Racism 1, The Nomad 0

Most quality females don't like violence or blood shed in front of their faces my dude. She probably would have respected you more if you just let it roll and enjoyed your time with her. Real WOMEN don't like getting caught up in all that bs/drama stuff.
You going on about how he's in YOUR country and better abide by YOUR rules is nearly just as bad...
Hard to believe the story, since I've been using the internet, I've seen a lot of pathetic stuff and random lies. I'll go with it though.

You looked ******g crazy. You're telling me you beat up a 65 year old man? What? That's not okay. If I saw that, I don't care what he said about your interracial relationship, you don't do that. It doesn't prove anything and makes you look like a irrational jackass. You should have approached one of the younger men in the car who were also saying stuff, not the damn 65 year old. Bane had you shook so you went after his damn grandfather.

The driver was maybe 65 ...the guy with the mouth was atleast 35 years old, 6'3" and about 220, the Bane looking muscular guy was huge.

...when I asked him what? He sucked his teeth and gave me the middle finger, that's universal for **** you.

3 times in ONE MONTH this has happened though..everyone has boiling points where logic just doesn't compute
Honestly, if your girl looks even remotely similar to Jennifer Lawrence you're already winning. Fighting an old dude does nothing for you.
As everyone else stated, you handled it the wrong way.
Waay to much risk involved to be a grown man fighting over words/gestures..

What if this happens next week, what will you do differently?
Hard to believe the story, since I've been using the internet, I've seen a lot of pathetic stuff and random lies. I'll go with it though.

You looked ******g crazy. You're telling me you beat up a 65 year old man? What? That's not okay. If I saw that, I don't care what he said about your interracial relationship, you don't do that. It doesn't prove anything and makes you look like a irrational jackass. You should have approached one of the younger men in the car who were also saying stuff, not the damn 65 year old. Bane had you shook so you went after his damn grandfather.

The driver was maybe 65 ...the guy with the mouth was atleast 35 years old, 6'3" and about 220, the Bane looking muscular guy was huge.

...when I asked him what? He sucked his teeth and gave me the middle finger, that's universal for **** you.

3 times in ONE MONTH this has happened though..everyone has boiling points where logic just doesn't compute
Ok, so you're saying you didn't beat up the 65 year old? That's what it sounded like to me, my bad.

Okay, then, it's whatever to me honestly. You should have kept your cool but what's done is done. Not a big deal. I'd probably walk by and think that's pretty cool that a racist dude was getting beat up, but I'd also think you were crazy, but the important part is the first thing.
You going on about how he's in YOUR country and better abide by YOUR rules is nearly just as bad...
This is the United States of America, which has reaped the benefits of chattel slavery, murder, rape and execution of Africans that DIDN'T ask to be here in the first place.

However, we've invented 65% of the mechanics that are still useful functions in TODAY'S INTERNATIONAL WORLD, we even fought TWICE or a country that enslaved us and deduced us to 5% of a human being and referred to us a CATTLE.

We fought for CIVIL RIGHTS that EVERY HUMAN BEING that steps foot on this soil is ENTITLED TO, Killed hundreds of our leaders, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King ....and after close to 500 years there's FINALLY a President who LOOKS LIKE ME...

So YES, HELL YES...IN 2012 as a black male, college graduate who've over came MANY tribulations that would be deducted to duck tales on this site ...I FEEL that if you are an IMMIGRANT your people haven't faced the same horrors as MINES just for the right to exist and breath air in OUR COUNTRY... HELL YES you HAVE NO RIGHT TO IMPOSE YOUR RACIST VIEWS UPON SOIL MY ANCESTORS DIED FOR...you just can't come here and disrespect me like I SHOULDN'T BE HERE....while you're feeding your fat racist face with my tax dollars that pay for wars that kill MY AMERICAN PEOPLE (black, white, jewish, asian etc) then you go home and feed your fat faced racist relatives dollars earned in MY COUNTRY THAT YOU DO NOTHING FOR. HELL NO!

...I'm nearly as bad?
You going on about how he's in YOUR country and better abide by YOUR rules is nearly just as bad...

This is the United States of America, which has reaped the benefits of chattel slavery, murder, rape and execution of Africans that DIDN'T ask to be here in the first place.

