Race Relations in the United States - Let's Dialogue and Educate

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by HAM CITY

Originally Posted by Levar Burton

What is it that you want me to do (as a white person)? What can I do really? False sense of enlightenment? Where? It's simply a matter of perspective
I didn't say I wanted you to do anything but since you asked, I'll answer. What I don't what you as a white person to do is this.
Blacks don't realize no one can do anything about your problems butyour community
Please don't tell us what we realize or what we know or don't know. Don't tell us what we're ignorant to in our own community. Myself and many others perceive THAT as a false sense of enlightenment and downright arrogance.

Isn't that what you're doing to me? You're in a thread that encourages perspectives to expose maybe some flaws in thinking, and you're getting angry because I'm admitting I'm oblivious to the problems of blacks. I'm only sharing what's discussed among my circle of friends and in my experiences (which is very diverse btw). You're like wielding a knife at me and asking for a hug at the same time 
 .This is where most whites (at least in my experience) get confused. I'm down for listening to your point of view but it's not cool for you to assume my position or stance because of the color of MY skin.  

I don't know how else to say this without making you upset, the world is bigger than African-American issues. Not saying they aren't any less important, but are you well educated in the effects and psyche of the Japanese post Hiroshima? Nagasaki? Maybe the Holocaust?  The oppression my Great-Grandfather experienced as an Irish Immigrant in New York? 

One can say that you're putting YOUR feelings as a black man in front of Asians and Jewish people as if your struggle is far greater. Imagine being Muslim in New York. They're doing something about their issues because it's their issues and their struggle. 

I've always observed there's a "you don't know what its like being black" attitude when ever race comes up,  imagine being in my shoes in this very thread looking to offer some perspective and you're rejecting me cause you're not taking the time to understand me as a person.

idk, you are trying to downplay the struggles of the black man in life vs asians and jews, its already hard to measure social struggles conclusively but blacks are second-rate citizens, since you're handling perspectives, i can give more profound examples of black social struggles but your gf is personal to you and you like her very much, would your current gf be with you if you were Jew? Asian? Hispanic? Black? 
slickp42189 wrote:
 its already hard to measure social struggles conclusively but blacks are second-rate citizens, since you're handling perspectives, i can give more profound examples of black social struggles but your gf is personal to you and you like her very much, would your current gf be with you if you were Jew? Asian? Hispanic? Black? 
Who's to say? I don't really question her about her past relationships but what are you getting at? Her preference in men? If so her choice should be respected like anyone's. You can't help who you're attracted to, I have a buddy who's homosexual, another on who only dates African-American women because he finds himself attracted to them. Some people just like Caucasian features, does that make them racist? Does that make them scumbags with sense of entitlement? No. 

Sometimes it has nothing to do with race as many would like to believe, sometimes it's a social thing, wrong timing, or someone isn't looking for something serious at that moment. I've dated a very gorgeous black woman who told me it just wasn't working out. Honestly race never even came up, I just had a lot of growing up to do and she didn't want to stick around for me maturing, 

Sometimes people come from VERY strict and judgmental backgrounds, so even if they wanted to date someone they feel like they really can't because of the person's social differences (education, career, quality of life etc). 

White people don't go around looking at blacks like "Ewww, you're black so you're automatically disgusting to me and off limits". I know it's easier for some to believe this because it makes them digest their own short comings a little better. But it's simply not true, and anyone who's white and thinks that way probably aren't worth being in your life because they have issues. Case in point being those internet troll girls from Utah, I wouldn't be caught dead with those troglodytes but they projected an image of importance to the "white standard". The imaginary "white" standards they WISH they could exude in their trashy life.
Chicago's Urban Prep Academy (an all-male charter school) just pulled a THREE-PEAT announcing that ALL of their graduating seniors have been accepted into four-year colleges!Some folks have no faith in the educational system, but Urban Prep Academy on Chicago's south side must be doing something right. Once again, 100% of its 2012 graduating seniors are heading off to college in the fall. And by the way, this school is the only all-Black, all-male public prep school in Chicago!This is the third year in a row that the school has achieved the feat thanks to hard working teachers and parents and of course...the amazing students.The school started with kids whose futures had been left for dead by their public schools: Only four percent of the school's incoming freshmen were reading at grade level when they arrived on campus.

