Racism 1, The Nomad 0

So today I'm going for a stroll with a lady friend and we're holding hands. A plumber van filled with Polish men are in a traffic jam, and see us walking hand and hand. They say something in Polish "kurwa", someone says "do you know what that means, she's a ***** who makes mutt babies ...that wasn't necessary at all". I ask what? He says something vulgar and gives me the finger. So maybe 30 seconds go by of me keeping my cool and trying to downplay it, but there was a BIG elephant in the room like I went out like a loser.

So I tell her, I'm gonna catch them at the light, they are like 4 blocks away. She says "no way", I'm in a pair of Hart Schaffner Marx with slip on Oxfords. I'm looking like Usain Bolt late for a meeting, I caught them at the light and there's a HUGE Bane looking character in the back seat I didn't see.

The rage made me not care, "Aye, what you say to me and my girl?" ..."Yeah don't look surprised some of the stereotype are true, we're very fast". "Why don't you get out the car and say it to me like a man so I can punch you dead in your ****?"

Still looking like he seen a ghost and was astonished I made it 4 blocks that fast to beat his ***. He's now switching into "my friends are watching mode so I can't punk out". The driver is maybe 65, "we don't want trouble",

"You should've thought about that before you disrespected an interracial couple, it's 2012 and you're in AMERICA your homeland customs were compromised when you decided to move to MY country for a better life. Round here that will get you ****** up"

He tried to take off his seat belt, BOW, it's off but he's in the days, BOW, BAP BAP BAM. Bane in the backseat tries to pull me in, my hand gets free BOW. I drag mister mouth in the middle of the street, and people are yelling "what's he doing", "call the police", ..."I yell this what happens when you call my girl a *****, THIS IS AMERICA, you people can't come here and spend our money, reap our benefits and try to carve out a piece you call you own. THIS IS AMERICA either you accept ALL PEOPLE IN IT, including BLACKS who built this country in BLOOD or you GO HOME"

He takes a swing, I duck BOW, PAP PAP, BAM BOOM...he's out of there. I'm sweating like a beast in $500 worth of casual attire. She's now on the scene crying, people are looking at me like a trouble maker in disgust, those who heard my little manifesto understood but and were explaining it to others.

I felt trapped, like my strength, masculinity, RESPECT AS A HUMAN being was forfeited if I didn't give this guy the business. But I looked like a lunatic to those who didn't understand. Is this the price I pay for being black? Having nice looking women?  

I've let things like that slide, 3 times this month already and tried to be the bigger person. One guy did it again because I ALLOWED him to by being passive. I'd rather earn his respect and understanding with my mind, but sometimes people have to learn through physical pain. I felt what I did was a public service, my day is ruined and I feel like all my accomplishments are bruised and tarnished because of how I acted.

Blacks and minorities you're welcome to share stories or leave feedback on how I could have handled it better.
Caucasians check in too, I'd like to know if you know someone who feels like this about interracial couples.
But I'm a psych major and I seen no other means to make this guy understand his behavior isn't acceptable. 

Sorry for no cliffs, certain things have be understood in it's entirety introspectively.

Pics for the beast
Same style dress, hair, shoes, frame and smile most the time

slip on oxfords. where they do that at?

Sorry to hear about the story. I'm guessing you live in New York. I found that it's best to try getting to know as many people from different races as possible, then when the scumbags come out you won't put them in a social 'box' which only feeds the problem, and you'll be more likely to shrug it off. As far as Polish people go, you guys need to get out more, you're cool and all but expand your horizons a little. 
I think either decision you would've been both wrong and right at the same time. On one hand, you dispensed street justice, which is needed at times I think, but you live up to an unfortunate stereotype. On the other, you show you're the more mature person, however now you seem like a "chump". Now that I think about it, why would you want approval of people who would look down on you for making a mature decision. So you maybe you ARE just another stereotype - speaking objectively of course, no dis intended.

