R.I.P. Alton Sterling..Shot by BRPD..Point Blank, While Restrained.

 I think I know the report you're talking about that said whites are more likely to get killed....that Guardian used that garbage data which lumped latinos and whites into one category which is dead wrong. And if we are talking about just unarmed police killings blacks are the victim approximately 55% of the time and that does NOT take into account population ratio. Go back to using non-number based reasons for spreading your agenda, b/c the numbers aren't in your favor. Good try tho sport

2015 STATS


Killed by police: 581 (103 Unarmed)


Killed by police: 306 (79 Unarmed)


Killed by police: 195 (36 Unarmed)


Killed by police: 28 (5 Unarmed)

I'm not debating those facts at all. that sir is total killed which does NOT take into consideration population. Which black folks only comprise 12-15% of the US population. You didn't disprove anything that I said. I took those exact numbers into account in my first post. I know exactly where you got those stats, click per million and you'll see what I mean: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/31/the-counted-police-killings-2015-young-black-men ....Once again, good try.
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 I think I know the report you're talking about that said whites are more likely to get killed....that Guardian used that garbage data which lumped latinos and whites into one category which is dead wrong. And if we are talking about just unarmed police killings blacks are the victim approximately 55% of the time and that does NOT take into account population ratio. Go back to using non-number based reasons for spreading your agenda, b/c the numbers aren't in your favor. Good try tho sport

2015 STATS


Killed by police: 581 (103 Unarmed)


Killed by police: 306 (79 Unarmed)


Killed by police: 195 (36 Unarmed)


Killed by police: 28 (5 Unarmed)

And with whites being a much larger part of the population, blacks are killed at a much higher rate. Simple as that.
Dude was on N Foster and anyone could have came and pulled up on him. He probably had the gun for protection while trying to get extra money.

Sad situation

North Baton Rouge is not for the weak. The city was murder capital at one point for a reason.
Did the man deserve to be shot, by what YOUR eyes tell you? You do have the right to change your opinion after more "facts" are released.
The only way he deserved to be shot was if he tried to grab his or their gun. From that video there is no way i can tell. 

Now the dude Eric Garner that got choked out in NYC was murder and those cops should have fried.
I'm not debating those facts at all. that sir is total killed which does NOT take into consideration population. Which black folks only comprise 12-15% of the US population. You didn't disprove anything that I said. I took those exact numbers into account in my first post. I know exactly where you got those stats, click per million and you'll see what I mean: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/31/the-counted-police-killings-2015-young-black-men ....Once again, good try.
And with whites being a much larger part of the population, blacks are killed at a much higher rate. Simple as that.
Yes but some races commit more crimes than others.
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Was the cop justified, hell no....

Was this dude an angel?...no he was a criminal bros....he shouldn't have been carrying a gun and putting up ANY type of fight....

Both parties are at fault....seems like dude had it coming one way or another long ago...ya doing a disservice to the real innocent victims of police brutality by grouping this dude along with them simply because they share the same skin tone.

Inb4 white supremacist.

Steezy I genuinely have love and respect for you bro (goes all the way back to the DB thread days), but don't get it twisted we as Anericans, especially African Americans have a right to feel pain and anger towards this situation.

The video clearly shows there was no need for any shots to be fired. Imagine it becoming a common occurrence for officers to wrongly execute (not just take down) people who look like you.

This man was no saint but he was also not doing anything that requires the use of extreme force. Those cops are murderers (a crime arguably more offensive than anything Mr. Sterling has been convicted of.

The worst part is we already know how this story will end. Cops will get some backlash and paid time off. They will do a very weak investigation and the cops will go Scott free. They may never work that beat again but chances are they get a promotion or cushier position. **** cops. **** any systems which devaluates life based on the color of their skin.
 I think I know the report you're talking about that said whites are more likely to get killed....that Guardian used that garbage data which lumped latinos and whites into one category which is dead wrong. And if we are talking about just unarmed police killings blacks are the victim approximately 55% of the time and that does NOT take into account population ratio. Go back to using non-number based reasons for spreading your agenda, b/c the numbers aren't in your favor. Good try tho sport
2015 STATS


Killed by police: 581 (103 Unarmed)


Killed by police: 306 (79 Unarmed)


Killed by police: 195 (36 Unarmed)


Killed by police: 28 (5 Unarmed)
And with whites being a much larger part of the population, blacks are killed at a much higher rate. Simple as that.
Never mind logic.

Using raw numbers to try to prove this point.
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Chambers said Sterling has been selling CDs outside the store for years, and that he’s a father of five.
I'm not debating those facts at all. that sir is total killed which does NOT take into consideration population. Which black folks only comprise 12-15% of the US population. You didn't disprove anything that I said. I took those exact numbers into account in my first post. I know exactly where you got those stats, click per million and you'll see what I mean: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/31/the-counted-police-killings-2015-young-black-men ....Once again, good try.

[thread="650974"] [/thread]
And with whites being a much larger part of the population, blacks are killed at a much higher rate. Simple as that.

Yes but some races commit more crimes than others.
Troll on, buddy.
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Body cameras conveniently fell off...however:

At least one dashcam caught the killing on tape.


That, and the witness account from the store owner will HOPEFULLY make this case cut/dry.
Troll on, buddy.
Just because you don't agree doesn't mean i'm trolling.

You think the population percent for each race matches the percent of crimes that race commits ?
You're trying to make it a simple equation, but it isn't. There are many factors to crime.

You either aren't capable of discerning between raw numbers and percentages or are being intellectually dishonest, so I won't even get into all the moving parts in play here.

You can oversimplify things if you like, but those of us that know better see through your framing of numbers to support your erroneous and borderline ignorant claim.
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You're trying to make it a simple equation, but it isn't. There are many factors to crime.

