R.I.P Trayvon

Anyone who's not still stuck in the 1950s reefer madness knows that weed makes you more mellow and relaxed if anything, not aggressive. It's a depressant, now if he was doing coke or amphetamines or something that'd be a different story but I don't see how that's relevant
It has nothing to do with his state of mind, it was brought up to establish evidence of his "character"
Too many stuck in the 1950's and making this a race thing, either it's automatically assuming the Trayvon must of been a thug because of the stereotypical skin color, or assuming that the media is out to get Trayvon because Zimmerman is "white" or better yet that Zimmerman will get off because he is "white".

So many are uneducated on the case it's sickening, social media is full of bigots who are claiming that "the white man is out to get us". Yeah, I said it.

Zimmerman will spend time in jail, but it won't be for murder without self defense, the prosecution(state and martin side) has been terrible this case.

Calling Zimmerman "Fat Boy" is no different than calling Trayvon "Thug", it doesn't matter what spectrum of the race wheel you are on, stop letting colors cloud your judgement.

Lots of lies on both sides, it's going to come down who presents their case the best, and right now Zimmerman's party has been more aggressive and consistent in that.
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Too many stuck in the 1950's and making this a race thing, either it's automatically assuming the Trayvon must of been a thug because of the stereotypical skin color, or assuming that the media is out to get Trayvon because Zimmerman is "white" or better yet that Zimmerman will get off because he is "white".

So many are uneducated on the case it's sickening, social media is full of bigots who are claiming that "the white man is out to get us". Yeah, I said it.

Zimmerman will spend time in jail, but it won't be for murder without self defense, the prosecution(state and martin side) has been terrible this case.
Keep drinking the kool aid
Lame *****

There's nothing to be educated about in this case
It should have Never Happened
Point, Blank, Period...
Guaranteed you are not a black male or you one of the surburban kids that think because they are splashing some white girl that they feel white people love them...Man this thread gets progressively worst every time I step in here, I just lurk and when I read dumb *** comments like this, it sets me off because you feel "educated" and then spout some bs about the 50's acting like racism, stereotypes and prejudice have magically disappeared
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Keep drinking the kool aid
Lame *****

There's nothing to be educated about in this case
It should have Never Happened
Point, Blank, Period...
Guaranteed you are not a black male or you one of the surburban kids that think because they are splashing some white girl that they feel white people love them...Man this thread gets progressively worst every time I step in here, I just lurk and when I read dumb *** comments like this, it sets me off because you feel "educated" and then spout some bs about the 50's acting like racism, stereotypes and prejudice have magically disappeared

Too many stuck in the 1950's and making this a race thing
Keep drinking the kool aid
Lame *****

There's nothing to be educated about in this case
It should have Never Happened
Point, Blank, Period...
Guaranteed you are not a black male or you one of the surburban kids that think because they are splashing some white girl that they feel white people love them...Man this thread gets progressively worst every time I step in here, I just lurk and when I read dumb *** comments like this, it sets me off because you feel "educated" and then spout some bs about the 50's acting like racism, stereotypes and prejudice have magically disappeared

Thank you proving my point.
I suggest you head back to 3rd grade because your reading comprehension is at that level.
Where did I suggest that racism has gone away?
My post obviously suggests otherwise.
But thank you for proving my stereotypes right again.
You can't get mad when people stereotype others when you do it as well.

Thank you for discounting every piece of evidence on Zimmerman's side that is credible because he's a "Fat" white boy.

Just like others discount Trayvon's case because he was protrayed as a thug by some media outlets. Those same media outlets who framed Trayvon as a little black male who was wrongly executed.

You need to be educated about the case.

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Too many stuck in the 1950's and making this a race thing, either it's automatically assuming the Trayvon must of been a thug because of the stereotypical skin color, or assuming that the media is out to get Trayvon because Zimmerman is "white" or better yet that Zimmerman will get off because he is "white".

So many are uneducated on the case it's sickening, social media is full of bigots who are claiming that "the white man is out to get us". Yeah, I said it.

Zimmerman will spend time in jail, but it won't be for murder without self defense, the prosecution(state and martin side) has been terrible this case.

Calling Zimmerman "Fat Boy" is no different than calling Trayvon "Thug", it doesn't matter what spectrum of the race wheel you are on, stop letting colors cloud your judgement.

Lots of lies on both sides, it's going to come down who presents their case the best, and right now Zimmerman's party has been more aggressive and consistent in that.
Zimmerman is fat though

No such thing as "murder without self defense"

Lots of lies on both sides?

How can trayvon lie when he is dead ? You white dude in this thread crack me up
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Zimmerman was 194 pounds at time of shooting.

Is that fat?

Murder without self defense is premeditated murder.

How can you tell I'm white?

Martin's defense team has been caught with inconsistencies the whole trail. Same with Zimmerman's.
Always get a chuckle when a white person who's ancestors enslaved African Americans for hundreds of years and then opressed us after tell us to not look at things in a racial spectrum.