Does this scare anyone 
. Good, it should. Which is why it doesn't get as much pub as it should. 
Hats off to the staff of that school. That's merely the beginning.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Does this scare anyone 
. Good, it should. Which is why it doesn't get as much pub as it should. 

If we're all on the same team, who should be scared? It doesn't get publicity because these kids are doing what they're suppose to do. I think its almost borderline histrionic to think anyone should fear someone doing what they're supposed to. If anything we should celebrate the notion that they are setting precedent and standards within their community and nationwide.

This "US vs THEM" conscious is very dangerous, and unravels any mended hopes of being one race. The human race.
Levar is adding nothing to this thread, sitting on a pile of arrogance as I've seen plenty of times before. An educated Black man will ALWAYS be
feared in this country. Hopefully we can turn efforts like that into a nation of educated Black men and cut off this cycle of incarceration. I'm not so
much for improving race relations as I am the betterment of our people. Imo at the end of the day it will always be us vs. them, as long as my people
are good I could care less about what the next race does.
Originally Posted by Levar Burton

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Does this scare anyone 
. Good, it should. Which is why it doesn't get as much pub as it should. 

If we're all on the same team, who should be scared? It doesn't get publicity because these kids are doing what they're suppose to do. I think its almost borderline histrionic to think anyone should fear someone doing what they're supposed to. If anything we should celebrate the notion that they are setting precedent and standards within their community and nationwide.

This "US vs THEM" conscious is very dangerous, and unravels any mended hopes of being one race. The human race.

If we are all on the same page isn't reality though. You don't think the powers that be fear a group of young black men not giving them reason to throw them into the slammer? Yes fear is the word I would use. Fear that black people will realize that they are capable and not idiots, baby-makers, dancers/singers/rappers/athletes, but successful citizens in society. Yes it scares people in power. The same way whites were scared to allow slaves to read because what happens after they figure out how to read? Exactly.
So yes, it is fear.

We aren't on the same page. This isn't Utopia. I am not saying we hate each other but we aren't on the same page.
Originally Posted by CJ863

An educated Black man will ALWAYS be feared in this country. Hopefully we can turn efforts like that into a nation of educated Black men and cut off this cycle of incarceration. I'm not so much for improving race relations as I am the betterment of our people. Imo at the end of the day it will always be us vs. them, as long as my people are good I could care less about what the next race does.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]My sentiments exactly. [/color]

The most formidable of all the ills that threaten the future of the Union arises from the presence of a black population upon its territory; 
As soon as it is admitted that the whites and the emancipated blacks are placed upon the same territory in the situation of two foreign communities, it will readily be understood that there are but two chances for the future: the Negroes and the whites must either wholly part or wholly mingle. I have already expressed my conviction as to the latter event.46 I do not believe that the white and black races will ever live in any country upon an equal footing. 

These evils are unquestionably great, but they are the necessary and foreseen consequences of the very principle of modern slavery. When the Europeans chose their slaves from a race differing from their own, which many of them considered as inferior to the other races of mankind. 

The modern slave differs from his master not only in his condition but in his origin. You may set the Negro free, but you cannot make him otherwise than an alien to the European. Nor is this all we scarcely acknowledge the common features of humanity in this stranger whom slavery has brought among us. His physiog- nomy is to our eyes hideous, his understanding weak, his tastes low; and we are almost inclined to look upon him as a being intermediate between man and the brutes.32 The moderns, then, after they have abolished slavery, have three prejudices to contend against, which are less easy to attack and far less easy to conquer than the mere fact of servitude: the prejudice of the master, the prejudice of the race, and the prejudice of color.

Just a few snippets above. More can be found: http://xroads.virginia.edu/~HYPER/DETOC/1_ch18.htm
Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

No matter how much $ we have. How much "professionalism" (as you all call it), we have, this country will never really be for us.
So what do you think the solution is then, if in fact there is one.
Enslave white people for 400 years and reverse the power structure.
Originally Posted by RetroSan

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

 Exotic = Not a Normal Black Man in America. Because if he were, he wouldn't be where he is..