Did you really think she was thinking "Damn, this dude just got chumped?" though? You said this happened in the past with her and it didn't seem to change the situation between you two. Which brings me back to my other point, if she was going to judge you for being a level headed person, then you need to jump ship, brosef. But if she DIDN'T actually think that, and previous scenarios would prove such, then just keep it movin'.
This is the United States of America, which has reaped the benefits of chattel slavery, murder, rape and execution of Africans that DIDN'T ask to be here in the first place.

However, we've invented 65% of the mechanics that are still useful functions in TODAY'S INTERNATIONAL WORLD, we even fought TWICE or a country that enslaved us and deduced us to 5% of a human being and referred to us a CATTLE.

We fought for CIVIL RIGHTS that EVERY HUMAN BEING that steps foot on this soil is ENTITLED TO, Killed hundreds of our leaders, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King ....and after close to 500 years there's FINALLY a President who LOOKS LIKE ME...

So YES, HELL YES...IN 2012 as a black male, college graduate who've over came MANY tribulations that would be deducted to duck tales on this site ...I FEEL that if you are an IMMIGRANT your people haven't faced the same horrors as MINES just for the right to exist and breath air in OUR COUNTRY... HELL YES you HAVE NO RIGHT TO IMPOSE YOUR RACIST VIEWS UPON SOIL MY ANCESTORS DIED FOR...you just can't come here and disrespect me like I SHOULDN'T BE HERE....while you're feeding your fat racist face with my tax dollars that pay for wars that kill MY AMERICAN PEOPLE (black, white, jewish, asian etc) then you go home and feed your fat faced racist relatives dollars earned in MY COUNTRY THAT YOU DO NOTHING FOR. HELL NO!

...I'm nearly as bad?
 Do you not see the point? You al most just proved my point for me.

Racism stems from the fact that humans like to feel like they need to belong to a group and that if your group is better than any other group.

Unless that kind of perspective ends, racism will never stop. Those racist dudes were definitely wrong, but you going on about how they're in YOUR COUNTRY, can you not see how that's self contradictory? Just because you're born into a great country and a great place, doesn't mean you're better than anybody else in another country.

I'm an immigrant too, and trust me, anybody that says YOU'RE IN MY COUNTRY sound just as stupid as any racist out there. Be proud of what you achieve in your life, not what place/color you're born into
OP, don't let the fools in here saying it didn't happen dissuade you from posting TRUE LIFE events on here. That's why I come to general so I can see other people's experiences in real life as well as their point of view. For those saying you acted wrong, that's an opinion. In my opinion, I applaud you as I would have acted in similar fashion. For those saying you confirmed their views....they're soft and should go to hell. The iBlink guy's post is another example of marshmallow softness and cowardice. Unfortunately in this country, it is a reality that your actions could result in negative consequences within the judicial system. But you stood up for yourself, and also for me at that particular point in time. To those who said his girl could leave him for that, then that's good riddance. Especially as a white woman if you can't understand how my dignity as a black man is taken from me the second I wake up each day and you choose to leave me when protecting that as a man and human....I'm far better off without you (although I'll smash them, won't really catch me dating one). While this may not teach them a lesson on race relations, it does teach them that there are real N's that will stand up and fight for ours. In this case, God looked out for you and protected you from the law. I'm almost certain God is proud. Again I salute you. With that being said, it's important to pick and choose our battles wisely. In this case, your instincts proved to be right for the simple fact that you left unscathed and no legal consequence. Those calling it "humble brag" are envious of the fact that they don't have the heart to do that. That's why they don't believe or downplay you taking that stand. Good ish my man....:smokin
I know that feel bruh.

I'm black and my girl is asian. We get those looks. I mug back at times. But **** em. Old bastards

When I see other guys with mixed relationships (and with kids sometimes) I give the nod of peace to da gods and keep it moving.
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We live in a time when ever there's a fight it should be captured on tape and should be seen by every1 in the world via WSHH and YouTube

There's no reason an epic beat down is video less
lol why do I feel like this story was just an excuse to rant about how bad the white man is?

Anyhow if its true, you sir are winning if your girlfriend looks like that.
They some jelly cats man. Should had just grabbed our Shorty's *** and start to make out
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