R.I.P Trayvon

TM attacked him. He felt like his life was being threaten. People can be beat to death. Probably the reason he pulled out his gun and pulled the trigger. 

Under the law, he had the right to protect himself. 

Why do you believe trayvon attacked because George said so. That was never proven and never can be.

Trayvon was running from this man it was dark and this man was following him. Just stop and think how scared this young man may have been.

It sad that you guys are so willing to believe he attacked him based off stereotypes of black men.
Cops all over this country get in fights with CRIMINALS, and don't shoot and kill them.

Someone is going to come and tell you Zimmerman was not a cop and wouldn't know how to defuse a situation.

It is really sad when you think about trayvon being followed.
He was probably so scared, especially after Rachel making that rapist joke.

And to have that person confront you :smh:
These are the only FACTS that are certain from this case

Fact- GZ profiled and followed TM

Fact- GZ and TM got into some sort of fight

Fact- TM was shot and killed

Fact- GZ is alive and told HIS side of the story

Unless I missed something during the trail, where and when did they deem it a fact that TM attacked GZ first? Srs question.

All we know is GZ's events of what happened that night and his alone.

Had TM survived that night I really believe GZ would be in jail right now
These are the only FACTS that are certain from this case

Fact- GZ profiled and followed TM

Fact- GZ and TM got into some sort of fight

Fact- TM was shot and killed

Fact- GZ is alive and told HIS side of the story

Unless I missed something during the trail, where and when did they deem it a fact that TM attacked GZ first? Srs question.

All we know is GZ's events of what happened that night and his alone.

Had TM survived that night I really believe GZ would be in jail right now
I wouldn't consider some of those facts
I've remained objective throughout this entire situation, and I have some questions for Zimmerman's supporters regarding the consistency of his stories:According to his re-enactment story, he was at the intersection of the T when dispatch recommended to stop following TM. GZ responded "ok" and according to the re-enactment, he continued walking "to get the address of a home" since he knows that street's name. Question: that home wasnt very far from the intersection, why didnt he give dispatch the address that he says he was trying to obtain? Instead, he requested that the policeman call him when they enter the neighborhood. He also didnt agree to meeting at the mailbox. To me, this implies that he didnt know where he was going to be because he wanted to pursue TM further. If he intended on being stationary, he would've given the dispatch the address or agreed to meet at the mailbox... Thats my speculation, tho.
These are the only FACTS that are certain from this case

Fact- GZ profiled and followed TM

Fact- GZ and TM got into some sort of fight

Fact- TM was shot and killed

Fact- GZ is alive and told HIS side of the story

Unless I missed something during the trail, where and when did they deem it a fact that TM attacked GZ first? Srs question.

All we know is GZ's events of what happened that night and his alone.

Had TM survived that night I really believe GZ would be in jail right now
I wouldn't consider some of those facts

please stop trolling

please tell me which one of those arent facts?

First of all I am not taking any dude serious that types like this, I don't care how OG you are...Second, you are talking in #facts that come out your ***, WRAP IT UP B!
This thread shows just how many ignorant people who don't want to see the REAL facts of this case
Kid goes to store for snacks in a neighborhood his father/fiancé pays bills
Coming back home he was followed
Fat Boy got his overzealous *** stomped by a 17 year old
Kid is dead
And dudes in here feel sorry for Zimmerman and start spouting this crap but then back track when people call them out
But I'll give it to your duck ***, you are staying consistent with your ignorance
I truly hope you don't have kids and something tragic happens to them and nobody fights over how they lost their life to a Mighty Morphin Coward Ranger
Truly going to stay out of here from now on, I can't keep raising my blood pressure on ignorance

Lol at the gif!

Why do yall keep referring to this dude as "hard" or "og"?

Are yall serious?

Lol anyone can write like that n "act".
These are the only FACTS that are certain from this case

Fact- GZ profiled and followed TM

Fact- GZ and TM got into some sort of fight

Fact- TM was shot and killed

Fact- GZ is alive and told HIS side of the story

Unless I missed something during the trail, where and when did they deem it a fact that TM attacked GZ first? Srs question.

All we know is GZ's events of what happened that night and his alone.

Had TM survived that night I really believe GZ would be in jail right now
I wouldn't consider some of those facts

Please enlighten me as to which of those aren't facts?
please stop trolling

please tell me which one of those arent facts?

It can't be proven if Zimmerman did profile Travyon. And I agree had TM been alive it would be a completely different trial.

That's why Zimmerman is free. We only get his side of the story and it can't be proven if he's telling the truth or not so therefore he can't be found guilty based on assumptions and on that note that should be /thread.
I think Gz once GZ finally caught up with trey he asked trey why he was in the neighborhood(dont know what tone he used) but i think like any law enforcer who doesnt get a straight answer GZ got kind ticked/aggitated he didnt get a clear cut answer and one thing led to another..
So many racists showing themselves in here based off this case and showing enormous amount of simple thoughts.

How can you sit here n say Zimmerman didn't racially profile this kid is beyond me, smh!

And a lot of yall enjoying this like its some type of retaliation for the oj case, smh
please stop trolling

please tell me which one of those arent facts?

It can't be proven if Zimmerman did profile Travyon. And I agree had TM been alive it would be a completely different trial.

