r cigarettes dead?

That whole anti smoking thing came in the late 90s.

People use to smoke any and everywhere. I'm not that old but I do remember how flagrant people used to be. Planes , movie theaters, right in front of every store
I'm in building maintenance...everyday, 5 days a week I have to sweep up cigarette butts around my buildings grounds. If I could get just a penny for every butt I've swept up since I joined the company I'd be a multi-millionaire. I WISH people stopped smoking this s**t lol

Back at college, all the smokers would be near the entrances and garbage cans. You look at the ground near the garbage can and see a hundred cigarette butts. These trash cans had the tops that had the thing where you could put your cigs too so people are just nasty.
Never got addicted, but I do still get the craving and will enjoy one when I’m out drinking.

I see it as something social, but hate the day after taste and smell and it f’s up my sinuses for at least a week after.-
Never got addicted, but I do still get the craving and will enjoy one when I’m out drinking.

I see it as something social, but hate the day after taste and smell and it f’s up my sinuses for at least a week after.-

This is me, so glad I never picked up the habit
Smoked from when I was about to 16-22. Probably one of the dumber decisions I ever made was smoking cigarettes.
Was a smoker since 17. Im 29 now and quit a month ago after undergoing hypnosis. But yeah I regularly see people smoking.
Back at college, all the smokers would be near the entrances and garbage cans. You look at the ground near the garbage can and see a hundred cigarette butts. These trash cans had the tops that had the thing where you could put your cigs too so people are just nasty.
Agreed people are animals. They flick the butt anywhere & everywhere. A lot of butts near a smokers outpost/smokers station/outdoor ashtray makes sense but why flick it on benches where people sit or on the sidewalk ruining your neighborhoods aesthetic appearance. I get pissed off when I see the butts on or around plants/plant life & grass. I'm not against smoking but don't disturb and harm plant life after you're done with your smoke.
I remember when you could smoke in this Popeyes by me. It was before the smoking ban and they were a franchise so they could do whatever. This was in like 2004 or before they banned cigs indoors in mn.
Here in upstate New York you’re a bozo if you smoke cigs especially 25 and under crowd we don’t play that.
That whole anti smoking thing came in the late 90s.

People use to smoke any and everywhere. I'm not that old but I do remember how flagrant people used to be. Planes , movie theaters, right in front of every store
I was just recently in Austria, even compared to Europe it was OD.

Was in the club and got light headed, felt like an extra on Mad Men.
I remember when you could smoke in this Popeyes by me. It was before the smoking ban and they were a franchise so they could do whatever. This was in like 2004 or before they banned cigs indoors in mn.
Can't you still smoke indoors in a few states? I remember this NT'er talmbout how he got cigarettes smoke on his clothes from going to a bar, I think it was Alabama
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