However, we've invented 65% of the mechanics that are still useful functions in TODAY'S INTERNATIONAL WORLD, we even fought TWICE or a country that enslaved us and deduced us to 5% of a human being and referred to us a CATTLE.

We fought for CIVIL RIGHTS that EVERY HUMAN BEING that steps foot on this soil is ENTITLED TO, Killed hundreds of our leaders, Malcolm X and Martin Luther King ....and after close to 500 years there's FINALLY a President who LOOKS LIKE ME...

So YES, HELL YES...IN 2012 as a black male, college graduate who've over came MANY tribulations that would be deducted to duck tales on this site ...I FEEL that if you are an IMMIGRANT your people haven't faced the same horrors as MINES just for the right to exist and breath air in OUR COUNTRY... HELL YES you HAVE NO RIGHT TO IMPOSE YOUR RACIST VIEWS UPON SOIL MY ANCESTORS DIED FOR...you just can't come here and disrespect me like I SHOULDN'T BE HERE....while you're feeding your fat racist face with my tax dollars that pay for wars that kill MY AMERICAN PEOPLE (black, white, jewish, asian etc) then you go home and feed your fat faced racist relatives dollars earned in MY COUNTRY THAT YOU DO NOTHING FOR. HELL NO!

...I'm nearly as bad?

yeah because being in africa right now is so much better right
invented 65% of useful mechanics that function today get outta here with that :lol:
stay talking out your ***
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yeah because being in africa right now is so much better right
get outta here with that
Really man just shut up, I'm not from Africa my ancestors are. I have no place in Africa unlike other nationalities my ancestors were taken hostage and brutally RAPED and forced to give birth to white men's babies.

At one point in time this was their present way of life, so imagine in some horrible turn of events a race of people decide they want to rule and succedded...imagine YOUR MOTHER being taken back to the captor's country and being RAPPED repeatedly for YEARS, your sister, even your WIFE...imagine that in 2012 it happens to YOUR LOVED ONES.

This was my people's reality. Just like many other nationalities take bloodlines SERIOUS coastal African did as well...some earned their freedom, and WENT BACK TO AFRICA only to have their children KILLED or themselves KILLED if they didn't return to America because the blood was "tainted".

This is the horror we face as black men and women...our history got RESET,  THIS IS OUR HOME THIS IS OUR COUNTRY.

So why are you connecting me to Africa like we can go back there?  We're not IMMIGRANTS our journey wasn't by choice.

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Back this up.

Not trying to turn this into a history lesson and this is an OBVIOUS copy and paste but a majority of this holds validity, here's a list to get you started...then imagine life if these things weren't existent.


