Question about a LOGO. I NEED A LOGO FOR MY SELF.

Sep 29, 2004
Im a dj and I need a logo for my self. I am into JORDAN BRAND. I want to use this logo.

I was thinking of replacing the BASKETBALL with a TURNTABLE. And the AIR JORDAN with my dj name DJAWARD. Do you guys think I can get sued for it??
I came in here with a joke cocked and locked...but that's kind of a hot idea, my cuz above me said, long as yo local or wateva and nobodynotice, you scraight...but if you blow up, you prolly gon encounter sum...opposition...

(Here's hopin you end up havin 2 change tho, patna
i highly doubt it

i read a story a couple weeks ago about how lacoste tried to sue some dentist office because there logo was an alligator or croc or whatever. they lost becauethe dentist office had nothing to do with the clothing brand and there was no reason for them to be threatening lacostes royalties because of there logo. so ifit went like thta, you shouldnt be in any trouble
Damm I thought it was a good idea too. I really want to make it happen.
^not even then... if u guys arent in competition i dont think nike would really care... ive seen countless adaptations of the wings logo...
^^indeed, what would they sue you for? copyright infringement? how so? I see where you're coming from and I understanding asking. But unless you branch offinto clothing (beyond promo items) you don't really have a copyright infringement problem. Jordan Brand doesn't own wing based designs... They own therights to their logo and anyone infringing on it, there has to be a consumer confusion, and unless Nike or Jordan Brand can some who pass off the ideayou're trying to pass yourself off as like a "Jordan Brand DJ" or you make a clothing line, you're in the clear...

Also you could argue it's a parody, which is how alot of street wear gets away with it. Parody is protected under the 1st amendment, like Stussy has gottensued a number of times by various companies. I think they parodied Fresh Jive once and Fresh Jive sued them and FJ lost because of the protection of parody...
Originally Posted by ebayologist

^^indeed, what would they sue you for? copyright infringement? how so? I see where you're coming from and I understanding asking. But unless you branch off into clothing (beyond promo items) you don't really have a copyright infringement problem. Jordan Brand doesn't own wing based designs... They own the rights to their logo and anyone infringing on it, there has to be a consumer confusion, and unless Nike or Jordan Brand can some who pass off the idea you're trying to pass yourself off as like a "Jordan Brand DJ" or you make a clothing line, you're in the clear...

Thats great info. Im going to proceed to making the design. Lets see what happens.

^No unless somehow people think you're tied or trying to pass yourself off as being tied to Jordan Brand then you're fine. Consumer confusion is prettymuch required to substantiate any damages. I.E. if they can't prove there is any damages (they lost money or you gained money because of the confusion)then at most you'll just have to stop using the logo...

I mean theoretically they could sue you, but by the same token I could fire up illustrator make my own wing logo and call up a lawyer and sue you too. But Iwouldn't win...

And more to the point if it looks close enough to the Jordan Brand logo that people recognize what it's based off a: I don't think people are going tothink its actually jordan brand and b: I think the arguement of it's a parody is more that solid in that case... I'm not a lawyer but my mother was anip (intellectually property rights) lawyer for like 18 years, so I'm not the bible on this kind of stuff, but I know lil' bit...
photoshop is what people usually use to make logos and such... but just cuz u have it doesnt mean ur gonna make anything decent... trust me... lol

Whammy.. Even a clothing line (Stussy w/ St. Alfred's) has done it. And I'm 100% sure it falls under parody protection and that there is no consumerconfusion, no one is left thinking "oh, that's jordan brand" people realize it's St. Alfred and Stussy...
i'd still adapt your own variation to the logo though...just to be on the safe side.
Just like Verizon has the "check" somewhat, since they have nothin 2 do with Shoes and Clothes Nike can do nothin about it
Originally Posted by ebayologist


Whammy.. Even a clothing line (Stussy w/ St. Alfred's) has done it. And I'm 100% sure it falls under parody protection and that there is no consumer confusion, no one is left thinking "oh, that's jordan brand" people realize it's St. Alfred and Stussy...

This makes me feel much better.
Be careful it was a big thing down here when club Rolexx (strip club) was sued by Rolex (the watch maker)...long story short club Rolexx became "theLexx"
i am bored in class and did a quick photoshop (let me repeat QUICK, so i know it isnt that good) of the logo you wanted. let me know if the pic doesnt work.

that's not a bad one. put some color into your logo. if your *$* is poppin, so should your logo.
Originally Posted by 84jordan03

i am bored in class and did a quick photoshop (let me repeat QUICK, so i know it isnt that good) of the logo you wanted. let me know if the pic doesnt work.


Wow thats pretty cool. I like it.
when you actually make the logo, it might look better if you mess with the colors. my little photoshop could serve as a template... just make sure you fix thealignment of your name
You should make or get your logo made in illlustrator. Image based logos are ******ed. Logos should be graphic based, hence no reason at all to use photoshop.The most important reason being images don't function at any size beyond their original, where as a vector based graphic if done right can function at anyscale. A good logo looks good at any scale be that on a business card or the size of a billboard and inbetween. Image based logos don't do that. You shouldillustrate it rather that clip together %+@%. If all you're doing is trying to get an idea down then I understand but I think even illustrating that wouldprobably be alot more helpful then just clipping crap together in photoshop...
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