question, why do black people think their culture is "the most emulated"

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast


explain please. You probably missed the entire Black Power movement or more than likely your teacher didn't even teach you it. You had groups like the Black Panthers that created their OWN social welfare not needing white people. Black panthers started their own schools, ambulance programs, feed millions, and did it with out the support of the general white population (plently of whites did help with the movement though see Marlon Brando).
Your pointing at one specific movement, don't generalize.

Thats like saying the World is copying Chinese people because they created gunpowder. Or that wine makers in California
are trying to act "French" because they grow grapes and drink wine similar to the customs in France.

One thing I noticed on this board (or in society in general) is that if something that could be perceived as offensive to one race
but is not geared towards African-Americans then its brushed under the rug, but if someone made a comment that even "remotely"
might insinuate a racially fueled comment towards the African-American community, everyone is up in arms.

kidplay's remark is sound because there are people who "act" perceptibly outside there race even today. though personally i believe
we are all human beings. and acting outside ones race is a ludicrous way of thinking.

Louis Armstrong was, in his hay day, ostracized by the black community for playing music that was embraced by the white community.

usainboltisfast if you wish to make an argument on something as sensitive as race may i suggest you back your arguments up with sound debates and dont pigeon hole yourself by saying things with out backing them up.

edit: or at least try to look at the bigger picture
One specific movement? Are you insinuating that organizations like SNCC and the SCLC tried to promote white assimilation in the black community? What kidplay said was 100% wrong.
my statements were based upon anecdotal evidence that during that time it was not unusual to see black kids try to imitate white traits such as straightening their hair or even parents pinching their childrens noses as babies to prevent them from 'getting too large'.  Obviously this was not every single black person but i can guarantee you it was more prevalent than it is today. This was based on an individual level; i never said any organization was backing this.  

i agree that the black power movement embodied the exact opposite of my statement but this did not represent the whole black community (just as my statement did not)

i think it makes you look ignorant to say i'm '100% wrong'. 
Originally Posted by usainboltisfast

Originally Posted by sevit86

Originally Posted by usainboltisfast


explain please. You probably missed the entire Black Power movement or more than likely your teacher didn't even teach you it. You had groups like the Black Panthers that created their OWN social welfare not needing white people. Black panthers started their own schools, ambulance programs, feed millions, and did it with out the support of the general white population (plently of whites did help with the movement though see Marlon Brando).
Your pointing at one specific movement, don't generalize.

Thats like saying the World is copying Chinese people because they created gunpowder. Or that wine makers in California
are trying to act "French" because they grow grapes and drink wine similar to the customs in France.

One thing I noticed on this board (or in society in general) is that if something that could be perceived as offensive to one race
but is not geared towards African-Americans then its brushed under the rug, but if someone made a comment that even "remotely"
might insinuate a racially fueled comment towards the African-American community, everyone is up in arms.

kidplay's remark is sound because there are people who "act" perceptibly outside there race even today. though personally i believe
we are all human beings. and acting outside ones race is a ludicrous way of thinking.

Louis Armstrong was, in his hay day, ostracized by the black community for playing music that was embraced by the white community.

usainboltisfast if you wish to make an argument on something as sensitive as race may i suggest you back your arguments up with sound debates and dont pigeon hole yourself by saying things with out backing them up.

edit: or at least try to look at the bigger picture
One specific movement? Are you insinuating that organizations like SNCC and the SCLC tried to promote white assimilation in the black community? What kidplay said was 100% wrong.
my statements were based upon anecdotal evidence that during that time it was not unusual to see black kids try to imitate white traits such as straightening their hair or even parents pinching their childrens noses as babies to prevent them from 'getting too large'.  Obviously this was not every single black person but i can guarantee you it was more prevalent than it is today. This was based on an individual level; i never said any organization was backing this.  

i agree that the black power movement embodied the exact opposite of my statement but this did not represent the whole black community (just as my statement did not)

i think it makes you look ignorant to say i'm '100% wrong'. 
Originally Posted by illwill8710

Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Hmm.. Interesting.
Interesting but false.
Depending on your exact definition of civilization, but generally speaking civilization arose independently in several areas of the world, including Egypt, the Middle East, the Indus Valley (India) and along the Yellow River (China).
No. Civilization began in Africa. The oldest artifacts of civilization and people are all found in Egypt (which was populated by nothing but black people at the time) and West Africa. The civilizations of the middle east, Indian and China have also been traced back to Africa as well.

It is interesting and recommend researching it. Start with some of Cheikh Anta Diop 's work.
As I said, it depends on your definition of civilization.  I was defining it as the domestication of plants and animals, the advent of agriculture, and the emergence of city-states... which did emerge independently in the regions I mentioned (along with certain areas in the New World).  If your definition of civilization is more over-arching then yes, you could argue that everything began with +**$ Sapiens in Africa ca. 120,000-70,000 years ago.  
The civilizations of India and China can only be traced back to Africa in so far as the people originally came from Africa, but those people migrated out around 55,000 years ago.
Originally Posted by illwill8710

Originally Posted by whiterails

Originally Posted by North Dade Represent

Hmm.. Interesting.
Interesting but false.
Depending on your exact definition of civilization, but generally speaking civilization arose independently in several areas of the world, including Egypt, the Middle East, the Indus Valley (India) and along the Yellow River (China).
No. Civilization began in Africa. The oldest artifacts of civilization and people are all found in Egypt (which was populated by nothing but black people at the time) and West Africa. The civilizations of the middle east, Indian and China have also been traced back to Africa as well.

It is interesting and recommend researching it. Start with some of Cheikh Anta Diop 's work.
As I said, it depends on your definition of civilization.  I was defining it as the domestication of plants and animals, the advent of agriculture, and the emergence of city-states... which did emerge independently in the regions I mentioned (along with certain areas in the New World).  If your definition of civilization is more over-arching then yes, you could argue that everything began with +**$ Sapiens in Africa ca. 120,000-70,000 years ago.  
The civilizations of India and China can only be traced back to Africa in so far as the people originally came from Africa, but those people migrated out around 55,000 years ago.
Sports gear as fashion (e.g. fitted caps, MLB or otherwise)
"Remixing" of songs
Jazz music
Blues music
Hip Hop music

Those are off the top of my head, there's actually a ton more. People like to emulate various aspects of black culture which is ok to me but when they don't acknowledge that whatever trend they are emulating was started by black people is when I'm annoyed.
Sports gear as fashion (e.g. fitted caps, MLB or otherwise)
"Remixing" of songs
Jazz music
Blues music
Hip Hop music

Those are off the top of my head, there's actually a ton more. People like to emulate various aspects of black culture which is ok to me but when they don't acknowledge that whatever trend they are emulating was started by black people is when I'm annoyed.
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

Originally Posted by Nash

Sports gear as fashion (e.g. fitted caps, MLB or otherwise)


I knew someone would have something to say about that.  The truth is, before black people started wearing sports merchandise as clothing it was seen as something for dorky white guys (no shots fired - white guys who are dorky, not all of them) to wear.  You can trace that all the way back to the 80s when rappers were the only ones wearing sports gear for teams they didn't really care about.
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