Eleborate on this, are you saying that a "normal black man" can't accomplish what he has?
Nope he couldn't. "They" wouldn't let him accomplish that. They wouldn't allow him to sit in that seat. They wouldn't support that. You have to be allowed to be in THAT position and I do not feel a "normal" black man that is from a hood/suburb near you would not be able to accomplish what Big O did. I do not see it happening. Well let me ask you this, what skin tone is this black man. If he is as black as me then he isn't going to be able to accomplish that. Nah, I don't see that happening. They "gave" us Big O, so we better be happy and calm and satisfied for the next 30 years. 

(That last line is them talking not me)
I guess its just me but I have no fear of an educated black man. I actually applaud it. I applaud education for every person. Not that I have a fear of uneducated black men, but an educated person no matter what their race is likely to earn more money and avoid committing crimes. (I'm not saying all, but most) I would rather have an educated human being than a non educated human being committing crimes and becoming a burden on the prison system or on welfare. Also, I'm not saying all uneducated people are committing crimes, but studies have shown that people with college degrees earn more.

Take it for what you want. Just a white dudes opinion on the education opinion.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You have to be allowed to be in THAT position and I do not feel a "normal" black man that is from a hood/suburb near you would not be able to accomplish what Big O did.
The "normal" white person from the suburb near you isn't becoming President either. Its not like these guys becoming President are everyday people. They go schools like Yale, Harvard, Oxford, and whatnot. That isn't your average person.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I guess its just me but I have no fear of an educated black man. I actually applaud it. I applaud education for every person. Not that I have a fear of uneducated black men, but an educated person no matter what their race is likely to earn more money and avoid committing crimes. (I'm not saying all, but most) I would rather have an educated human being than a non educated human being committing crimes and becoming a burden on the prison system or on welfare. Also, I'm not saying all uneducated people are committing crimes, but studies have shown that people with college degrees earn more.

Take it for what you want. Just a white dudes opinion on the education opinion.

When the idea of "fearing an Educated Black Man" is thrown around of course it isn't insinuated that all non-blacks are scared of this. But can you understand why it is said that people in power that prey on the poor, uneducated people of this world to lock up, medicate, and "legallly" enslave? If those same people are now understanding that they are special and in fact capable of doing great things in this world then who left will there be to bother? If the people that are sleep wake up (blacks becoming enlightened as a WHOLE), then all of this (Society) as we know it will have changed completely. As someone mentioned before, those big wigs don't want things to change. Not change for the better for blacks that is.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

The "normal" white person from the suburb near you isn't becoming President either. Its not like these guys becoming President are everyday people. They go schools like Yale, Harvard, Oxford, and whatnot. That isn't your average person. 
Yea I know this. I believe (not proof of course 
 ) that Presidents are hand-picked long long long before they are even of Presidential Age. Of course it isn't for the average person. Which supports the idea of no "normal" rags/riches type of black dude (white either as you said) will get that position.
Originally Posted by Trelvis Tha Thrilla

I guess its just me but I have no fear of an educated black man. I actually applaud it. I applaud education for every person. Not that I have a fear of uneducated black men, but an educated person no matter what their race is likely to earn more money and avoid committing crimes. (I'm not saying all, but most) I would rather have an educated human being than a non educated human being committing crimes and becoming a burden on the prison system or on welfare. Also, I'm not saying all uneducated people are committing crimes, but studies have shown that people with college degrees earn more.

Take it for what you want. Just a white dudes opinion on the education opinion.

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

You have to be allowed to be in THAT position and I do not feel a "normal" black man that is from a hood/suburb near you would not be able to accomplish what Big O did.
The "normal" white person from the suburb near you isn't becoming President either. Its not like these guys becoming President are everyday people. They go schools like Yale, Harvard, Oxford, and whatnot. That isn't your average person.
He's referring to the fact that's he's from Hawaii and he's half-white. 
He's saying even if "Darius", a brown skinned dude from D.C. goes to Yale or Harvard and does exactly what Obama did, he still would never be voted President.
Originally Posted by Slicknick951

im in for responses. My parents are straight from the islands so i dont have any stories that were past down to me but racism is very much still alive. In more ways than one

this is me.
Originally Posted by DAYTONA 5000

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

No matter how much $ we have. How much "professionalism" (as you all call it), we have, this country will never really be for us.
So what do you think the solution is then, if in fact there is one.
Enslave white people for 400 years and reverse the power structure.
that's gotta be one of the dumbest things I have ever heard
Trelvis I hear what your saying but most times I think people are referring to movers and shakers when they say that (fear of educated black man)not people that just happen to be white. At least that's how it always comes off when I hear people say it on/offline. I cant speak for Dc or anybody in this thread though but other blacks I've been I can say that's what they meant.
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

