe is when black folks are scared"

"The only time black people feel safe is when white folks are disarmed"
That's a revelation? 

This was a good movie. I will definitely watch it again.
The film is heavily inspired by Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None which was originally called 10 Little Indians, before that 10 Little N******

if you like westerns and this movie, give this a quick look it stars Bruce Dern as well (Gen. Sandy in Hateful 8)

Great movie I loved it.
The n word use never bothers me i believe it's been worse in other movies. Like that whole N storage was real cringe worthy in pulp.

I loved the ending
Good movie! I can see why some might not like it off bat

But sit with it and pay attention to the detail and you'll like it!
Movie was good, QT N word fetish was as expected lol it wasnt even used in realistic context. I wouldnt watch the movie again though, but i feel i caught everything to catch during this round of seeing it.
Movie was good, QT N word fetish was as expected lol it wasnt even used in realistic context. I wouldnt watch the movie again though, but i feel i caught everything to catch during this round of seeing it.
There were definitely a few points where I felt Tarantino just wanted to use the n-word as many times as possible over the course of a few minutes.

Given the setting of the movie I felt it was used realistically for the most part though. That was an extremely racist time period.

I'm still rolling at Samuel's amazing monologue  

That was by far the best scene of the movie
He honestly loves the N word, man. The movie was good but could have been shorter..the build up was lack luster and I was meh at another Bounty Hunter theme from QT like Django.
He honestly loves the N word, man. The movie was good but could have been shorter..the build up was lack luster and I was meh at another Bounty Hunter theme from QT like Django.
That was my initial reaction watching the first chapter. Once all the characters were introduced though it picked up steam fast and I loved every second of it.

I'll have to give it a few more watches over time to determine if it's truly #1 favorite QT movie but for now it's definitely at the top.

I had no idea it was almost 3 hours in length. Shows how much I enjoyed it.
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Saw it last night on Show Box. I really wanted to see it in the theatres but I just gave in and watched it at home. I thought the movie was great. My father and myself were rolling. That Sam L monologue about the General's son was OD. Yeah it's true that QT's N word usage has been OD in films prior, but I would say it's a rightful amount being that H8 and Django were time pieces where the N word was used regularly to describe black people. What I did like a lot about the film were the characters. A diverse amount of ideologies were spoken about in the film concerning race/politics that it really showed how wild the country and the west was at the time. Movie was an awesome watch but still I wouldnt put it before Inglorious Basterds or Kill Bill
There were definitely a few points where I felt Tarantino just wanted to use the n-word as many times as possible over the course of a few minutes.
Given the setting of the movie I felt it was used realistically for the most part though. That was an extremely racist time period.
I'm still rolling at Samuel's amazing monologue  :rofl:
That was by far the best scene of the movie

Nah a few times it was like QT was like "lets see how many times we can fit it in a sentence" lol, I got a feeling Kurt Russel legit wasnt comfortable ODing on it because alot of times he said "black person" which sounded odd for a QT flick lol.

And to dudes who saw this on bootleg, you kind of cheated yourself on the experience I feel.

Then in line for the movie all these so called film geeks seemed like they were trying to have a pissing contest on who can sound smartest when it came to film and QT flicks lol.
Nah a few times it was like QT was like "lets see how many times we can fit it in a sentence" lol, I got a feeling Kurt Russel legit wasnt comfortable ODing on it because alot of times he said "black person" which sounded odd for a QT flick lol.

And to dudes who saw this on bootleg, you kind of cheated yourself on the experience I feel.

Then in line for the movie all these so called film geeks seemed like they were trying to have a pissing contest on who can sound smartest when it came to film and QT flicks lol.
That's exactly what I said in my first sentence 

The copy on torrent sites is real dvd quality and I don't think the theater experience for this movie would make much difference.

It's very dialogue driven and 90% of the movie plays in that one room. When I think of movies that are best seen in a theater setting I think of movies like the Avengers, ... action packed movies with impressive cinematography and sound that is best enjoyed through a theater sound system.

