R.I.P Trayvon

you dont need to say anything to be racist. He followed a black kid because crimes had been committed by black people in the past. thats racial profiling.
or he was just following him because he thought he was going to commit a crime, im sure he would have followed him if he was black,white, mexican, asian

if thats your reasoning, then GZ is a crazy man who likes to stalk all types of people. That doesnt make it any better. Last time I checked, walking at night =/= suspicious behavior to a normal person, only to a kook

ps: I know this guy is trolling
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This is also opinion.

Point is, no one knows what happened. All we know is it shouldn't have happened. The circumstances are screwed up. The law is screwed up. Everything in between in blurry, especially with all these varying accounts.

no its not

he shot and murdered a 17yr old kid he's admitted to it

the kid committed no crime nor was he suspected of by anyone other than Racist George

you can be quiet now

I'm not sure you know what the word murder means.

Can someone link me to GZ admitting to murdering Trayvon?
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or he was just following him because he thought he was going to commit a crime, im sure he would have followed him if he was black,white, mexican, asian

You don't believe that... Even if you do, you can't possibly be SURE of it. That said... I don't recall "cracker" historically being used by one racial group to another while committing terrorizing acts such as lynchings, slavery, and restricting access of certain services and activities based solely on skin color. There is a difference between a derogatory term and a racial slur. In my opinion at least.
False. Like it's been stated a million times, you're not applying the law.

No one said Travon committed a crime. You're putting words in my mouth. He may have attacked GZ first, which in the state of Florida would be grounds for GZ defending himself under the "stand your ground" statute, as crazy as it sounds. It's the law. I didn't say it was right of GZ. Mala in se vs. mala in prohibita. Don't get mad at me. Get mad at Florida's statutes. You sound foolish attacking me.

You honestly just need to read before you reply. the comprehension isn't up to par.

I'm not missing anything would you prefer i used the term killed?

is that the loophole you're looking for?

ok I stand corrected he KILLED an innocent 17yr old CHILD

my mistake grand wizard :D
if thats your reasoning, then GZ is a crazy man who likes to stalk all types of people. That doesnt make it any better. Last time I checked, walking at night =/= suspicious behavior to a normal person, only to a kook

ps: I know this guy is trolling
Zimmy is a nut, He's called the police nearly 50 times to report minor ****. But he is not a murderer.
I'm saying. They really want us to believe Trayvon went from a skinny kid to this Jon Bones Jones/Money May trained fighter.

:lol @ people still tryna say he's not white. Zimmerman takes offense to that.

You dudes need to get off this. Trayvon was 17 years old from a rough neighborhood. You are going to assume that he is soft?
All bias aside, George Zimmerman got a very punchable head. Just let me get one punch in with all my might. Why is this fool scribbling notes down.... whatchu tryin to look smart for.... you're the one on trial, buddy.
you dont need to say anything to be racist. He followed a black kid because crimes had been committed by black people in the past. thats racial profiling.
or he was just following him because he thought he was going to commit a crime, im sure he would have followed him if he was black,white, mexican, asian

So why was your boy calling the cops on every black kid he saw?

He thought he was going to commit a crime cuz he was walking home? Zimmerman got spidey senses?

Instead of calling the cops and staying in his car your boy follows this guy who thinks is a dangerous criminal who's on drugs.

This is just funny to hear people justify this dudes actions.
I'm saying. They really want us to believe Trayvon went from a skinny kid to this Jon Bones Jones/Money May trained fighter.

:lol @ people still tryna say he's not white. Zimmerman takes offense to that.

You dudes need to get off this. Trayvon was 17 years old from a rough neighborhood. You are going to assume that he is soft?

Son it's a big difference between being soft and doing everything Zimmerman wants y'all to believe. You can buy that BS if you want.
I still don't like the fact that gz cant be questioned...

How does that work? Is the prosecution allowed to call him as a witness? I know I saw an interview and OMara said they haven't decided if they'll use him or not as a defense witness
I'm saying. They really want us to believe Trayvon went from a skinny kid to this Jon Bones Jones/Money May trained fighter.

@ people still tryna say he's not white. Zimmerman takes offense to that.

You dudes need to get off this. Trayvon was 17 years old from a rough neighborhood. You are going to assume that he is soft?
Stereotype much??  Well, at least your letting us know how you feel about black people champ and being honest about it from your skewed perspective.  Which is better than what some of your other colleagues in here are doing. 
You don't believe that... Even if you do, you can't possibly be SURE of it. That said... I don't recall "cracker" historically being used by one racial group to another while committing terrorizing acts such as lynchings, slavery, and restricting access of certain services and activities based solely on skin color. There is a difference between a derogatory term and a racial slur. In my opinion at least.
are you really still living in 1860. and i do believe he would have followed anyone no matter their skin color who looked suspicious
How does that work? Is the prosecution allowed to call him as a witness? I know I saw an interview and OMara said they haven't decided if they'll use him or not as a defense witness
I still don't know... I mean this case revolves around gz...and they are asking questioning everybody oddly enough but him, the neighbor who open the door and caught a glimpse of the events before going in to call the police, and the ladies who came outside after the shots...

So far the ppl who are the closes to the case haven't been asked anything.
I get the anger, i just wish you would feel the same for anybody that kills a 17 year old kid (and not just because of the colors involved). Maybe you'll see your own biases some day and realize i'm not your enemy, and I don't pick sides- but it just seems like if somebody disagrees with any of your opinions or posts (as one-sided as some of them can be, and they are any race other than yours- you start going at them). That's cool, takes a bunch of people to make this country- why don't we make it a better place though. Instead of making everything about sides

nobody was talking to you in the first place

how the **** do you know how I feel about the killings of other kids?

and what about your biases?
I'm saying. They really want us to believe Trayvon went from a skinny kid to this Jon Bones Jones/Money May trained fighter.

:lol @ people still tryna say he's not white. Zimmerman takes offense to that.

You dudes need to get off this. Trayvon was 17 years old from a rough neighborhood. You are going to assume that he is soft?

Son it's a big difference between being soft and doing everything Zimmerman wants y'all to believe. You can buy that BS if you want.

:rollin now everyone from a rough neighborhood has to be tough and mighty? Do some of you realize how ridiculous that sounds? TM was skinny as a beanpole. Now if he was 5-11 180 and muscular then ok I'd see how he could hold down someone over 200lb. Add to the fact that GZ had been taking mma lessons for at least several months prior to this for 3 hours a day 3 times per week and you mean to tell me a grown *** man over 200 lb couldn't get a 158lb scrawny 17 yr old off of him as his life "depended on it"? Sorry I forgot all kids for rough areas are used to fighting to survive and get jumped everyday from a young age on the way back home from school and have gang affiliations so they are used to scrapping.. C'mon now. The facts are we KNOW one person for a fact took fighting classes, that's indisputable , and it wasn't Trayvon.
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