Quentin Tarantinos Movie Thread - “THE MOVIE CRITIC” cancelled

Still a first day watch for me (unless I see Revenant first) but this one doesn't have me as excited as previous QT releases.
Wanted to post a 30 min interview Christopher Nolan did with QT about The Hateful Eight, but it looks like it was removed from Youtube because it's gone from my view history and I can't find it again when I search for it. Anyway, in it he talked about how it was heavily inspired by The Thing and how the characters can't trust each other. He screened The Thing for the cast, with Kurt Russell being proud of his work.

He also talked about how it was inspired by the 60s western TV shows like Bonanza. Specifically, he was inspired by the cameos different actors such as William Shatner had on those shows. When they had a cameo appearance on the show, the audience wasn't told whether this was a good guy or a bad guy. So he thought "What if there were 8 such characters where no one knows who is the good guy or the bad guy" as a concept for this movie. Sounds interesting.
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The Hateful Eight, which is hitting theaters on Christmas Day, will be released with two versions. One was shot on 70 mm film format, has an overture and an intermission, and is displayed exactly how Quentin Tarantino originally intended for its 3 hour 2 minute running time. The other is the standard digital version, which is six minutes shorter and has some alternate takes of scenes – Find out where you can catch the exclusive version here!
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The Hateful Eight, which is hitting theaters on Christmas Day, will be released with two versions. One was shot on 70 mm film format, has an overture and an intermission, and is displayed exactly how Quentin Tarantino originally intended for its 3 hour 2 minute running time. The other is the standard digital version, which is six minutes shorter and has some alternate takes of scenes – Find out where you can catch the exclusive version here!

'Hateful Eight 70mm Roadshow' tix

Looking to go on the 26th, and plan on seeing Revenant Christmas night after celebrating with the fam all afternoon :pimp:.
Are there mixed reviews?

It's 93% at RT with 14 total reviews so far and one rotten.
Are there mixed reviews?

It's 93% at RT with 14 total reviews so far and one rotten.

Maybe early early on. And a friend of mine saw an advanced screening a few weeks back and didn't take too much of a liking to it; not that he is a sole source for reviews :lol: but you get my point.
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Dont even care about reviews for this. All Tarantino flicks are a must see in theaters. Man puts in work... :smokin
Dont even care about reviews for this. All Tarantino flicks are a must see in theaters. Man puts in work... :smokin


if you liked any of his movies, youll continue to like them. each one may not be as good as the last, but each one will still be a good movie.
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