R Kelly is a sick and sadistic individual

So if you are for breast cancer awareness, do you have to be against AIDS, prostate cancer, skin cancer, diabetes too? What about world peace, animal rights?

This argument is always silly to me, but people think it's a logical argument.

People who are involved in porn and Playboy, were legal adults. They can consent, legally.

R Kelly has a history of sexual abuse of underage girls. It's on tape. He's been charged. He married one. Their family members talked about it.

So how in the hell are they comparable? You're trying to equate a 15 year old to a 19 year old? Really?

As always, you bring up a point that has NOTHING to do with the point I was ASKING about. AIDS, Diabetes... TF does that have to do with what I said?
All I did was quote a definition. If you have a problem with the definition of these terms, refer your complaint to Oxford and Webster.

But to rebut your asinine assumption of me "equating" a 15 year old to a 19 year old"
I'm not. If you read, 15 to 19 year old is in the same category: Ephebophilia
What I compared was someone having sex to 5 and 6 year olds to someone having sex with 18 and 19 year old, legally consenting adults, that CHOOSE to be there.
If you cant see the difference in that, then I'm not sure what is wrong with you.

On THAT basis, the question I asked is, is R. Kelly's desire to have sex with 18 and 19 year old young women
any more depraved than what happens to the women in porn of the same age group. It's a valid question about perceptions.
you know da irony of age of consent is a religious mantra.

in Canada till about a few years ago it was 14 lol.

As always, you bring up a point that has NOTHING to do with the point I was ASKING about. AIDS, Diabetes... TF does that have to do with what I said?
All I did was quote a definition. If you have a problem with the definition of these terms, refer your complaint to Oxford and Webster.

But to rebut your asinine assumption of me "equating" a 15 year old to a 19 year old"
I'm not. If you read, 15 to 19 year old is in the same category: Ephebophilia
What I compared was someone having sex to 5 and 6 year olds to someone having sex with 18 and 19 year old, legally consenting adults, that CHOOSE to be there.
If you cant see the difference in that, then I'm not sure what is wrong with you.

On THAT basis, the question I asked is, is R. Kelly's desire to have sex with 18 and 19 year old young women
any more depraved than what happens to the women in porn of the same age group. It's a valid question about perceptions.

My entire post went over your head

And do you not understand that R Kelly has had sex with numerous women under 18. This isn't alleged, it's on record and documented. So no, it's not the same as an adult.

I'm beginning to think sickos defend other sickos, because you're trying way too hard to rationalize the irrational behavior of sleeping with underage girls.

7/19/17 6:26 PM PST

R. Kelly" class="ui-link" style="background-color: transparent; color: rgb(207, 0, 0); font-weight: 700; text-shadow: 0px 0px 0px !important;">R. Kelly's gotta believe there's no such thing as bad publicity now -- he has 14 upcoming shows planned and there's still huge demand for tickets ... amid allegations he's running a "cult."

Kelly's gigs were already scheduled before the scandal broke, but all of them are still scheduled ... starting July 28 in Virginia Beach and running through October 8 in Ontario, Cali. We reached out to all of the venues -- 11 confirmed nothing's changed. In fact, some ... like the Chene Park Amphitheatre in Detroit, told us they've been getting a high volume of calls this week alone and are almost sold out.

Others told us they hadn't even received angry calls from customers over the claims R. Kelly is holding women against their will.

The only hiccup we've seen to this point is people in Baton Rouge asking for refunds on his August 12 show, but we're told ticket sales remain steady.

Translation: business as usual for R. Kelly.

My entire post went over your head

And do you not understand that R Kelly has had sex with numerous women under 18. This isn't alleged, it's on record and documented. So no, it's not the same as an adult.

I'm beginning to think sickos defend other sickos, because you're trying way too hard to rationalize the irrational behavior of sleeping with underage girls.

I knew this was coming eventually lol
Told y'all, some people are way too passionate to be objective. If you take R. Kelly's name out of this thread and make it about Idris Elba or dabottom305 dudes would be praising them, calling them the black Hugh Hefners.
Let us also not forget what Harrison "Indiana Jones" Ford did.

He got with that girl when she was like 16-17 and married her when she was 18-19 or something and he was like 80 years old and nobody said nothing.
There's nothing to be objective about, he has a history of sexual abuse. Are we supposed to just ignore that?

And when so many of you make excuses for him, why are you surprised when people still go see him?

Why do some of you keep giving incidents of someone else doing it? Did you do that for Jerry Sandusky?

Harrison Ford's wife is 52
Yeah you right I just did my googles on her, but still you guys are trying to hand Kellz on something he's not guilty of nor ever been convicted of.
Let us also not forget what Harrison "Indiana Jones" Ford did.

He got with that girl when she was like 16-17 and married her when she was 18-19 or something and he was like 80 years old and nobody said nothing.

do what now...? you talking about carrie fisher...?
Jerry Sandusky had a history of sexual abuse that was overlooked that allowed him to abuse more boys.

Sandusky had a literal massive coverup involving multiple conspirators that knew he was a rapist and lied for him.

That's why I say it's not really comparable to me when you really get down to it unless there's some details I don't know about the R Kelly stuff.

They're both passed wrong but if he was on some Sandusky **** he'd already be in jail.

inb4 "stop defending him you sicko"
We know R. Kelly has a hx of child molestation. What does that have to do with the adults he has in his cult now?

Well for starters he already has a history of sexual and physical and mental abuse of women as well, which makes this cult thing kind of dangerous.

And I think the point is that regardless if the cult is legal or not, a known Pedophile shouldn't be anywhere near young women period, even if they are legal.

It's like, a known pedophile is dating a 21 year old. You can't ignore that the dude dating this young girl is a pedo.
Let us also not forget what Harrison "Indiana Jones" Ford did.

He got with that girl when she was like 16-17 and married her when she was 18-19 or something and he was like 80 years old and nobody said nothing.

He's not even 80 years old now. Dude is only 75.
bomani spitting some real..

he has a thread going...


this is the thread

lol at comparing girls who were probably FORCED into prostitution one way or another to legal adults who are CHOOSING to play with robert kellys meat for a lifestyle of luxury

i dont see how yall can cry about this but not feel the same or worse about porn or the IG models in dubai getting boo booed on right now

your crusade is coming from a place of disdain of r kelly beating his former charges and not from a place of actually caring about women living this lifestyle lol
Nobody is crying...there is no crusade...

maybe it's as simple as calling creepy dudes out doing creepy things...nobody gets a pass...cosby, Kellz, Ceelo, hugh...anybody doing creepy **** will get called out...

especially if they have a history of doing creepy things...even if they don't their cards getting pulled...
What did Ceelo do again?

On Sept. 29, CeeLo Green, 39, plead no contest to a felony drug charge stemming from a 2012 incident during which he gave ecstacy to a 33-year-old woman. She claimed that he raped her, but CeeLo skated on that charge, later allegedly tweeting that it’s not rape if the woman is unconscious. Seriously! See his shocking tweets below.

Still getting used to the new site...heres a link to the tweets https://www.google.com/amp/hollywoo...ts-not-rape-if-woman-is-unconscious-rant/amp/


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I asked cuz I vaguely remembered and when it comes to singular rape accusations like that I'm not about to sway either way and just tell it like it is but I definitely did not know about that tweet :lol: :smh:

Ceelo out here trying to be Cosby serial raping *** :x
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