R.I.P Trayvon

You keep saying you're just thinking of dumb ideas

Have you ever thought TM could have been lost trying to find his way back from the store

I mean you believe its possible for GZ to stay in a neighborhood for 3yrs and not know the name of 3 streets
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Lose track of him doing what though??
walking through the neighborhood. possibly going to commit a crime or even just passing through
Possibly going to commit a crime huh??  What makes you think or why do you think Trayvon was "possibly" going to commit a crime??
initiating a confrontation would be walking up to them and saying something. (which trayvon did)
No, that's the story that George Zimmerman told, they may or may not be what Trayvon actually did.  Just like Trayvon's friend while on the phone with Trayvon's said that Zimmerman came up to Trayvon first.
Son it's a big difference between being soft and doing everything Zimmerman wants y'all to believe. You can buy that BS if you want.

I can only go by the evidence that has been presented. I'm not emotionally attached, like some people are in this thread. So I can look at things objectively. So no, I dont find it hard to believe that a 6'0+ 17 year old kid knocked out a 5'7 pudgy schmo.

Stereotype much?? Well, at least your letting us know how you feel about black people champ and being honest about it from your skewed perspective. Which is better than what some of your other colleagues in here are doing.

Only Black people live in rough neighborhoods? :eek

now everyone from a rough neighborhood has to be tough and mighty? Do some of you realize how ridiculous that sounds? TM was skinny as a beanpole. Now if he was 5-11 180 and muscular then ok I'd see how he could hold down someone over 200lb. Add to the fact that GZ had been taking mma lessons for at least several months prior to this for 3 hours a day 3 times per week and you mean to tell me a grown *** man over 200 lb couldn't get a 158lb scrawny 17 yr old off of him as his life "depended on it"? Sorry I forgot all kids for rough areas are used to fighting to survive and get jumped everyday from a young age on the way back home from school and have gang affiliations so they are used to scrapping.. C'mon now. The facts are we KNOW one person for a fact took fighting classes, that's indisputable , and it wasn't Trayvon.

Sounds like some of you guys have never been in a fight in your entire lives. The bigger person is always suppose to win?

Lmao ok so now you know me...let me ask you how many fights have you been in or seen where the smaller person, without any knowledge of marial arts or professional fighting techniques where they are fighting someone who DOES have mma training and outweighs them by 65 lbs have you heard of in which the one with no experience that we know if, wins...please enlighten me oh wise one. Bc I have news or you bigger people usually beat up on smaller people who aren't as strong as they are. And stop with adding several inches to Trayvon he was 5-11 and skinny as a beanpole, those are the facts
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but he didn't live there he was just staying with his dad since he got busted for pot and suspended from his school in Miami

Stayed Lived really what's the difference


You think following and chasing is the same thing

I don't even know why I asked
its a simple question. Do you think that stalking somebody at night for a few blocks is initiating a confrontation?

Definitely. Confrontational but according to Sereno, not criminal. If i was 17 and wasn't doing anything wrong and knew someone was mirroring my every move, I'd be in defensive mode immediately. Kid is from Miami. Isn't that generally speaking a rough area? He probably had no idea what GZ's intent was. It's raining, at night, and someone is following you in an unfamiliar area. That's sketchy.

However, the whole defense is surrounding the sequence of events. Since GZ's following wasn't illegal, did TM assume the role as the aggressor and initiate the physical aspect? If so, apply Florida's questionable statutes regarding self-defense/stand your ground/deadly force while at the same time analyzing TM's "supposed" actions of reacting.
and that right there is a racist thought. Black people cant walk around at night without being suspected or committing a crime?
if the kid was mexican or white or any other race he would have followed him. not just black

Word?! So why did GZ call the cops on a 7-9 yr old black kid? You don't know any of what you're claiming as fact it's literally all speculation BUT we do know that GZ called cops on black kids quite often.
Not to mention his homeboy Taffe keeps referring to "black kids" always coming in his neighborhood and commiting crimes.
Stop trolling , GZ said these a-holes always get away ,referring to black people
or anyone that commits a crime
.......but Trayvon was not and did not commit a crime.  With that being said, there was no reasoning or excuse for George Zimmerman to follow Trayvon.  Or for anyone to agree with George Zimmerman following Trayvon for that matter.
How long was tray tray in the neighborhood for zimmy to call it suspicious that he was walking in the neighborhood?
.......but Trayvon was not and did not commit a crime.  With that being said, there was no reasoning or excuse for George Zimmerman to follow Trayvon.  Or for anyone to agree with George Zimmerman following Trayvon for that matter.

