R.I.P Trayvon

Anyone who's not still stuck in the 1950s reefer madness knows that weed makes you more mellow and relaxed if anything, not aggressive. It's a depressant, now if he was doing coke or amphetamines or something that'd be a different story but I don't see how that's relevant
but you know how them white folks is
:lol: @ Zimmerman "forgetting" he had his gun.

One minute they want to believe he was some great neighborhood watch person who's **** don't stink.

Then the next he's this weak dude that can't remember a damn thing excluding street addresses IN HIS OWN NEIGHBORHOOD but somehow he remembers how the fight went down, blow by blow.

Anything to get away with killing this kid and most likely he will.
How are they trying to say Trayvon approached Zimmerman and struck him out of nowhere with his non dominant hand? Does that make sense? If I come out of nowhere and hit someone isn't it second nature to use your dominant hand?
shoefreakbaby said:
The dumbest thing George did was say sorry in that interview he did.
As a jury, that alone would cause me to convict him

Like when Bunk tried to get D'Angelo to handwrite an apology letter to William Gant's kids in S01 :lol:
I jut think that if Zimmerman was gonna lie, at least think of better stuff.

Also I think that the defense told GZ to eat more food and gain weight. The jury sees this chubby rolly polly guy as opposed to seeing a more lean guy capable of handling himself
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Still think GZ is going to end up walking since the prosecution hasn't been strong whatsoever.....but the amount of holes in GZ's story is astounding. :wow:

Dude's getting away with murder....

I jut think that if Zimmerman was gonna lie, at least think of better stuff.

Also I think that the defense told GZ to eat more food and gain weight. The jury sees this chubby rolly polly guy as opposed to seeing a more lean guy capable of handling himself

He lost weight because he started doing MMA fighting
Im pretty sure he has stopped going to MMA.

Like when Bunk tried to get D'Angelo to handwrite an apology letter to William Gant's kids in S01 :lol:

Dont know what you are talking about, but NT loves the wire so I knew it had to be that
googled it and I was right lol
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How are they trying to say Trayvon approached Zimmerman and struck him out of nowhere with his non dominant hand? Does that make sense? If I come out of nowhere and hit someone isn't it second nature to use your dominant hand?

one guy is dead and the other can say whatever he wants. it's very simple. change states and then maybe you will see a difference

it's very, very easy for this guy to get off with "reasonable" doubt when nobody is around to negate his story. it's not like anyone is arguing whether he shot him or not. i dont know how many stories need to pop up for people to understand that Florida should be it's own country, I do everything i can not to leave miami when im there
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The gun was strapped on his hip?? TM reached for it???

TM must have been a real goon to fist fight someone he knows is packing...


nah, I believe the gun was concealed. he was wearing a raincoat. According to GZ, during the mma ground and pound scuffle, his shirt came up and TM spotted, the gun and went for it. Which doesnt quite make sense, because if GZ is such a punk as they are trying to portray, how would he be able to overpower TM and get the gun to his chest, since apparently GZ is so weak
nah, I believe the gun was concealed. he was wearing a raincoat. According to GZ, during the mma ground and pound scuffle, his shirt came up and TM spotted, the gun and went for it. Which doesnt quite make sense, because if GZ is such a punk as they are trying to portray, how would he be able to overpower TM and get the gun to his chest, since apparently GZ is so weak

Don't forget the fact that it was a inner holster. So even if his shirt came up, TM still wouldn't be able to see his gun. Especially in the dark.
Oh my, they are still in court??  Arguing over what??
Looks like over some things to be allowed into evidence.

Im skimming thru some updates...something about a photo of a hand holding a gun from TM's phone and some text messages he sent talking about getting into a fight, and trying to purchase a gun (allegedly)

They were going at it earlier about the animation video, I need to catch up

Edit: looks like they're not letting that stuff in, they're really trying to put a dead young man on trial 
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Wow you still don't get it. I "sort of " the meaning of what I said is dont fight anyone PERIOD because you could die over petty stuff like trayvon over here.
How slow are you to not get that ?

And who really fights after the age of 18 ? Haha
Certainly not you, I can tell you soft as terry cloth via the internet. :x
where exactly was Trayvon straddling fat boy that the gun on his hip was visible--did they address this? his knees? he was a tall boy right? that "straddle" should've covered a large area. or was it a wide straddle? i never got this
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nah, I believe the gun was concealed. he was wearing a raincoat. According to GZ, during the mma ground and pound scuffle, his shirt came up and TM spotted, the gun and went for it. Which doesnt quite make sense, because if GZ is such a punk as they are trying to portray, how would he be able to overpower TM and get the gun to his chest, since apparently GZ is so weak
Because you don't need strength to reach into your holster and pull out a gun. All you need is a split second of freedom.
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