What would happen if black people were to get reparations?

if back ppl ever got what they were owed, it would bankrupt the financial system. 
Imagine if Henirietta Lacks family estate owned the rights to her cells? ( the black woman who the HeLa Cell was exracted from and named after)

There would be no pharmaceutical industry and most sciences we have today . And this is just one case. Her family would be beyond trillionaires.

For a country who's entire prosperity lies on the backs, and blood of others there it is not feasible way to pay reparations without giving up everything they got.   

You can settle, but it will never truly suffice. 

But this is why times change. Nothing last forever. Especially an unsustainable empire. 

Plus considering America already reached it's apex,  it is a short lived empire in the grand scheme of all other empires that have ever been. There are empires that have survived  for thousands of years and the U.S. is crumbling after only a few hundred years of age.
Originally Posted by ImStillMike

If sillyputty was around here best believe he would be going in on this topic

wait a minute

I know I know I'm late,
but he's really gone? when did this happen? 

I have noticed the tone of NT to be a LOT different recently. Seems like some topics have gone on to be more productive and less stagnant. Haven't had to scroll through skyscrapers of text and the usual gifs. 

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

No matter how much $ we have. How much "professionalism" (as you all call it), we have, this country will never really be for us.
So what do you think the solution is then, if in fact there is one.

  1. the solution is for black people to begin to set up their own institutions
  2. STOP trying to integrate so much[they've had centuries to let you in and the haven't and probably never will]
  3. insulate our own communities from  outsider[prime example is the Jews, euro-Asian(all inclusive,Indian , mid easterners , Japanese ,Chinese )]
  4. establish ties with Africa[you foreign black people represent untapped human capital...while the locals do not have the resources ,you black foreigners do..for example we had a mine that required  500,000 for equipment,no one went for it but once the Chinese came, they took it over and now  its  churning out millions in steel for the Chinese ]
  5. STOP expecting free Hand Outs take Responsibility [you have to realize nobody is going to do anything for us,nothing is FREE... a white person kills a black child and  black people march in hopes white people will bring  justice!?! ]
  6. Stop barking start biting[ how long will be before  we realize ,marching, whistle blowing and complaining  is not  going to do anything besides annoy the oppressor.. we need an actual plan of attack ]
  7. Start PROTECTING our WOMEN and CHILDREN[western society continually attacks our women  and we have done nothing to protect them instead  we turn around  and join  in ... in fact we go even further  by lusting for women that don't belong to us  and will screw us over the  most menial of things]
pardon my English it is my second language
I don't know why  i even made it this big, i forgot you people don't read hopefully this time i won't lambasted  and banished
Originally Posted by MartianRefugee

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

So what do you think the solution is then, if in fact there is one.

  1. the solution is for black people to begin to set up their own institutions
  2. STOP trying to integrate so much[they've had centuries to let you in and the haven't and probably never will]
  3. insulate our own communities from  outsider[prime example is the Jews, euro-Asian(all inclusive,Indian , mid easterners , Japanese ,Chinese )]
  4. establish ties with Africa[you foreign black people represent untapped human capital...while the locals do not have the resources ,you black foreigners do..for example we had a mine that required  500,000 for equipment,no one went for it but once the Chinese came, they took it over and now  its  churning out millions in steel for the Chinese ]
  5. STOP expecting free Hand Outs take Responsibility [you have to realize nobody is going to do anything for us,nothing is FREE... a white person kills a black child and  black people march in hopes white people will bring  justice!?! ]
  6. Stop barking start biting[ how long will be before  we realize ,marching, whistle blowing and complaining  is not  going to do anything besides annoy the oppressor.. we need an actual plan of attack ]
  7. Start PROTECTING our WOMEN and CHILDREN[western society continually attacks our women  and we have done nothing to protect them instead  we turn around  and join  in ... in fact we go even further  by lusting for women that don't belong to us  and will screw us over the  most menial of things]
pardon my English it is my second language
I don't know why  i even made it this big, i forgot you people don't read hopefully this time i won't lambasted  and banished

1. De segregation ended this.
2. This is a misnomer not until de segregation was forced upon the entire nation did this actually start happening. If you look at the history of black America before de segregation, most neighborhoods did not want integration, what they wanted was equality.