"Let it go...things changed since the 60s"

Y'all did hundreds of years of dirt and expect us to drop it less than 60 years later when it went from blatant to closeted

Funny funny funny

But back on topic....Zimmerman was destined to get off the night this all went down because the police didnt use proper procedure....but if Zimmerman was laid out dead they would've remembered the procedure then
Always get a chuckle when a white person who's ancestors enslaved African Americans for hundreds of years and then opressed us after tell us to not look at things in a racial spectrum.

"Let it go...things changed since the 60s"

Y'all did hundreds of years of dirt and expect us to drop it less than 60 years later when it went from blatant to closeted

Funny funny funny

But back on topic....Zimmerman was destined to get off the night this all went down because the police didnt use proper procedure....but if Zimmerman was laid out dead they would've remembered the procedure then

Is that why Martin's family was quoted as saying they don't want the case to be a race case?
Where in my post did I say that racism has gone away?
Where in my post did I ignore racial tensions?
People are calling him fat boy now because he is a fat boy.In his old mugshot he was fat and now he is fat again. He is a fat boy.

"Murder without self defense"is not premeditated murder

George Zimmerman has been caught in lies.Trayvon Martin can't lie he is dead

I don't see what the prosecutors lied about.
We know you wanna think it's a black vs white, black vs everyone else case.
It's even more funny because Zimmerman identified himself as latino.
Funny funny funny
As far as how the police handled the situation that night ....yes it was suspect...the way they handled that is why Zimmerman is gonna skate

My post was in general...I see it a lot on here...everyday life I don't cause those statements are closeted and only said in comfort....Internet anonymity is another comfort some embrace
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Is 194 pounds fat?

It's been proven that Martin was on top of Zimmerman, yet the prosecution team maintains that Martin never was. The defense team has maintained that this is evidence that Martin went for zimmermans gun in his holster, yet Martin's team still says he never was on top of zimmerman.

How is that not lying?

People are calling him fat boy now because he is a fat boy.In his old mugshot he was fat and now he is fat again. He is a fat boy.

"Murder without self defense"is not premeditated murder

George Zimmerman has been caught in lies.Trayvon Martin can't lie he is dead

I don't see what the prosecutors lied about.
Internet anoymity is a reason why media outlets are allowed to post bs on both sides of the spectrum.

Racism will never end, on both sides. This is becoming more and more of a race case once again and it shouldn't be.

As far as how the police handled the situation that night ....yes it was suspect...the way they handled that is why Zimmerman is gonna skate

My post was in general...I see it a lot on here...everyday life I don't cause those statements are closeted and only said in comfort....Internet anonymity is another comfort some embrace
Martin stood his ground. Zimmerman is a lame creep wannabe that grew some balls cause he was strapped and harassed a kid. Got his *** whooped and got to his strap quick enough to kill a kid.

I was always taught to walk faster and/or run if I was getting followed and if they get close enough...protect myself and yell to bring attention to the situation....but luckily I never faced that as a kid cause if my attacker wasn't my color I'd be deemed a thug for protecting myself.
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Martin stood his ground. Zimmerman is a lame creep wannabe that grew some balls cause he was strapped and harassed a kid. Got his *** whooped and got to his strap quick enough to kill a kid.

I was always taught to walk faster and/or run if I was getting followed and if they get close enough...protect myself and yell to bring attention to the situation....but luckily I never faced that as a kid cause if my attacker wasn't my color I'd be deemed a thug for protecting myself.

This still doesn't prove second degree murder. Especially because we can't fully get into Zimmerman's mindset that night.
What we know is Zimmerman was getting beat and shot Martin in what he believes in self defense.
The prosecution hasn't proved otherwise with their case.
Continue with the racial stereotypes though.
If I was a white man who was on the side of the Trayvon I would be considered cool by my peers(fellow colored friends)
Vice versa.
I can play the hypothetical game too..
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GZ is not 194 as of today so right now he is a fat boy

How has it been "proven"?

4 sworned witnesses said they saw Zimmerman on top.One person said he saw trayvon on top.If you are wrestling with someone at one point you can be on top and the next point they can be on top


So how does evidence show that

Let me stop its obvious you are watching Fox News for the updates and you aren't watching the trial
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I'm speaking in genera..l not with the court case...but you knew that..
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Martin stood his ground. Zimmerman is a lame creep wannabe that grew some balls cause he was strapped and harassed a kid. Got his *** whooped and got to his strap quick enough to kill a kid.

I was always taught to walk faster and/or run if I was getting followed and if they get close enough...protect myself and yell to bring attention to the situation....but luckily I never faced that as a kid cause if my attacker wasn't my color I'd be deemed a thug for protecting myself.

According to forensics trayvon didn't whoop anyone that night. His hands were too pristine to have been bashing someones head on the concrete ground
We know you wanna think it's a black vs white, black vs everyone else case.
It's even more funny because Zimmerman identified himself as latino.
Funny funny funny

Now I know you trollin, Georgie puts down white on his paper work. His physician even testifies to this on trial

This isn't a black and white thing, this is a " a kid is dead thing"

Troll on
He just should've fell back after he called 911 but nah he couldn't cause that tool had him feeling like a superhero
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