air conditioning unit: Frederick M. Jones; July 12, 1949

almanac: Benjamin Banneker; Approx 1791

auto cut-off switch: Granville T. Woods; January 1,1839

auto fishing devise: G. Cook; May 30, 1899

automatic gear shift: Richard Spikes; February 28, 1932

baby buggy: W.H. Richardson; June 18, 1899

bicycle frame: L.R. Johnson; Octber 10, 1899

biscuit cutter: A.P. Ashbourne; November 30, 1875

blood plasma bag: Charles Drew; Approx. 1945

cellular phone: Henry T. Sampson; July 6, 1971

chamber commode: T. Elkins; January 3, 1897

clothes dryer: G. T. Sampson; June 6, 1862

curtain rod: S. R. Scratton; November 30, 1889

curtain rod support: William S. Grant; August 4, 1896

door knob: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878

door stop: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878

dust pan: Lawrence P. Ray; August 3, 1897

egg beater: Willie Johnson; February 5, 1884

electric lampbulb: Lewis Latimer; March 21, 1882

elevator: Alexander Miles; October 11, 1867

eye protector: P. Johnson; November 2, 1880

fire escape ladder: J. W. Winters; May 7, 1878

fire extinguisher: T. Marshall; October 26, 1872

folding bed: L. C. Bailey; July 18, 1899

folding chair: Brody & Surgwar; June 11, 1889

fountain pen: W. B. Purvis; January 7, 1890

furniture caster: O. A. Fisher; 1878

gas mask: Garrett Morgan; October 13, 1914

golf tee: T. Grant; December 12, 1899

guitar: Robert F. Flemming, Jr. March 3, 1886

hair brush: Lydia O. Newman; November 15,18--

hand stamp: Walter B. Purvis; February 27, 1883

horse shoe: J. Ricks; March 30, 1885

ice cream scooper: A. L. Cralle; February 2, 1897

improv. sugar making: Norbet Rillieux; December 10, 1846

insect-destroyer gun: A. C. Richard; February 28, 1899

ironing board: Sarah Boone; December 30, 1887

key chain: F. J. Loudin; January 9, 1894

lantern: Michael C. Harvey; August 19, 1884

lawn mower: L. A. Burr; May 19, 1889

lawn sprinkler: J. W. Smith; May 4, 1897

lemon squeezer: J. Thomas White; December 8, 1893

lock: W. A. Martin; July 23, 18--

lubricating cup: Ellijah McCoy; November 15, 1895

lunch pail: James Robinson; 1887

mail box: Paul L. Downing; October 27, 1891

mop: Thomas W. Stewart; June 11, 1893

motor: Frederick M. Jones; June 27, 1939

peanut butter: George Washington Carver; 1896

pencil sharpener: J. L. Love; November 23, 1897

record player arm: Joseph Hunger Dickenson January 8, 1819

refrigerator: J. Standard; June 14, 1891

riding saddles: W. D. Davis; October 6, 1895

rolling pin: John W. Reed; 1864

shampoo headrest: C. O. Bailiff; October 11, 1898

spark plug: Edmond Berger; February 2, 1839

stethoscope: Imhotep; Ancient Egypt

stove: T. A. Carrington; July 25, 1876

straightening comb: Madam C. J. Walker; Approx 1905

street sweeper: Charles B. Brooks; March 17, 1890

phone transmitter: Granville T. Woods; December 2, 1884

thermostat control: Frederick M. Jones; February 23, 1960

traffic light: Garrett Morgan; November 20, 1923

tricycle: M. A. Cherry; May 6, 1886

typewriter: Burridge & Marshman; April 7, 1885
 [/h3]Among various forms of POPULAR music, hip-hop, jazz, blues, reggae, rock and roll....dj'ing and break dancing. 
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Humble bragging at its finest.
  **** this thread ...mods lock this up and delete it. I know for future reference even though without the African American athlete this site or the a majority of the sneakers the users covet wouldn't be possible, but who cares...pump out those championship rings, good music and sneakers and keep it moving. No one cares about your problems.

For future reference I WILL NOT be sharing ANY insight into personal issues that may affect us all...especially the tribulations of the black male.

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:smh:   **** this thread ...mods lock this up and delete it. I know for future reference even though without the African American athlete this site or the a majority of the sneakers the users covet wouldn't be possible, but who cares...pump out those championship rings, good music and sneakers and keep it moving. No one cares about your problems.

For future reference I WILL NOT be sharing ANY insight into personal issues that may affect us all...especially the tribulations of the black male.


Boom. Zap. Pow. Blam. WHAM-OOOOOOOO!

Relax man, don't take yourself so seriously all the time. You got to be able to laugh and shake off the opinions of others. If you know it happened, cool, no need to rage.

NT loves proof and for people to "post pics." It is what is.
Originally Posted by starscream

Back this up.

Not trying to turn this into a history lesson and this is an OBVIOUS copy and paste but a majority of this holds validity, here's a list to get you started...then imagine life if these things weren't existent.

