Racism 1, The Nomad 0

the nomad

Jul 21, 2012
So today I'm going for a stroll with a lady friend and we're holding hands. A plumber van filled with Polish men are in a traffic jam, and see us walking hand and hand. They say something in Polish "kurwa", someone says "do you know what that means, she's a ***** who makes mutt babies ...that wasn't necessary at all". I ask what? He says something vulgar and gives me the finger. So maybe 30 seconds go by of me keeping my cool and trying to downplay it, but there was a BIG elephant in the room like I went out like a loser.

So I tell her, I'm gonna catch them at the light, they are like 4 blocks away. She says "no way", I'm in a pair of Hart Schaffner Marx with slip on Oxfords. I'm looking like Usain Bolt late for a meeting, I caught them at the light and there's a HUGE Bane looking character in the back seat I didn't see.

The rage made me not care, "Aye, what you say to me and my girl?" ..."Yeah don't look surprised some of the stereotype are true, we're very fast". "Why don't you get out the car and say it to me like a man so I can punch you dead in your ****?"

Still looking like he seen a ghost and was astonished I made it 4 blocks that fast to beat his ***. He's now switching into "my friends are watching mode so I can't punk out". The driver is maybe 65, "we don't want trouble",

"You should've thought about that before you disrespected an interracial couple, it's 2012 and you're in AMERICA your homeland customs were compromised when you decided to move to MY country for a better life. Round here that will get you ****** up"

He tried to take off his seat belt, BOW, it's off but he's in the days, BOW, BAP BAP BAM. Bane in the backseat tries to pull me in, my hand gets free BOW. I drag mister mouth in the middle of the street, and people are yelling "what's he doing", "call the police", ..."I yell this what happens when you call my girl a *****, THIS IS AMERICA, you people can't come here and spend our money, reap our benefits and try to carve out a piece you call you own. THIS IS AMERICA either you accept ALL PEOPLE IN IT, including BLACKS who built this country in BLOOD or you GO HOME"

He takes a swing, I duck BOW, PAP PAP, BAM BOOM...he's out of there. I'm sweating like a beast in $500 worth of casual attire. She's now on the scene crying, people are looking at me like a trouble maker in disgust, those who heard my little manifesto understood but and were explaining it to others.

I felt trapped, like my strength, masculinity, RESPECT AS A HUMAN being was forfeited if I didn't give this guy the business. But I looked like a lunatic to those who didn't understand. Is this the price I pay for being black? Having nice looking women?  

I've let things like that slide, 3 times this month already and tried to be the bigger person. One guy did it again because I ALLOWED him to by being passive. I'd rather earn his respect and understanding with my mind, but sometimes people have to learn through physical pain. I felt what I did was a public service, my day is ruined and I feel like all my accomplishments are bruised and tarnished because of how I acted.

Blacks and minorities you're welcome to share stories or leave feedback on how I could have handled it better.
Caucasians check in too, I'd like to know if you know someone who feels like this about interracial couples.
But I'm a psych major and I seen no other means to make this guy understand his behavior isn't acceptable. 

Sorry for no cliffs, certain things have be understood in it's entirety introspectively.

Pics for the beast
Same style dress, hair, shoes, frame and smile most the time

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you probably gave him another reason to be racist. should've just said your piece and moved on.
I lost my cool, which is HARD to do. I made a public spectacle of myself, but it's only so many times you can be disrespected in a month before taking the high ground just takes its toll on who you are. She was starting to not feel or secure and safe with me because I've walked away so many times already.
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people have been murked for doing/saying less...you did the right thing and im cornbread white 

Caught me off guard. :lol:

To the OP...I was gonna say you were in the wrong for letting him get to you (even though you technically still are), but three times in a month is just ridiculous. :smh: I can understand having that tension built up.
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you probably gave him another reason to be racist. should've just said your piece and moved on.
that really makes sense....lets not defend ourselves because it gives people more of an incentive to be racist...:stoneface:

there comes a time in life when you can't back down from the challenges that are put in front of you...apparently its ok for the world to physically and mentally apprehend and oppress us, but anything we do in self defense gives them more of a reason to be racist...:rofl:

see how ******g unfair and stupid people think?
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So you made yourself look like a _____ for the sake of defending your "ladyfriend"?

Basically In a effort to defend your caucasian girlfriend and confirm your manhood, you successfully reinforced the stereotype that we're "angry" and casted black men in a negative light to not only the racists who insulted your female in the first place, but to everybody who witnessed the event. AND nobody even directly insulted YOU in the first place.

Basically even though you beat their ***, they still made you their b-word.

Think before you act bro.
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Yo I love you for this. :pimp:

Heres the truth, I try to avoid these situations, I can't afford to be a stereotype, to have a cop decide whether I was in the right or wrong or any of that mess.

The way the onlookers looked at you would exactly be my biggest fear, people that don't understand the situation.

