R.I.P Trayvon

Why is this situation racist? Zimmerman is hispanic which equals minority same as a black person. To the white race he is just as black as us and yaw acting like a white man shot a black person.

In their eyes zimmerman is black basically and he killed amd he killed another minority such as him.

And either zimmerman is a the best liar ever or he was telling the truth because aint no way u can cook a storty that fast, stick to it, and have the evidence out if sheer luck have the evidence support your lie . I think zimmerman was telling the truth
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you missed the the whole point

The fact that O'Mara agrees blacks are treated unfairly in our system

but to go and say a black man would have been never been charged is ridiculous

If Zimmerman was black he would have been in handcuffs first, and charged..and it wouldnt have taken months protest to make it happen...that is the narrative O'Mara agreed with himself and contradicted himself less than 24 hours

i disagree, i understood that underlying statement yet, you would have never seen the case as you did this, and it would be open and shut based on FACTS which is what the jury based their verdict on.

Show me where O'mara agrees with himself (what exactly is he agreeing on btw) And you tell me that no black person who was involved as a suspect of BLACK on black crime has been let go without a trial and in the event O'mara would be wrong on a similar case with all black parts, you believe he would be found guilty? and you would be as equally

Would we have seen this case in the same light if Zimmerman was black? of course not

Im not arguing that...O'Mara out his own mouth said Zimmerman if black would have never been CHARGED ...you really believe that?

Then to go on TV this morning and say you're an advocate and agree with the fact black people are treated unfairly in the country

is pure BS, smugness like that is a spit in he face
Why is this situation racist? Zimmerman is hispanic which equals minority same as a black person. To the white race he is just as black as us and yaw acting like a white man shot a black person.

In their eyes zimmerman is black basically and he killed amd he killed another minority such as him.

And either zimmerman is a the best liar ever or he was telling the truth because aint no way u can cook a storty that fast, stick to it, and have the evidence out if sheer luck have the evidence support your lie . I think zimmerman was telling the truth

no one can even agree on this :lol:
Why is this situation racist? Zimmerman is hispanic which equals minority same as a black person. To the white race he is just as black as us and yaw acting like a white man shot a black person.

In their eyes zimmerman is black basically and he killed amd he killed another minority such as him.

And either zimmerman is a the best liar ever or he was telling the truth because aint no way u can cook a storty that fast, stick to it, and have the evidence out if sheer luck have the evidence support your lie . I think zimmerman was telling the truth

How hard is it to come up with that story?

If you're Zimmerman, you just omit the part where you grab him and say he attacked you, its really not that hard.

its not like he had somebody else who saw the whole thing
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Why is this situation racist? Zimmerman is hispanic which equals minority same as a black person. To the white race he is just as black as us and yaw acting like a white man shot a black person.

In their eyes zimmerman is black basically and he killed amd he killed another minority such as him.

And either zimmerman is a the best liar ever or he was telling the truth because aint no way u can cook a storty that fast, stick to it, and have the evidence out if sheer luck have the evidence support your lie . I think zimmerman was telling the truth
wait so the evidence supported him in totality or was there not enough evidence to the contrary to simply disprove or say otherwise? these are two different things and two different implications
Why is this situation racist? Zimmerman is hispanic which equals minority same as a black person. To the white race he is just as black as us and yaw acting like a white man shot a black person.

In their eyes zimmerman is black basically and he killed amd he killed another minority such as him.

And either zimmerman is a the best liar ever or he was telling the truth because aint no way u can cook a storty that fast, stick to it, and have the evidence out if sheer luck have the evidence support your lie . I think zimmerman was telling the truth

The physical evidence did not add up to his story. In his story trayvon was faster than ussain bolt and has at least 4 hands.
The problem is not that the jury made the wrong verdict. The real problem is that they made the right verdict. :smh:

On that note, I see that ignorance will forever be apart of this "American Dream", no need to come in this thread anymore....
I'll leave with this until you walk in a black mans shoes, you will never understand the restraint you have to deal with everyday of your life, questioning should I have said something, was I treated that way because my skin tone, should I walk on the opposite side of the street so I don't scare this lily white woman, do I enjoy a walk in the park in a predominately white neighborhood, do I watch my tone of voice with co workers so I don't come off as threatening, if I encounter a cop make sure all my lights are on, windows down, hands visible, ask for permission to go in my pocket and glove compartment...
Be safe out there because its a war out there no black man is safe from
I think the skittles company should start making black skittles to honor tray n some of the proceeds should go to the Martin family
You do know zimmerman have a fed case now for molestation coming soon
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I think you misinterpreted my post, actually I know you did.

That image was to show how ignorant people are being on FB. I wasn't co-signing that fool, hence the "reach" ps.
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You said that Zimmerman should not have had the right to carry (which is false). Then you went on to say the the Martin Fanily should sue Zimmermans father because he's the reason GZ was allowed to carry a gun (which is also false).

Obviously that's what he wants , he shouldnt be able to carry a gun if he had prior charges. No one is saying its fact and law but that's what we want. Just like right now we believe he should not be able to have a concealed weapon License. And you don't know if his father has connects so how can you say that's isn't a fact.

You sound as ridiculous as you are trying to make him seem.
I'm still heated. I hope Zimmerman and his lying friends and family DIE. Yes, I said it. Especially Gladys for having such a disgusting name. Hell kind of name is that? I'd piss on someone just for having that name.

I don't care. I don't care.

Just came back here after reading CNN comments. I can't be civil anymore.
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I'm still heated. I hope Zimmerman and his lying friends and family DIE. Yes, I said it. Especially Gladys for having such a disgusting name. Hell kind of name is that? I'd piss on someone just for having that name.

I don't care. I don't care.

Just came back here after reading CNN comments. I can't be civil anymore.
What the hell are you mad for? I guess you were there that night 
You said that Zimmerman should not have had the right to carry (which is false). Then you went on to say the the Martin Fanily should sue Zimmermans father because he's the reason GZ was allowed to carry a gun (which is also false).

And you don't know if his father has connects so how can you say that's isn't a fact.

Not sure if srs. You can't just go around making claims that people cannot prove right or wrong and pass them off as fact.
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All of these idiots protesting on the streets and freeways... taking up people's time and vandalizing property 
 Half of these people don't give a **** about the verdict, they just wanna **** around, and they look for any opportunity to do it. I hope them rubber bullets hurt.
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