Question about California's marijuana culture

Sep 16, 2003
Are police there strict about having a medical card when they stop you? With all the marijuana dispensaries nowadays do people still have a "guy" they rather go to?
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It's half and half. Some people have a guy they go to. other people have a card or know someone who has a card.

I have a card, and have never been stopped by the police, ever. I'm also not blowing smoke into their faces or anything to draw attention to myself
Don't have a card so I still got a couple of dealer to go to. Only ever been told to put it out...
I've had a card for 2 years, but I been stopped with a half zip (14 grams) without one and they didn't even take it, just let me go and told me not to smoke in the car
if you ever get stopped by dem boyz

dont tell em anything and dont consent

you can still get in trouble for possesion even with a card
Smoked with a Cali chick last night. She kept bragging about being from Cali and that how she's smoked the best. Came through with some OG gas and blew her head off. Then she proceeded to blow my head off >D

i love when people always wanna brag about what they've tried or had before

then hit what i have and are like "damnnn" a few minutes later :lol:

dont get me wrong, cali always has the best bud though…
Basically everything depends on the cop's mood.

I still go to a guy rather than an actual dispensary
Every legal state grows fire. California is too far except for cheap outdoor that's the only reason it comes here. Colorado is close so most if it's from there. They aren't the greatest trimmers but those guys are killing it.

Had some super lemon haze. (Cannabis cup winner) and that wasn't even the best I've seen from there.
i love when people always wanna brag about what they've tried or had before

then hit what i have and are like "damnnn" a few minutes later :lol:

Love when people namedrop stuff and don't know what theyre talking about

Had some kid tell me that sour had blue hairs :smh:
i love when people always wanna brag about what they've tried or had before

then hit what i have and are like "damnnn" a few minutes later :lol:

dont get me wrong, cali always has the best bud though…

That's how you tell the true smokers from the fraud willies. True smokers will either say 'I got some loud' or will explain hairs and fibers, not names. We can eyeball some of the classics, but to many strains to even care about anything but the big four (Og, Afhgan, Purp, Diesel), get those down [and derivatives] and thats all the cred you need. everything else is loud. No need to brag.
My brother and I were driving to work at 10 AM and he puffs his cigarette out the window; LA County Sheriffs mash past the light to pull us over screaming about 'WHERE'S THE MARIJUANA?!?! WHAT DID YOU JUST PUT AWAY?!' guns drawn and everything. Cops are the biggest gang in LA and weed is an excuse for them to bully people at will.
The only friends I knw that still have a "guy" are the ones that don't want a med card on their record, or they have a situation that's more feasible than a dispensary
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I don't smoke but speaking from a law enforcement side it depends on what city. San Francisco bay area officers are extremely lax, hell in San Francisco I've seen people spark up in front of leos and not even think twice.

If you're in Sac County they're more likely to be more aggressive towards pot.
I don't smoke but speaking from a law enforcement side it depends on what city. San Francisco bay area officers are extremely lax, hell in San Francisco I've seen people spark up in front of leos and not even think twice.

If you're in Sac County they're more likely to be more aggressive towards pot.

this. in sf, cops dont really care as long as youre not acting a fool and bothering ppl.
These days, dispensaries are just making names up, based off of what's hip at the moment or weed references. I fully expect to see a strain called "California Chrome" the next time I hit a dispensary. If you have a reliable knowledge guy, you're better off dealing with them.
Really depends on how much you have OP. I've been caught smoking in the whip and had a few grams on me but the cops here are lenient. Dude told me to get out the car, throw the trees on the ground and step on it. Sucks because it was money wasted but I saved a trip to jail.
The only friends I knw that still have a "guy" are the ones that don't want a med card on their record, or they have a situation that's more feasible than a dispensary
I can't help but laugh at the idea that some people are so paranoid that they flat out refuse to get a recommendation to avoid being put on some "list."
Hoping NY legalizes it soon. Would imagine it's much easier going to the store than dealing with a "guy."

Gotta visit Colorado. Been wanting to see them mountains anyway...
It sounds like overall they're more lax than I imagined. What about companies in California? If you test positive after a random drug test for your job but have a prescription what happens? I mean if you're not high at the time.
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