You either aren't capable of discerning between raw numbers and percentages or are being intellectually dishonest, so I won't even get into all the moving parts in play here.

You can oversimplify things if you like, but those of us that know better see through your framing of numbers to support your erroneous and borderline ignorant claim.
It's not what you want to hear, i understand. 
Ya but he's a felon.

He is friends with the store owner. Friends don't make reliable witnesses.

He is the business owner they should have asked him about sterling as well. When i worked in grocery when we called the cops they asked us first.

He was felon but they didnt find the gun till after the shots
Body cameras conveniently fell off...however:
At least one dashcam caught the killing on tape.

That, and the witness account from the store owner will HOPEFULLY make this case cut/dry.
I wouldn't get my hopes up, man. The gun on him is pretty damning, and I'm not sure how much proof they have that the man didn't reach for his gun.

Witness accounts are pretty low on the evidence totem pole. And the fact that they took the convenience store security footage.
He is the business owner they should have asked him about sterling as well. When i worked in grocery when we called the cops they asked us first.

He was felon but they didnt find the gun till after the shots
But the police got a call saying he was threatening someone with a gun..
From what I saw from the video.....

1. Bad tactics by the police to tackle the "suspect", should have grabbed his hands or at least attempted to.

2. The cops gave the "suspect" orders to comply and get on the ground. He didn't and that's his mistake.

3. If the "suspect" did have a gun on him whether right or wrong HE put himself in a bad position once the cops arrived by not doing as the cops asked. It's hard to tell from the video if he was reaching for a gun or not when he was on the ground but he wouldn't have been in that position and might still be alive has he listened to the cops instructions.

4. Never play games with law enforcement when they have the power to take your freedom or your life based upon THEIR judgment, particularly when a call comes out for someone with a GUN which was the case here. A lesson that Alton Sterling had to learn the hard way.
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You're trying to make it a simple equation, but it isn't. There are many factors to crime.

You either aren't capable of discerning between raw numbers and percentages or are being intellectually dishonest, so I won't even get into all the moving parts in play here.

You can oversimplify things if you like, but those of us that know better see through your framing of numbers to support your erroneous and borderline ignorant claim.
It's not what you want to hear, i understand. 
I wrote out a pretty decent retort, and this is your response? Are you incapable of defending your argument any further?

It's not that it's not what I want to hear. I actively seek other opinions and step out of my comfort zone to avoid confirmation bias. So if you framed your argument better with better proof I would have respected your opinion whether or not I agreed with it.

You just made some brash statements and when questioned defended them with raw numbers. That's insufficient when you want to imply that a race of people is more inclined to crime.

Solid response, tho.
I wrote out a pretty decent retort, and this is your response? Are you incapable of defending your argument any further?

It's not that it's not what I want to hear. I actively seek other opinions and step out of my comfort zone to avoid confirmation bias. So if you framed your argument better with better proof I would have respected your opinion whether or not I agreed with it.

You just made some brash statements and when questioned defended them with raw numbers. That's insufficient when you want to imply that a race of people is more inclined to crime.

Solid response, tho.
Yes i believe some races are more likely to commit a crime than others. For example white people are more likely to commit a crime than an Asian.

Do you agree ?
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Another solid response.

Expound. Why do you think that is?

I disagree. I don't think there is any correlation between race and propensity to commit crime.

Regardless of the race.
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I'm not debating those facts at all. that sir is total killed which does NOT take into consideration population. Which black folks only comprise 12-15% of the US population. You didn't disprove anything that I said. I took those exact numbers into account in my first post. I know exactly where you got those stats, click per million and you'll see what I mean: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2015/dec/31/the-counted-police-killings-2015-young-black-men ....Once again, good try.

[thread="650974"] [/thread]
And with whites being a much larger part of the population, blacks are killed at a much higher rate. Simple as that.

Yes but some races commit more crimes than others.

Not exactly right and pretty irrelevant. The cops aren't the judge, jury and executioner. A jury decides who committed a crime. A relevant stat would be who is accused or more likely to be arrested for crimes. Who actually committed the crime is irrelevant b/c selling bootleg CD's or selling cigarettes isn't an offense that is punishable by death. But i'll play along. For drug using whites, blacks and latinos all use at roughly the same rate percentage wise. For drug selling whites are more likely to sell drugs than blacks or latinos. Yet, blacks and latinos are more likely to be arrested and convicted.

For violent crimes the stats aren't that accurate probably b/c people don't want to admit the violent crimes they've committed. Whats shown is that the total amount of arrest is higher than whites than blacks. But when taking population into account blacks are more likely to be arrested than whites. What does this mean, not much for this argument. But it means that a black person is more likely to have negative contact with the law, not necessarily more likely to have committed a crime. The cops are more likely to arrest blacks for doing the same crime as their white counterparts. During these arrest they are killing blacks at a much higher rate than any other race.
So tired of seeing this done to my people. :{

Country was built on our backs and we continue to be treated as less than human hundreds of years later.

In a time filled with cultural appropriation of black energy, this is why it hurts.

You can't take our talents/style/culture and let us be senselessly killed every day.

I remember being a young king in catholic school and being called a thug and a gang member for having cornrows. Never mind I was a top student in my class that had no problems ever.

Yet we don't call police thugs and recognize that they are the biggest gang in America.

From a young age as a black man, you have no choice but to be immediately aware that your greatness is a threat. You have no choice but to recognize that there is a good chance you can lose your life strictly because of your blackness.

Then on the other side of it, you have to see the culture that we use to build ourselves up bastardized and taken from us.

Black people as a whole have PTSD in our DNA after years of this ideology and oppression being pushed on us, enough is enough.

I just know I don't want my son or daughter growing up in a world where they are looked at as a target rather than a being with limitless potential.
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