You can't keep your cool always, you definitely didn't change his views, but he might think twice before opening his mouth.
So today I'm going for a stroll with a lady friend and we're holding hands. A plumber van filled with Polish men are in a traffic jam, and see us walking hand and hand. They say something in Polish "kurwa", someone says "do you know what that means, she's a ***** who makes mutt babies ...that wasn't necessary at all". I ask what? He says something vulgar and gives me the finger. So maybe 30 seconds go by of me keeping my cool and trying to downplay it, but there was a BIG elephant in the room like I went out like a loser.

So I tell her, I'm gonna catch them at the light, they are like 4 blocks away. She says "no way", I'm in a pair of Hart Schaffner Marx with slip on Oxfords. I'm looking like Usain Bolt late for a meeting, I caught them at the light and there's a HUGE Bane looking character in the back seat I didn't see.

The rage made me not care, "Aye, what you say to me and my girl?" ..."Yeah don't look surprised some of the stereotype are true, we're very fast". "Why don't you get out the car and say it to me like a man so I can punch you dead in your ****?"

Still looking like he seen a ghost and was astonished I made it 4 blocks that fast to beat his ***. He's now switching into "my friends are watching mode so I can't punk out". The driver is maybe 65, "we don't want trouble",

"You should've thought about that before you disrespected an interracial couple, it's 2012 and you're in AMERICA your homeland customs were compromised when you decided to move to MY country for a better life. Round here that will get you ****** up"

He tried to take off his seat belt, BOW, it's off but he's in the days, BOW, BAP BAP BAM. Bane in the backseat tries to pull me in, my hand gets free BOW. I drag mister mouth in the middle of the street, and people are yelling "what's he doing", "call the police", ..."I yell this what happens when you call my girl a *****, THIS IS AMERICA, you people can't come here and spend our money, reap our benefits and try to carve out a piece you call you own. THIS IS AMERICA either you accept ALL PEOPLE IN IT, including BLACKS who built this country in BLOOD or you GO HOME"

He takes a swing, I duck BOW, PAP PAP, BAM BOOM...he's out of there. I'm sweating like a beast in $500 worth of casual attire. She's now on the scene crying, people are looking at me like a trouble maker in disgust, those who heard my little manifesto understood but and were explaining it to others.

I felt trapped, like my strength, masculinity, RESPECT AS A HUMAN being was forfeited if I didn't give this guy the business. But I looked like a lunatic to those who didn't understand. Is this the price I pay for being black? Having nice looking women?  

I've let things like that slide, 3 times this month already and tried to be the bigger person. One guy did it again because I ALLOWED him to by being passive. I'd rather earn his respect and understanding with my mind, but sometimes people have to learn through physical pain. I felt what I did was a public service, my day is ruined and I feel like all my accomplishments are bruised and tarnished because of how I acted.

Blacks and minorities you're welcome to share stories or leave feedback on how I could have handled it better.

Caucasians check in too, I'd like to know if you know someone who feels like this about interracial couples.

But I'm a psych major and I seen no other means to make this guy understand his behavior isn't acceptable. 

Sorry for no cliffs, certain things have be understood in it's entirety introspectively.

Pics for the beast

Same style dress, hair, shoes, frame and smile most the time


Who is this blessed heavenly beauty whose booty is so divine and everlastinging
Caught me off guard.

To the OP...I was gonna say you were in the wrong for letting him get to you (even though you technically still are), but three times in a month is just ridiculous.
I can understand having that tension built up.
It's like what do I do? I understand if you don't like me because the color of my skin. THAT'S YOU RIGHT, a stupid right to be entitled to but I'm understanding enough to RESPECT your right. But to disrespect a beautiful woman that doesn't share your beliefs isn't your right, THEN to verbalize your hate in my proximity is even worse.

Imagine being a nice looking female with a guy who's VERY muscular, and every time you're out people are calling you names because of who you're with?
First time was a crazy guy, called me a "mongrel" while we're on a stroll. THEN some wise cracking guy says "you can't find a white guy with a **** big enough?"
Same guy two weeks later see me in my car, it was very nice. "Oh that's how you got her, is it bulletproof you know rappers are doing that now?"

Each time I walked away and downplayed it like I was better than their petty grievances, but you could tell it was frustrating her.
It was to the point where she was shocked I was gonna walk away today.


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So you made yourself look like a _____ for the sake of defending your "ladyfriend"?
Basically In a effort to defend your caucasian girlfriend and confirm your manhood, you successfully reinforced the stereotype that we're "angry" and casted black men in a negative light to not only the racists who insulted your female in the first place, but to everybody who witnessed the event. AND nobody even directly insulted YOU in the first place.
Basically even though you beat their ***, they still made you their b-word.
Think before you act bro.

