Quentin Tarantinos Movie Thread - “THE MOVIE CRITIC” cancelled

A Four Hour Cut of 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' May Be Coming to Netflix

Some Hollywood analysts have begun speculating that a four-hour director’s cut of Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio‘s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is coming to Netflix. Similar to the special extended edition of The Hateful Eight that surfaced on the streaming service this year, Quentin Tarantino could be planning to release an episodic version of the film that includes many of its deleted scenes, exclusively on Netflix.

On August 1, The New York Times‘ Kyle Buchanan tweeted the original cut of the film had several actor’s scenes removed in order to preserve some time. Apparently, Tarantino promised the actors included, like Tim Roth, that their scenes would appear into an episodic Netflix edition of the film.

This is backed further by one of the actors from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Nicholas Hammond. The actor, who played Sam Wannamaker in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, recently appeared on The Mutuals Interviews podcast, stating that “There is talk about there being a 4-hour Netflix version, as well, because there were a lot of scenes he shot that couldn’t make it into the film because there just simply wasn’t room.” Check that interview out in full below.
Movie was dope.
Movie just had so many great scenes

-Bruce Lee scene was ridiculous.
-Rick pep talking himself in his trailer :lol::rofl:, especially about the quitting drinking :lol:
-Cliff is that dude "Fix it" :pimp: "that guy killed his wife and got away with it."
-Dakota Fanning was crazy as hell, I expected George's body to be covered in Maggots
-That ending was just :wow::wow::lol::sick::pimp:

Great writing
Especially the scene with Pacino tellin Leo about audiences perceptions, I find it funny that that report about the F&F stars having contracts about how many hits they are allowed to take on camera came out around the time this came, trust me EVERYONE got a contract like that, not just them.
-The scene with Trudi talkin about actors job was gold too.

Leo and Pitt both killed
Could see Pitt getting nominated in a supporting role

for me, this might be a solid 4th or 5th place spot in terms of my list
definitely might try to catch again in theaters
Hey maybe I didn’t catch it but where was Dakota fanning in this movie?
A Four Hour Cut of 'Once Upon a Time in Hollywood' May Be Coming to Netflix

Some Hollywood analysts have begun speculating that a four-hour director’s cut of Brad Pitt and Leonardo DiCaprio‘s Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is coming to Netflix. Similar to the special extended edition of The Hateful Eight that surfaced on the streaming service this year, Quentin Tarantino could be planning to release an episodic version of the film that includes many of its deleted scenes, exclusively on Netflix.

On August 1, The New York Times‘ Kyle Buchanan tweeted the original cut of the film had several actor’s scenes removed in order to preserve some time. Apparently, Tarantino promised the actors included, like Tim Roth, that their scenes would appear into an episodic Netflix edition of the film.

This is backed further by one of the actors from Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Nicholas Hammond. The actor, who played Sam Wannamaker in Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, recently appeared on The Mutuals Interviews podcast, stating that “There is talk about there being a 4-hour Netflix version, as well, because there were a lot of scenes he shot that couldn’t make it into the film because there just simply wasn’t room.” Check that interview out in full below.

In. :nthat:

Once Upon...Hollywood in IMAX

I saw it in Dolby the first time. Planning on seeing it again, so I might as well see it in IMAX
Oh yeah, if Bruce Lee really behaved like that on the regular then yeah he definitely deserved the fade.

Came off like a pompous jackass :lol:
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Oh yeah, if Bruce Lee really behaved like that on thw regular then ye definitely deserved the fade.

Came off like a pompous jackass :lol:

“The way he was talking, I didn’t just make a lot of that up. I heard him say things like that, to that effect. If people are saying, ‘Well he never said he could beat up Muhammad Ali,’ well yeah, he did. Not only did he say that, but his wife, Linda Lee, said that in her first biography I ever read. She absolutely said that,” the director continued.

QT gotta go somewhere with that man :lol::smh:
Tarantino trying say a dead man was arrogant as if that justifies his portrayal is hilarious.
So Tarantino turns Bruce into a caricature and makes him look like a jackass in the film, doesn’t consult his family at all about the portrayal, and completely misquotes his widow. Yikes
So Tarantino turns Bruce into a caricature and makes him look like a jackass in the film, doesn’t consult his family at all about the portrayal, and completely misquotes his widow. Yikes

he’s probably had some tainted feet and his mind is all sorts of messed up.
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