R.I.P Trayvon

Last I checked Jews were slaughtered because of their nationality. Slaughtered.

The Irish were starving. Came to this country and were treated less than slaves. 10,000 irish died of disease. Fact.step your history up.

And yes, a LOT of people on welfare in this country are deep down proud their on welfare cause "they're getting over." Don't say its not happening cause I see it everyday. We've had this discussion on this board before and several social workers commented on how ridiculous it is.

and I'll go back to one of my regular points. Those injustices didn't happen to YOU. maybe your grand parents but not YOU. everyone is profiled so don't give me that crap.
srs? slaughter and disease? what part of that wasnt slavery again? 10,000 dead? these are you arguments?

(Not trying to bait the trolls)
If you judge someone at all...

Let it be on character rather than the color of skin.


Media got ya'll like puppets...moving ya'll around at will, and when you're so emotionally invested in something then you're really not letting reason dictate anymore, you're going off an animalistic instinct which is the prime recipe for a thoughtless act to occur. 
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Did you guys know more whites are on welfare than any other racial group in the U.S? Peep this article


"Another finding of the study is that the distribution of benefits no longer aligns with the demography of poverty. African-Americans, who make up 22 percent of the poor, receive 14 percent of government benefits, close to their 12 percent population share.

White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits – again, much closer to their 64 percent population share."
srs? slaughter and disease? what part of that wasnt slavery again? 10,000 dead? these are you arguments?

(Not trying to bait the trolls)

So you convienently ignored the "treated less than slaves" part. Gotcha.

This is what happened whether you choose to believe that or not.

The Irish were looked at in this country as the scum of all scum.
Did you guys know more whites are on welfare than any other racial group in the U.S? Peep this article


"Another finding of the study is that the distribution of benefits no longer aligns with the demography of poverty. African-Americans, who make up 22 percent of the poor, receive 14 percent of government benefits, close to their 12 percent population share.
White non-Hispanics, who make up 42 percent of the poor, receive 69 percent of government benefits – again, much closer to their 64 percent population share."

No crap! What kind of point is this when the majority of the country is white?
Well minorities are often painted as wellfare kings and queens when in reality more whites abuse it than minorities.

Throughout the country. But that's semantics bro. Of course more whites will abuse because THERES MORE WHITES.

look at the numbers of inner cities of blacks not on welfare vs blacks on welfare. Give me that stat.
srs? slaughter and disease? what part of that wasnt slavery again? 10,000 dead? these are you arguments?

(Not trying to bait the trolls)
So you convienently ignored the "treated less than slaves" part. Gotcha.

This is what happened whether you choose to believe that or not.

The Irish were looked at in this country as the scum of all scum.
You keep saying were treated, others are saying how blacks are still treated
Who is painting this picture though? 

You're letting media outlets shape your reality...that's the mistake that we should all try to avoid. 

Stop letting the media influence your mindset, or rather poison it. The information received is so filtered that you're never getting the full truth anyway, especially when relying on reports of the event itself. 
Soooooo black people haven't?! I know of PLENTY of Jewish people and poor Irish people who live in low income housing and can't even afford a lot of basic essentials just like there's black people in the same predicament. To totally misconstrue this and make it seem like your people have some how risen up and overcome while others haven't is ridiculous. But it's only a black problem, gotcha.

Lemme ask you this, do you think people are proud to be on government assistance and having to scrape by in their lives to put food on the table? "Don't get your panties in a bunch though" :lol right. Way to generalize a whole race of people though. I guess being forcefully brought here and enslaved for hundreds of years, denied being considered a whole human being, not having the right to vote, separate but equal, and plenty of other things that have happened and still occur and having to fight to get seats on a bus really show that black people haven't grasped this concept of battling and working through to create social reform and get basic rights as people. Nah we just LOVE being profiled by police and questioned about whether we belong and laughed at and not taken seriously when people assume we can't have a college education in difficult fields, I know I do personally just can't get enough of it. How about the rest of you guys? Y'all enjoy being followed, having to prove you own stuff, being pulled over by aggressive, racist police for driving a nice car? I just can't wait for the next time I get profiled and judged for the color of my skin when I have never so much as stolen a candy bar.

Seriously do some of y'all read what you write before hitting submit?

Last I checked Jews were slaughtered because of their nationality. Slaughtered.

The Irish were starving. Came to this country and were treated less than slaves. 10,000 irish died of disease. Fact.step your history up.

And yes, a LOT of people on welfare in this country are deep down proud their on welfare cause "they're getting over." Don't say its not happening cause I see it everyday. We've had this discussion on this board before and several social workers commented on how ridiculous it is.

and I'll go back to one of my regular points. Those injustices didn't happen to YOU. maybe your grand parents but not YOU. everyone is profiled so don't give me that crap.

Treated like slaves huh? Well people were in fact, yanno, slaves here with ZERO rights for 400 yrs so **** with your "facts". And word I personally haven't had things of the like happen to me :rollin right on brother I've just COASTED through life with eaaaaase and haven't been discriminated against by people's parents, girls I was talking to their parents, school staff, opposing players, police, store clerks, been spit on by people when i was on vacation in south carolina, haven't seen my dad get assaulted by a cop right in front of me because he's black and he was reaching in his pocket for his registration. Seriously I've had it SO easy, being black in America today is such a breeze why do we even need a voting rights act or civil rights laws. None of his has happened to me at all you got me nailed cheif.

And don't get it twisted, I'm not generalizing a whole race of people, because there are millions and millions of white people who wouldn't even fathom acting the ways I've mentioned. By according to you I haven't been discriminated against, PLEASE tell me more about the black experience in America as a white male of Irish descent? you seem like a better source on these sentiments than me, my parents,or any of my other black friends.

I need to know so I can reevaluate my whole life history in my brief 22 years on earth. *insert curious wonka pic*

I'm literally still stuck on "less than slaves" :rollin like that may be one of the more ludicrous statements I have ever read anywhere. You must think slaves were living WELL to consider anyone less than that.
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Throughout the country. But that's semantics bro. Of course more whites will abuse because THERES MORE WHITES.

look at the numbers of inner cities of blacks not on welfare vs blacks on welfare. Give me that stat.
The hard numbers show that MORE whites are one welfare than blacks. Its not semantics its reality according to the statistics. Why do you care about the number of blacks not on welfare in inner cities whats your point? Not all blacks who live in inner cities are on welfare, most blacks live there because their families have been living there for years, because blacks were not allowed to live outside of inner cities in the past. Look up housing discrimination. In addition, many blacks like living in inner cities because of the history, culture,  and some folk just simply  like living in inner cities because their is more things going on in inner cities, which is why more folk are begining to move back to inner cities, which gentrification plays a part in. Not all blacks living in inner cities are down and out as  the media portrays.
I don't understand why NT will allow this racist battleground of a thread to stay open but every thread for the Royal 1s has been locked.
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