air conditioning unit: Frederick M. Jones; July 12, 1949
almanac: Benjamin Banneker; Approx 1791
auto cut-off switch: Granville T. Woods; January 1,1839
auto fishing devise: G. Cook; May 30, 1899
automatic gear shift: Richard Spikes; February 28, 1932
baby buggy: W.H. Richardson; June 18, 1899
bicycle frame: L.R. Johnson; Octber 10, 1899
biscuit cutter: A.P. Ashbourne; November 30, 1875
blood plasma bag: Charles Drew; Approx. 1945
cellular phone: Henry T. Sampson; July 6, 1971
chamber commode: T. Elkins; January 3, 1897
clothes dryer: G. T. Sampson; June 6, 1862
curtain rod: S. R. Scratton; November 30, 1889
curtain rod support: William S. Grant; August 4, 1896
door knob: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
door stop: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
dust pan: Lawrence P. Ray; August 3, 1897
egg beater: Willie Johnson; February 5, 1884
electric lampbulb: Lewis Latimer; March 21, 1882
elevator: Alexander Miles; October 11, 1867
eye protector: P. Johnson; November 2, 1880
fire escape ladder: J. W. Winters; May 7, 1878
fire extinguisher: T. Marshall; October 26, 1872
folding bed: L. C. Bailey; July 18, 1899
folding chair: Brody & Surgwar; June 11, 1889
fountain pen: W. B. Purvis; January 7, 1890
furniture caster: O. A. Fisher; 1878
gas mask: Garrett Morgan; October 13, 1914
golf tee: T. Grant; December 12, 1899
guitar: Robert F. Flemming, Jr. March 3, 1886
hair brush: Lydia O. Newman; November 15,18--
hand stamp: Walter B. Purvis; February 27, 1883
horse shoe: J. Ricks; March 30, 1885
ice cream scooper: A. L. Cralle; February 2, 1897
improv. sugar making: Norbet Rillieux; December 10, 1846
insect-destroyer gun: A. C. Richard; February 28, 1899
ironing board: Sarah Boone; December 30, 1887
key chain: F. J. Loudin; January 9, 1894
lantern: Michael C. Harvey; August 19, 1884
lawn mower: L. A. Burr; May 19, 1889
lawn sprinkler: J. W. Smith; May 4, 1897
lemon squeezer: J. Thomas White; December 8, 1893
lock: W. A. Martin; July 23, 18--
lubricating cup: Ellijah McCoy; November 15, 1895
lunch pail: James Robinson; 1887
mail box: Paul L. Downing; October 27, 1891
mop: Thomas W. Stewart; June 11, 1893
motor: Frederick M. Jones; June 27, 1939
peanut butter: George Washington Carver; 1896
pencil sharpener: J. L. Love; November 23, 1897
record player arm: Joseph Hunger Dickenson January 8, 1819
refrigerator: J. Standard; June 14, 1891
riding saddles: W. D. Davis; October 6, 1895
rolling pin: John W. Reed; 1864
shampoo headrest: C. O. Bailiff; October 11, 1898
spark plug: Edmond Berger; February 2, 1839
stethoscope: Imhotep; Ancient Egypt
stove: T. A. Carrington; July 25, 1876
straightening comb: Madam C. J. Walker; Approx 1905
street sweeper: Charles B. Brooks; March 17, 1890
phone transmitter: Granville T. Woods; December 2, 1884
thermostat control: Frederick M. Jones; February 23, 1960
traffic light: Garrett Morgan; November 20, 1923
tricycle: M. A. Cherry; May 6, 1886
typewriter: Burridge & Marshman; April 7, 1885

Among various forms of POPULAR music, hip-hop, jazz, blues, reggae, rock and roll....dj'ing and break dancing.
te name="The Nomad" url="/t/503996/racism-1-the-nomad-0/90#post_16169059"]
:smh:   **** this thread ...mods lock this up and delete it. I know for future reference even though without the African American athlete this site or the a majority of the sneakers the users covet wouldn't be possible, but who cares...pump out those championship rings, good music and sneakers and keep it moving. No one cares about your problems.

For future reference I WILL NOT be sharing ANY insight into personal issues that may affect us all...especially the tribulations of the black male.


and these are just the few creations that the credit wasn't unjustly given to someone else. :nerd:.
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I believe dude much more now... OP's reponse to other NTers doubt of his truthfulness is just as aggressive as his response to said racist plumbers. Either he's a very conscious liar or he's telling the truth.
Not trying to turn this into a history lesson and this is an OBVIOUS copy and paste but a majority of this holds validity, here's a list to get you started...then imagine life if these things weren't existent.


