Question about a LOGO. I NEED A LOGO FOR MY SELF.

Originally Posted by ebayologist

You should make or get your logo made in illlustrator. Image based logos are ******ed. Logos should be graphic based, hence no reason at all to use photoshop. The most important reason being images don't function at any size beyond their original, where as a vector based graphic if done right can function at any scale. A good logo looks good at any scale be that on a business card or the size of a billboard and inbetween. Image based logos don't do that. You should illustrate it rather that clip together %+@%. If all you're doing is trying to get an idea down then I understand but I think even illustrating that would probably be alot more helpful then just clipping crap together in photoshop...
You're getting a bit too complex for the average NTer.

And to the guy who tried to relate a check to a "swoosh"... huh? They are not the same. As I remember the "swoosh" is a symbol of comet inmotion.
Originally Posted by djaward

Im a dj and I need a logo for my self. I am into JORDAN BRAND. I want to use this logo.

I was thinking of replacing the BASKETBALL with a TURNTABLE. And the AIR JORDAN with my dj name DJAWARD. Do you guys think I can get sued for it??

You could be a lot more original than that bro.
Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by djaward

Im a dj and I need a logo for my self. I am into JORDAN BRAND. I want to use this logo.

I was thinking of replacing the BASKETBALL with a TURNTABLE. And the AIR JORDAN with my dj name DJAWARD. Do you guys think I can get sued for it??

You could be a lot more original than that bro.
Since I like jordan Brand, I thought it was a pretty good idea. Im not an artist. So when I saw this logo on a sweater, I said to my self "SELF.HOW WOULD THIS LOOK IF I REPLACE THE BALL WITH A TURNTABLE. AND THE PUTTING MY NAME ON IT. I liked the idea. So I started to shop for an artist. When he calledme back he said HE DOSENT WANT TO GET SUED. So thats why I made the post.
NT is funny.

Dude doesn't even ask for a photoshop and people are tossing photoshops at him.

Dude asks (saying please) for people to PS out him mosquito bite legs and he gets nothing.

Anywho soslickening's PS ftw.

I like this one a lot.
yea don't even bother buying photoshop. just wait a couple more days til you got like 100 designs to choose from these dudes.
Wow, so much misinformation here.

Rather than get into it, parody does not apply here (practically speaking) since it isn't a copyright at issue. Even if it did apply, parody is generallya "copy" intended for humorous or satirical effect, which this isn't.

What you're asking about is a trademark . . . and yes, you can certainly make a design using wings. Nike doesn't own the wings, as stated above. However, Nike very likely owns the trademark wings that THEY DESIGNED. If you take their design and just plop your thing on top of it, you're almostcertainly violating their trademark . . . whether they'd win a suit against you depends on numerous factors including brand confusion, etc.

So. If you want to do the wings-thing, you'd better redesign it to be safe.
Originally Posted by djaward

Originally Posted by KB8sandiego

Originally Posted by djaward

Im a dj and I need a logo for my self. I am into JORDAN BRAND. I want to use this logo.

I was thinking of replacing the BASKETBALL with a TURNTABLE. And the AIR JORDAN with my dj name DJAWARD. Do you guys think I can get sued for it??

You could be a lot more original than that bro.
Since I like jordan Brand, I thought it was a pretty good idea. Im not an artist. So when I saw this logo on a sweater, I said to my self "SELF. HOW WOULD THIS LOOK IF I REPLACE THE BALL WITH A TURNTABLE. AND THE PUTTING MY NAME ON IT. I liked the idea. So I started to shop for an artist. When he called me back he said HE DOSENT WANT TO GET SUED. So thats why I made the post.
If this is going to be your logo make a logo, don't copy one. People know that logo and will oversee the minescule details. As a designer I'dsay start fresh, even a really nice type based logo can go a long way.
Also: with regards to the shirt that used the same design, there are only really two possibilities that come to mind:

1) It's not legal but they're taking the chance that Nike won't catch 'em. (unlikely)
2) The wing design that Nike uses isn't their's either, it's some kind of well-known and GENERIC design which nobody owns the rights to. (morelikely)

In either case, if you really, really want to use the exact same design, I'd suggest you research which of theabove it is. After all, if you blow up you don't want Nike banging down your door, right?
well just saw something on engadget.
there getting introube for having the tmobile magenta on there site.
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