Do you celebrate chrismas? (Hang a tree/ any traditions thereof ) If so, what is uour perspective of the holiday?
I celebrate Christmas because the rest of my family is loosely religious (they don't claim a sect/denomination or go to church, but they believe in God).
Aside from the stress of the shopping, traffic, and commercialization of it, I really enjoy the holidays. Who doesn't like an excuse to relax, eat good food, drink, and exchange gifts with the people you care about?
I always get a great kick out of the "War on Christmas" segments that Fox News airs and the people that wear the "YOU CAN SAY 'MERRY CHRISTMAS' TO ME" pins when they're out shopping during the holiday season. It baffles me how someone saying "happy holidays" could offend or upset them. Talk about first-world problems.
...but I'm having a hard time understanding where you're getting at asking atheists this question. Christmas was initially a pagan holiday that was commandeered by Christians.