3. See #2

4. I'll skip this for now

5. I've never met anyone that expected a handout, most simply want an opportunity

6. This is where I always bring forth the Martin vs Malcolm debate. Malcolm preached heavily about the previous five where as you can see Martin won out in the end. Then there was the Black Panther movement, that was infiltrated and demolished through the drug trade.

7. See #6. Also that little tid bit about interracial dating is quite absurd. Women that don't belong to us!!!!!!!! seriously. Didn't realize that in order to date some outside your race (race being an absurdity in and of itself) you had to sneak into someone else's home and steal their prized pet.

If I don't fall asleep after finishing my home work I'll answer 1 and 2 in depth.
Originally Posted by MartianRefugee

Originally Posted by FIRST B0RN

So what do you think the solution is then, if in fact there is one.

  1. the solution is for black people to begin to set up their own institutions
  2. STOP trying to integrate so much[they've had centuries to let you in and the haven't and probably never will]
  3. insulate our own communities from  outsider[prime example is the Jews, euro-Asian(all inclusive,Indian , mid easterners , Japanese ,Chinese )]
  4. establish ties with Africa[you foreign black people represent untapped human capital...while the locals do not have the resources ,you black foreigners do..for example we had a mine that required  500,000 for equipment,no one went for it but once the Chinese came, they took it over and now  its  churning out millions in steel for the Chinese ]
  5. STOP expecting free Hand Outs take Responsibility [you have to realize nobody is going to do anything for us,nothing is FREE... a white person kills a black child and  black people march in hopes white people will bring  justice!?! ]
  6. Stop barking start biting[ how long will be before  we realize ,marching, whistle blowing and complaining  is not  going to do anything besides annoy the oppressor.. we need an actual plan of attack ]
  7. Start PROTECTING our WOMEN and CHILDREN[western society continually attacks our women  and we have done nothing to protect them instead  we turn around  and join  in ... in fact we go even further  by lusting for women that don't belong to us  and will screw us over the  most menial of things]
pardon my English it is my second language
I don't know why  i even made it this big, i forgot you people don't read hopefully this time i won't lambasted  and banished

I feel what you are saying. But every time black people try to do this, it get's messed up and infiltrated and all the leaders are either set up, killed or sell out.

The world profits off of black communities that don't work for themselves, but for others.

Think about a black company even trying to sell hair care products that blacks majority buy. Black companies can't get the products for the same price the asian and indian vendors get, hence why all the beauty supply houses are rarely ever black owned. 

Point I'm trying to make is that on the outside, the worlds hates us, but behind closed doors, they desperately need our business. 

As wide as the income gap is, blacks still make up a large portion of the consumer spending.

Only thing that would help blacks is if they changed their mental perception from a strict consumer, to a balance of production over consumption. 

But in production, have to make sure you get credit for it.

The man who invented the stop light, the gas mask, and tennis shoes had to fight to get credit for his inventions. 

Think about all the other black inventors that weren't so steadfast.

You got museums, streets, technology named after people who ain't did sh but steal. 


(stolen without a gun)

Originally Posted by fac3 tak30v312

If I don't fall asleep after finishing my home work I'll answer 1 and 2 in depth.


go ahead the table is yours
 i can tell we willl never agree on the whole  interracial dating thing
but many black men in western society who become successful  or even attain  middle/ upper middle class status will often go for anything but black ..
 usually their hybrid offspring (especially if they obtain euro-centric features) ends up married to anything but  black due to their issues of belonging  and self hatred compounded by their father's(parent) own self hatred 
ultimately meaning no inheritance ever goes to the black side thus perpetuating black poverty  and maintaining income ,wealth disparities......

its just as they say in sociology a personal problem becomes a societal problem  when  a large number of people experience similar problems.

therefore you might say that one rich black man choosing a white woman is down to preferences but when the majority of black men who attain "rich"  or" wealthy": status chose white women  well there's something going on.where there is smoke there is  fire!
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