He's trolling
Lose track of him doing what though??
walking through the neighborhood. possibly going to commit a crime or even just passing through

My man how is that not profiling?!? What is your race, if I may ask? Bc it is very pertinent to this discussion and your perspective. If you aren't a minority then you have no idea what it's like to be followed when you are in a store and watched like a hawk when you go into a section where expensive stuff is, denied entry to a club due to dress code when you're wearing nothing wrong and they let someone in with a fitted/beater/and sneakers, or know what it's like to be asked for ID when presenting a credit card to prove yourself, and have your white friends tell you "that's weird they never do that here". ALL of that, including assuming a kid is about to commit a crime, is profiling. GZ profiled TM and if he didn't then none of this would have happened. You can't be this dense.
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Not to mention his homeboy Taffe keeps referring to "black kids" always coming in his neighborhood and commiting crimes.

This dude is the worst man. When they were saying Zimmerman killed a kid he was like "NO HES AN ADULT he is not a kid blah blah " then he says not even 2 min later that trayvon needed supervision or a chaperone to walk through the neighborhood SMH how to he even allow a racist clown like him to be on tv. He CLEARLY just speaks out his ***.
its a simple question. Do you think that stalking somebody at night for a few blocks is initiating a confrontation?

Definitely. Confrontational but according to Sereno, not criminal. If i was 17 and wasn't doing anything wrong and knew someone was mirroring my every move, I'd be in defensive mode immediately. Kid is from Miami. Isn't that generally speaking a rough area? He probably had no idea what GZ's intent was. It's raining, at night, and someone is following you in an unfamiliar area. That's sketchy.

However, the whole defense is surrounding the sequence of events. Since GZ's following wasn't illegal, did TM assume the role as the aggressor and initiate the physical aspect? If so, apply Florida's questionable statutes regarding self-defense/stand your ground/deadly force while at the same time analyzing TM's "supposed" actions of reacting.

What im trying to say is, GZ initiated this entire situation when he decided that he was going to follow on foot.

Ill ask you this. If I decide to follow a woman at night down an alley, she gets scared and slaps or hits me. I in return choke slam her. Going by whats happening now, She would be in the wrong for being fearful and acting on it.
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My man how is that not profiling?!? What is your race, if I may ask? Bc it is very pertinent to this discussion and your perspective. If you aren't a minority then you have no idea what it's like to be followed when you are in a store and watched like a hawk when you go into a section where expensive stuff is, denied entry to a club due to dress code when you're wearing nothing wrong and they let someone in with a fitted/beater/and sneakers, or know what it's like to be asked for ID when presenting a credit card to prove yourself, and have your white friends tell you "that's weird they never do that here". ALL of that, including assuming a kid is about to commit a crime, is profiling. GZ profiled TM and if he didn't then none of this would have happened.
im hispanic so yes im a minority and yes ive been asked for id when using a credit card not that big of a deal to me i just go on about my day.
So you just gon leave out all the extra stuff Zimmerman said? If Trayvon did knock him out he would probably still be alive today.

Like what extra stuff?

All the punches he claims Trayvon landed, the smothering, being able to over power him, the "Your gonna die tonight MFer" comment. You missed all that?

Zimmerman never even said he was knocked out. Iono where you got that from.

and that right there is a racist thought. Black people cant walk around at night without being suspected or committing a crime?
if the kid was mexican or white or any other race he would have followed him. not just black

Word?! So why did GZ call the cops on a 7-9 yr old black kid? You don't know any of what you're claiming as fact it's literally all speculation BUT we do know that GZ called cops on black kids quite often.

I see nobody wants to address this. Yeah, this case is not about race.

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My man how is that not profiling?!? What is your race, if I may ask? Bc it is very pertinent to this discussion and your perspective. If you aren't a minority then you have no idea what it's like to be followed when you are in a store and watched like a hawk when you go into a section where expensive stuff is, denied entry to a club due to dress code when you're wearing nothing wrong and they let someone in with a fitted/beater/and sneakers, or know what it's like to be asked for ID when presenting a credit card to prove yourself, and have your white friends tell you "that's weird they never do that here". ALL of that, including assuming a kid is about to commit a crime, is profiling. GZ profiled TM and if he didn't then none of this would have happened.
im hispanic so yes im a minority and yes ive been asked for id when using a credit card not that big of a deal to me i just go on about my day.

Ok that's you then...most people aren't alright with a system wherein they have to prove that they are somehow capable of having a credit card, or being followed because of what they look like in public areas. I went to private school and have had a cop laugh in my face because he didn't believe a black kid went to my school until I showed him my ID...so you may be one of the few minorities who doesn't have an issue with constantly being second guessed and having to prove your worth and why you belong, so different stokes I guess man.

I see you have no comment on the fact that this is profiling and GZ profiled TM though.
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