R.I.P. ESPN's Stuart Scott Passes Away This Morning

I remember an interview on him about his battle with cancer that aired not too long ago, Robin Roberts did it. It was crazy the way he was living his life after dealing with this damn disease for so long. The man would do mma and live live like cancer wasnt there. I thought to my self, "this man gotta beat cancer". RIP S. Scott you went out like a champ.
Very sad. He was one of the first faces and voices of Sportscenter from my earliest memories about 20 years ago. I always liked when he bigged up the Tarheels!! He will be missed. You can tell that ESPN crew is a big family.
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sad times. i grew up watching this guy. he was iconic in my household. didn't really matter what he was reporting because his delivery was hilarious. he was great at what he did. rip
Dang reallly thought he was going to pull through...R.I.P. |I

He really was the reason most of us started watching Sportscenter...
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