air conditioning unit: Frederick M. Jones; July 12, 1949
almanac: Benjamin Banneker; Approx 1791
auto cut-off switch: Granville T. Woods; January 1,1839
auto fishing devise: G. Cook; May 30, 1899
automatic gear shift: Richard Spikes; February 28, 1932
baby buggy: W.H. Richardson; June 18, 1899
bicycle frame: L.R. Johnson; Octber 10, 1899
biscuit cutter: A.P. Ashbourne; November 30, 1875
blood plasma bag: Charles Drew; Approx. 1945
cellular phone: Henry T. Sampson; July 6, 1971
chamber commode: T. Elkins; January 3, 1897
clothes dryer: G. T. Sampson; June 6, 1862
curtain rod: S. R. Scratton; November 30, 1889
curtain rod support: William S. Grant; August 4, 1896
door knob: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
door stop: O. Dorsey; December 10, 1878
dust pan: Lawrence P. Ray; August 3, 1897
egg beater: Willie Johnson; February 5, 1884
electric lampbulb: Lewis Latimer; March 21, 1882
elevator: Alexander Miles; October 11, 1867
eye protector: P. Johnson; November 2, 1880
fire escape ladder: J. W. Winters; May 7, 1878
fire extinguisher: T. Marshall; October 26, 1872
folding bed: L. C. Bailey; July 18, 1899
folding chair: Brody & Surgwar; June 11, 1889
fountain pen: W. B. Purvis; January 7, 1890
furniture caster: O. A. Fisher; 1878
gas mask: Garrett Morgan; October 13, 1914
golf tee: T. Grant; December 12, 1899
guitar: Robert F. Flemming, Jr. March 3, 1886
hair brush: Lydia O. Newman; November 15,18--
hand stamp: Walter B. Purvis; February 27, 1883
horse shoe: J. Ricks; March 30, 1885
ice cream scooper: A. L. Cralle; February 2, 1897
improv. sugar making: Norbet Rillieux; December 10, 1846
insect-destroyer gun: A. C. Richard; February 28, 1899
ironing board: Sarah Boone; December 30, 1887
key chain: F. J. Loudin; January 9, 1894
lantern: Michael C. Harvey; August 19, 1884
lawn mower: L. A. Burr; May 19, 1889
lawn sprinkler: J. W. Smith; May 4, 1897
lemon squeezer: J. Thomas White; December 8, 1893
lock: W. A. Martin; July 23, 18--
lubricating cup: Ellijah McCoy; November 15, 1895
lunch pail: James Robinson; 1887
mail box: Paul L. Downing; October 27, 1891
mop: Thomas W. Stewart; June 11, 1893
motor: Frederick M. Jones; June 27, 1939
peanut butter: George Washington Carver; 1896
pencil sharpener: J. L. Love; November 23, 1897
record player arm: Joseph Hunger Dickenson January 8, 1819
refrigerator: J. Standard; June 14, 1891
riding saddles: W. D. Davis; October 6, 1895
rolling pin: John W. Reed; 1864
shampoo headrest: C. O. Bailiff; October 11, 1898
spark plug: Edmond Berger; February 2, 1839
stethoscope: Imhotep; Ancient Egypt
stove: T. A. Carrington; July 25, 1876
straightening comb: Madam C. J. Walker; Approx 1905
street sweeper: Charles B. Brooks; March 17, 1890
phone transmitter: Granville T. Woods; December 2, 1884
thermostat control: Frederick M. Jones; February 23, 1960
traffic light: Garrett Morgan; November 20, 1923
tricycle: M. A. Cherry; May 6, 1886
typewriter: Burridge & Marshman; April 7, 1885



Among various forms of POPULAR music, hip-hop, jazz, blues, reggae, rock and roll....dj'ing and break dancing. 


We'res the clapping gif?
:smh:   **** this thread ...mods lock this up and delete it. I know for future reference even though without the African American athlete this site or the a majority of the sneakers the users covet wouldn't be possible, but who cares...pump out those championship rings, good music and sneakers and keep it moving. No one cares about your problems.

For future reference I WILL NOT be sharing ANY insight into personal issues that may affect us all...especially the tribulations of the black male.

OP, I commend you for defending the honor of you and your lady....................BUT

Get in where you fit in bro, your relationship is taboo and taboo leads to ignorance, cant fight EVERYBODY................

and please please please, don't lose your life for a white woman, she will not do the same..............

You got off Lucky...............I can imagine it could have gotten uglier and you would have been made to look like the Big Angry Black dude who attacked the Senior Citizen Immigrant...
OP, I commend you for defending the honor of you and your lady....................BUT
Get in where you fit in bro, your relationship is taboo and taboo leads to ignorance, cant fight EVERYBODY................
and please please please, don't lose your life for a white woman, she will not do the same..............
You got off Lucky...............I can imagine it could have gotten uglier and you would have been made to look like the Big Angry Black dude who attacked the Senior Citizen Immigrant...

|I That is a broad sweeping generalization my dude, come on now. :smh:
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