R.I.P Trayvon

Folk shouldnt even argue w  folk like steve theyre gonna believe what they believe. He should go to stormfront he would fit right in.
And please I know some of you can't comprehend rational conversation so I'll break it down.

Slavery was disgusting. Horrible and immoral.

All I'm saying is other nationalities had it terrible too but decided to forge from it rather than harp on it.

Say what you want. I really don't care. This is what I believe just as you believe what you believe.
Irish people were discriminated against when they first immigrated to the states but they were eventually granted white status which protected them from discrimination. Similiar to pollocks and other European immigrants that immigrated to the states.
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Were these in response to my question? Because it doesn't answer it.

Let me ask it this way, what percentage of the black population is on welfare? What percentage of the Hispanic population is on welfare? What percentage of the white population is on welfare?
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Now I understand why this guy is such a staunch Zimmerman supporter. That's his boy. He was probably listening to the 911 call like "Go get him George!!!"

Again. ANOTHER ignorant post from you. Haven't I clowned you enough? I've been against Zimmerman the ENTIRE TIME.

Damn man READ.
You don't have to care. You've made it obvious who and what you are. For everything that the Irish have gone through during their short time in America, they were finally accepted into the fold with the election of Kennedy.
And please I know some of you can't comprehend rational conversation so I'll break it down.

Slavery was disgusting. Horrible and immoral.

All I'm saying is other nationalities had it terrible too but decided to forge from it rather than harp on it.

Say what you want. I really don't care. This is what I believe just as you believe what you believe.

Nobody had it worst than what happened during Slavery, it wasnt even until the 1960s that things got somewhat normal. I dont care what you say. We will never forget Slavery and we will make sure clowns like you understand the 400+ years of horror a RACE of people went through. This isn't a national thing. Slavery impacted every country in the Western Hemisphere AND an Entire COAST of a continent. NO OTHER EVENT IN HISTORY CAN COMPARE.
And please I know some of you can't comprehend rational conversation so I'll break it down.

Slavery was disgusting. Horrible and immoral.

All I'm saying is other nationalities had it terrible too but decided to forge from it rather than harp on it.

Say what you want. I really don't care. This is what I believe just as you believe what you believe.
In a Omarra vocie Really? Really? Jim Crow, Segregation, housing discrimination, voting segregation, lynching, didnt exist in this country up untl the 60's and 70's and even in the contemporary? Really? Other nationalities wouldnt have some of the rights that they have now in this country if it werent for African-Americans fighting for rights and justice in this country. And im not even black and I know this. You must not know the history of the U.S. Are you from the U.S.
^ they wont give it to us.  Disrespect us, enslave us, then tell us to pick ourselves up and stop feeling sorry for ourselves.  As bad as slavery was we now must forget about all that and move on because of course the past is the past and it doesn't repeat itself.
What mass famine are you even speaking of man?? The Irish Potato Famine in the 1840s? That didn't happen in America and was the result of a HORRIFIC natural disaster and a terrible British policy? And where Ottomans, Native Americans, and legitimate charities were set up to provide some, albeit not nearly enough relief and aid? And the same one where a million emigrated to America under their own choice, with their younger families in tact. Not to diminish that at all because it is an extremely seminal event in world history. But I just wanna make sure facts are correct here. As you said this was worse than slavery ( again your words not mine).

I hope they get a verdict today, I'm gonna stick wit my word from earlier though and not come back here until they do.

Good day ladies and gentlemen of this thread

Yes. Its one of the reasons they came here! Come on man.
What mass famine are you even speaking of man?? The Irish Potato Famine in the 1840s? That didn't happen in America and was the result of a HORRIFIC natural disaster and a terrible British policy? And where Ottomans, Native Americans, and legitimate charities were set up to provide some, albeit not nearly enough relief and aid? And the same one where a million emigrated to America under their own choice, with their younger families in tact. Not to diminish that at all because it is an extremely seminal event in world history. But I just wanna make sure facts are correct here. As you said this was worse than slavery ( again your words not mine).

I hope they get a verdict today, I'm gonna stick wit my word from earlier though and not come back here until they do.

Good day ladies and gentlemen of this thread

Yes. Its one of the reasons they came here! Come on man.

I know that full well man, but that unfortunate period isn't really comparable to what people who look like me have dealt with and still do deal with on a daily basis, you have to be able to see that.
In a Omarra vocie Really? Really? Jim Crow, Segregation, housing discrimination, voting segregation, lynching, didnt exist in this country up untl the 60's and 70's and even in the contemporary? Really? Other nationalities wouldnt have some of the rights that they have now in this country if it werent for African-Americans fighting for rights and justice in this country. And im not even black and I know this. You must not know the history of the U.S. Are you from the U.S.

Dude I'm no moron. The civil rights for blacks at that time were also disgusting and immoral. But your grandparents rose up and fought for their rights.

Again NO ONE in this thread suffered that kind of discrimination. NO ONE. And if you feel that you have, well good luck to you cause its gonna be a hard life. You're not getting over discriminations that didn't happen to you. Your grand parents can say this all day cause they LIVED IT. you haven't. Period.
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Were these in response to my question? Because it doesn't answer it.

Let me ask it this way, what percentage of the black population is on welfare? What percentage of the Hispanic population is on welfare? What percentage of the white population is on welfare?
I think you have a misconception on what wellfare is. Welfare is not one big program it includes several social service programs that provide needy families assistance, such as food stamps, free lunch, health care,etc. The various programs that provide assistance are listed in the chart and the racial percentage of those receiving benefits are listed. Not everyone gets all the different social service programs because they may not apply. It is hard  for one to get  assistance from multiple  programs.
Dude I'm no moron. The civil rights for blacks at that time were also disgusting and immoral. But your grandparents rose up and fought for their rights.

Again NO ONE in this thread suffered that kind of discrimination. NO ONE. And if you feel that you have, well good luck to you cause its gonna be a hard life. You're not getting over discriminations that didn't happen to you. Your grand parents can say this all day cause they LIVED IT. you haven't. Period.

son really said none of us have suffered from Discrimination????LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
Dude I'm no moron. The civil rights for blacks at that time were also disgusting and immoral. But your grandparents rose up and fought for their rights.

Again NO ONE in this thread suffered that kind of discrimination. NO ONE. And if you feel that you have, well good luck to you cause its gonna be a hard life. You're not getting over discriminations that didn't happen to you. Your grand parents can say this all day cause they LIVED IT. you haven't. Period.

son really said none of us have suffered from Discrimination????LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL

That dude's posts get more and more ridiculous as this discussion progresses.
thats just weak how u can u argue for the irish when you werent there for no damn famine??

Ah just another point that went over your heads... Jesus

Back to another break from this thread gotta actually study for get this... Law and ethics class.. Ohhhhh the irony.
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