That's why Zimmerman is free. We only get his side of the story and it can't be proven if he's telling the truth or not so therefore he can't be found guilty based on assumptions and on that note that should be /thread.

The whole reason he followed him was because at minimum he criminally PROFILED him (incorrectly at that)...thats fact

based on his call history people want to make it seem like a reach that he was racially profiled as well? yeah right

either way..he was profiled...so i ask again which one if those facts are not a fact?
It can't be proven if Zimmerman did profile Travyon. And I agree had TM been alive it would be a completely different trial.

That's why Zimmerman is free. We only get his side of the story and it can't be proven if he's telling the truth or not so therefore he can't be found guilty based on assumptions and on that note that should be /thread.

He admitted to criminally profiling him.
That is why he had his neighbor on stand to testify about the previous robberies, to justify his criminal profiling.
please stop trolling

please tell me which one of those arent facts?

It can't be proven if Zimmerman did profile Travyon. And I agree had TM been alive it would be a completely different trial.

That's why Zimmerman is free. We only get his side of the story and it can't be proven if he's telling the truth or not so therefore he can't be found guilty based on assumptions and on that note that should be /thread.

The whole reason he followed him was because at minimum he criminally PROFILED him (incorrectly at that)...thats fact

based on his call history people want to make it seem like a reach that he was racially profiled as well? yeah right

either way..he was profiled...so i ask again which one if those facts are not a fact?

Thank you...thats what I meant by profiled. Even though in MY opinion I believe he racially profiled him, we can't prove that. He profiled TM because he fit the description of the "punks" that were robbing the houses in the neighborhood
So many racists showing themselves in here based off this case and showing enormous amount of simple thoughts.

How can you sit here n say Zimmerman didn't racially profile this kid is beyond me, smh!

And a lot of yall enjoying this like its some type of retaliation for the oj case, smh
But based off the law, he is innocent. I think he should go to jail, but the law is the law. 
According to the law he should have gotten manslaughter.

According to those 6 ladies "his heart was in the right place"

The law was broken that day
So many racists showing themselves in here based off this case and showing enormous amount of simple thoughts.

How can you sit here n say Zimmerman didn't racially profile this kid is beyond me, smh!

And a lot of yall enjoying this like its some type of retaliation for the oj case, smh
But based off the law, he is innocent. I think he should go to jail, but the law is the law. 

Based off the law he was found not guilty in the jurors' eyes.

Being innocent and found not guilty based on insufficient evidence are two different things
Cubanref listed the facts
We cant say for a fact GZ racially profiled him but we can say for a fact he criminally profiled him.
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This was deem a FACT during da trial b...

Hello...even da prosecution conceded to that FACT.

Travyon bit more then he could chew..this is why

All da jurors aquitted Zimmerman... Self defense

Beats murder AND man slaughter.

You troll like no other.

Dis is why people don't take you seriously. Dat's a fact.

Your mom needs to give you some chores to do.

blah..blah..blah..a jury of zimmerman's peer's found him not guilty....whats funny to me is YOU THINK that court didn't throw da kitchen sink at zimmerman to get something

on him...get over it, trayon hit george first, and george had da right to defend himself..its that simple.
ninjahood is right IMO. Under the law, GZ had the right of self defense

And Trayvon didnt right?
TM attacked him. He felt like his life was being threaten. People can be beat to death. Probably the reason he pulled out his gun and pulled the trigger. 

Under the law, he had the right to protect himself. 
So you cant attack to defend yourself when someone has initiated an altercation with you?

Trayvon didnt have the right..under the law to protect his own life from a man he did not know?

Its funny how one has the right to defend his life but the other doesnt
Trayvon SWANG FIRST.....

everything Zimmerman did up to that point (follow) was LEGAL....thats where all you are getting messed up about.
These are the only FACTS that are certain from this case

Fact- GZ profiled and followed TM

Fact- GZ and TM got into some sort of fight

Fact- TM was shot and killed

Fact- GZ is alive and told HIS side of the story

Unless I missed something during the trail, where and when did they deem it a fact that TM attacked GZ first? Srs question.

All we know is GZ's events of what happened that night and his alone.

Had TM survived that night I really believe GZ would be in jail right now
I wouldn't consider some of those facts
Please enlighten me as to which of those aren't facts?
da fact that trayvon swang first gives Zimmerman da right for self defense....da problem in this thread is ya dont like that fact, da evidence, witnesses, and jury

ALL found this to be da case.
^ninja please send me a link as to where it was deemed a FACT that TM swung first. I'm serious...I haven't heard anything about this being a FACT. Are you assuming this because of what GZ said happened that night or is there some witness that I'm unaware of that saw this happen?

Because unless someone other than GZ SAW what happened that night then you're just making an assumption based on GZ account of what happened that night..

You keep saying it was a FACT but you haven't given any actual evidence to prove this...
Good luck waiting for ANY proof that TM swung first. The only proof that is hard to deny is the evidence that supports TM being on top of GM. Which essentially proves that GZ was getting the hands.
^ninja please send me a link as to where it was deemed a FACT that TM swung first. I'm serious...I haven't heard anything about this being a FACT. Are you assuming this because of what GZ said happened that night or is there some witness that I'm unaware of that saw this happen?

Because unless someone other than GZ SAW what happened that night then you're just making an assumption based on GZ account of what happened that night..

You keep saying it was a FACT but you haven't given any actual evidence to prove this...
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