R.I.P ASAP Yams ....

dudes are zombies man.
I don't know why dudes can't stick to herb and leave it at that.
the "you don't get as high after a while" argument has always been false to me.
every time still feels like the first time and it helps me be more social.
...truly don't even consider it a drug, merely a plant.
Herb being a gateway drug is for the weak minded

All it does is relax the mind, if it doesnt get you "high enough" its being used for the wrong reasons
Herb being a gateway drug is for the weak minded

All it does is relax the mind, if it doesnt get you "high enough" its being used for the wrong reasons
dudes are zombies man.
I don't know why dudes can't stick to herb and leave it at that.
the "you don't get as high after a while" argument has always been false to me.
every time still feels like the first time and it helps me be more social.
...truly don't even consider it a drug, merely a plant.
Always been my mindset. Highly doubt herb will ever not be enough for me.
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They need the extra fix

smh and it really is that simple.
dudes messing around with meds that can kill you at any moment for the sake of getting high.
In my early 20s I too wanted to try lean
fortunately I never have, and never will and pride myself on it.
I blame soulja boy. If xan wit that lean part 2 didnt go so hard Yams still be here smh.

But in all seriousness ive poured up a cpl times. Never really understood the appeal. Jus be hella sleepy walkin around throwed bein anti social haha i mean if u gunna jus watch a movie or summin n chill so be it but i dont know hie these dudes function in society whilst poppin bars. Pourin up and smokin/drinkin. Its honestly amazing more young ppl dont die from this tomfoolery. Wish wayne coulda jus been a sacrificial lamb when his body started fading. Maybe more cats woulda took it more srs
Drugs takin away someone that was influential, or well respected will never stop ppl from trying, abusing, or usin them recreationally. Drugs are gona be around forever and theres plenty of weak minded ppl and plenty of followers that will continue to do drugs.

Im not to sure about this generation tho. These teenagers confuse the hell out of me.
Now asap and other friends are saying that he died from severe sleep apnea. Isn't that a symptom/side effect that caused by sipping lean?

I feel like if people are going to embrace that life keep it 100 when people die from it. Don't have the youth thinking that the drugs don't take people out. I'm curious to see the official cause of death.
Pimp died from respiratory depression/ failure due to an od with lean as stated, mixed with a prior sleep apnea condition. Nonetheless having, screw, pimp, big moe & now yams all dying from lean its gotta stop sometime . But with the obsession of drug culture in music it will never end.
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