The Revenant also leaked for example and I heard it has absolutely amazing cinematography. I think that's a movie that would be enjoyed more in a theater setting.
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There were definitely a few points where I felt Tarantino just wanted to use the n-word as many times as possible over the course of a few minutes.
Given the setting of the movie I felt it was used realistically for the most part though. That was an extremely racist time period.
I'm still rolling at Samuel's amazing monologue  :rofl:
That was by far the best scene of the movie

Nah a few times it was like QT was like "lets see how many times we can fit it in a sentence" lol, I got a feeling Kurt Russel legit wasnt comfortable ODing on it because alot of times he said "black person" which sounded odd for a QT flick lol.

And to dudes who saw this on bootleg, you kind of cheated yourself on the experience I feel.

Then in line for the movie all these so called film geeks seemed like they were trying to have a pissing contest on who can sound smartest when it came to film and QT flicks lol.
I thought it was obvious Kurt's character wasn't a racist and doesn't like using the word like a white person that think they're being progressive.

He's the one that hits Daisy for saying the n-word, he's the one that tells somebody that black ppl prefer to be called negroes, even when Warren tells him the truth about the letter all he says is "I guess it's true what they say about your people." He had ample opportunity to go off with the n-word.

I'm pretty sure that was all QT crafting the scene for that character cuz after the meet up, Warren is the only person the Hangman could really trust given their prior deal but maybe Kurt had some problems and let QT know.

It's similar to Waltz's character in Django. They portrayed him as a European that looked down on races and slavery. He used the n-word only for the con they were doing.
Movie was great. I love how the first half was all dialogue. Then the second half picked up quickly. Sam L detective work was awesome.

I died when 'Bob' said, "this doors a w****" :rofl:
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I really enjoyed this film, Samuel Jackson finally getting that leading role Tarantino's been holding out from him.

First half was def the cream of the film, loved how Jackson's character shot first asked question's later, Saw it with my girl and she really enjoyed the film up until the point where he tells the general the story. She thought he was telling the truth, although I think it really doesn't matter- he was def lying. Dialogue excellent as expected, and I enjoyed the score a lot.

Now for a couple critiques, as stated before the first half outshines the second imo for a couple of reasons. First, I feel that there should have been one more "good" guy, theres no twist left for the second half, as Jackson's character discovers from jump what's up. Also, a little long. Intermission was a little over an hour and a half, went into the theater at 11, left at 2. 

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I felt if he had added some facts about the General and his family that his son allegedly told him it definitely would've got him and the audience to believe it was true or if the General gave any info about how his son died like if he was just found in the snow frozen to death.

I dunno if I believe it or not but I laughed when the Major laughed. It wasn't shown that much but he really wanted the General dead cuz of what he did during the war.
I saw the 70mm version of the film in theaters (after watching the screener twice) and there's extra footage that didn't make the screener. The more I watch this movie, the more I enjoy it.
I saw the 70mm version of the film in theaters (after watching the screener twice) and there's extra footage that didn't make the screener. The more I watch this movie, the more I enjoy it.
*Runs to the theater*
I also noticed the call backs to Tarantino's previous films / Tarantino universe

Manzana Roja = Red Apple, (pero en español)

Sam Jackson says "I'm sure I don't know" in both Django and Hateful 8

Joe Gauge says "A bastard's work is never done" (was on the Inglorious Basterds poster)

Channing Tatum saying "say au revoir to your balls", which is what Hugo Schtiglitz says before the massacre in the bar in IB

Tim Roth's character's last name is Wilcox, so he might be related to Fassbender's character
I saw the 70mm version of the film in theaters (after watching the screener twice) and there's extra footage that didn't make the screener. The more I watch this movie, the more I enjoy it.

would u say u see a difference in 70mm than what is the usual? (im guessing 35mm? )

saw the screener, simple story, with a lot of character development pulp. entertained throughout, coggins and jackson were fantastic.
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