Please explain how you would have played it sir, should he have become the passive minority that the world loves or the aggressive minority that everyone hates? Idk about you but either way it would have been a loss. So what do you suggest is self-worth not important just because one minority's action represents every minority to the majority? I do believe fighting them wasn't the best choice but I always acknowledge it's real easy for a bunch of Captain Hindsights to say "Oh I woulda played it different OP".
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So you made yourself look like a _____ for the sake of defending your "ladyfriend"?

Basically In a effort to defend your caucasian girlfriend and confirm your manhood, you successfully reinforced the stereotype that we're "angry" and casted black men in a negative light to not only the racists who insulted your female in the first place, but to everybody who witnessed the event. AND nobody even directly insulted YOU in the first place.

Basically even though you beat their ***, they still made you their b-word.

Think before you act bro.
Who gives a **** about the stereotypes he reinforced, If people are simply going to judge him ( a stranger) on that just to reassure their ignorant way of thinking and to generalize that "oh see I was right, these ******* are all mad and angry...cant control their temper"...That is on them...NOT THE OP. It's his job to make sure these people don't get the wrong idea about black men? You serious?

It's his fault that these idiots want to continue to generalize a group of people?

Could OP have acted in a better manner like he's done in the past? Sure. He snapped and I cant knock him for that, everybody has a limit to how much abuse they can take
Racism 1, The Nomad 0


Should have let them bask in their saltiness rather than going Hitman Hearns on dudes.
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should he have become the passive minority that the world loves or the aggressive minority that everyone hates? Idk about you but either way it would have been a loss.
Dilemma I faced, and the purpose of the thread. It's an introspective decision that's burdened among Blacks and Hispanics, like we're just supposed to say "Okay, say what you want but I'm not gonna respond" subsequently reinforcing that this behavior is acceptable. Feels like you're in a cell and the bars are your humanity, only way to get "free" is to succumb to verbal random abuse. But THEN am I really free?

Barrack Obama needs to write a manual for minorities to follow, he's the Lebron of keeping it cool in a racial dilemma. 
I truly understand your frustration, I've mention before on here, Texas is terribly racist so much I question my thoughts at times. Knowing what my family went through to survive. As a black man in America we can't win, no matter how many times we do the right thing or how much flack we take and turn a blind eye. Once you do something or have the perception of doing something wrong, you lose. Really applaud you for your effort.

I've notice people will intentionally push these buttons because they know they can get away. Someone disrespects you in a racist manner, you fight them or argue and if the police are of the same mentality (which is most Texas police are) they will arrest you and sentence you.

There is a reason Black history is only taught in one day while you hear about LBJ and all his accompishments for months. Some may deny but the proof is there. Racism is still alive in many forms.
RACISM is an effort on AMERICAN individuals part to heal. But what really perplexes me is FOREIGN PEOPLE coming to a country that isn't theirs by BIRTH RIGHT and imposing racial prejudiced. Like who is teaching them this? Racism is like a computer virus, spreading from system to system the culprit NEVER gets caught but victim pays the price BEFORE everything is sorted out.
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Who gives a **** about the stereotypes he reinforced, If people are simply going to judge him ( a stranger) on that just to reassure their ignorant way of thinking and to generalize that "oh see I was right, these ******* are all mad and angry...cant control their temper"...That is on them...NOT THE OP. It's his job to make sure these people don't get the wrong idea about black men? You serious?

It's his fault that these idiots want to continue to generalize a group of people?

Could OP have acted in a better manner like he's done in the past? Sure. He snapped and I cant knock him for that, everybody has a limit to how much abuse they can take

So acting like a ignorant fool is the answer?

I'm not pulling a damn near senior citizen out of a car in the middle of the street to beat his ***, over something i'm not sure if he even said or not because it was in totally different language.

I'm at the point in my life I'm not risking my freedom or safety (i.e. going to jail or getting ****** up) over words somebody says unless you're talking about my mother. If you put your hands on me or threaten me we're wrecking though.

My homegirl is lightskin, 5'11, with a fat ***. ANYTIME we're out some ignorant negro got a comment to make. Do I engage in a argument with them?...Hell no. I say "you right she do gotta fat *** cuz" and keep it pushing. At the end of the day THEY'RE salty, NOT me. When you let people's words make you act that far out of character they've already won.
I'm not pulling a damn near senior citizen out of a car in the middle of the street to beat his ***, over something i'm not sure if he even said or not because it was in totally different language.

When you let people's words make you act that far out of character they've already won
The driver was maybe 65 ...the guy with the mouth was atleast 35 years old, 6'3" and about 220, the Bane looking muscular guy was huge.

...when I asked him what? He sucked his teeth and gave me the middle finger, that's universal for **** you.

3 times in ONE MONTH this has happened though..everyone has boiling points where logic just doesn't compute
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cool story... srs.

i always let it slide off my back...

also, im confused... he who owns apt in manhatten and Rari is chasing down rascist plumbers in the streets?

couldnt be me.. they woke today still biggots and ur lucky u didnt catch a charge
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