"Racism still alive they just be concealing it" vol. VMA fallout

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by J Burner

And last time I checked, Joe Wilson is still being talked about, as ironically proven by your own post.

Where?Wilson did get big coverage initially but I don't recall him ever being on trending topics or being called out to be lynched.

He is still in the news as we speak, being called out by house democrats who want him to make another apology in front of all of them. And lets not getcarried away, the man interrupted a speach for less than 1 second with 2 words. Yes, it was rude, and it was not the time or place for it, but Obama himselfbrushed it off, and accepted his apology. What else needs to be said or done about the situation?
If he had done this to Ciara, no one would have cared. This whole situation was a perfect storm...racist were already on edge every since Obama decided to runfor president.

You have A black president + the economy + white popular pretty female country singer + black arrogant rapper = racist tweets
Originally Posted by J Burner

Originally Posted by AirPhilippines

Originally Posted by J Burner

And last time I checked, Joe Wilson is still being talked about, as ironically proven by your own post.

Where?Wilson did get big coverage initially but I don't recall him ever being on trending topics or being called out to be lynched.

He is still in the news as we speak, being called out by house democrats who want him to make another apology in front of all of them. And lets not get carried away, the man interrupted a speach for less than 1 second with 2 words. Yes, it was rude, and it was not the time or place for it, but Obama himself brushed it off, and accepted his apology. What else needs to be said or done about the situation?

Honestly, I still haven't seen him in the news since the initial news cycle, but I think his apology to Obama is adequate.
What Kanye did wasn't that bad. I mean, come on..It's a video music award, not a Grammy. Get over it. But, the people on Twitter took it toofar.
Originally Posted by bmorekicks

If he had done this to Ciara, no one would have cared.

Not true at all. There wouldn't have been opportunists on Twitter saying racially derogatory things about Kanye, but he still would've been lambasted.

Of course, Kanye would never have done that to someone like Ciara. He chooses his "outbursts"
@ ppl in this thread thinking this is only as big as twitter
Originally Posted by Vidasman

Originally Posted by anygivensunday

I can't believe people are still talking about this it wasn't even the Grammy's or the American Music Awards... its the *+!@%%% VMAs!

THIS GUY.. doesnt matter where it was at, like I said in another thread about the TOOL, it could have been at an elementary lunchline, the fact is that he DILIBERATELY interrupted another persons moment of acceptance to an award she worked in. Doesnt matter what company was giving the award and how highly standard you see the show.. its she has bills to pay, makes a living doing something so people decided to give her an award for it, but the dudes slelfish jealousy got the best of him because he didnt take an award home and decided to be rude to her.. Why isnt anyone saying that what KANYE did to TAYLOR wasnt racist in himself??? what if the reason and motive for KANYE doing what he did was because he was racist??? see nobody ever really knows and when you live on a STALKER website like TWITTER then you cant hold anything credible.. dude up there said it best.. just stay off TWITTER like anything on Twitter is law?? SMFH

Everything you said is all fine and dandy, I agree Kanye was wrong.. but I just don't see why this is such a big deal, people do outlandish things at thevma's..
This wouldn't have happened at the grammy's or a serious award show.
Originally Posted by bmorekicks

If he had done this to Ciara, no one would have cared. This whole situation was a perfect storm...racist were already on edge every since Obama decided to run for president.

You have A black president + the economy + white popular pretty female country singer + black arrogant rapper = racist tweets
you are a %$^&#$@ genius your equation is fool proof
racist people saved their tweets and waited for a scapegoat ****
Most of you idiots in this thread say racism will never go away and $&^% but are also posting racist comments about whites
i love kanye but he just seemed salty a white girl won over beyonce,

beyonces song and video sucked too one of the most annoying songs of the past year
Originally Posted by NothinAfter

Originally Posted by emkay

Originally Posted by ittakesalittlebitmore

Originally Posted by sam206

I like how this thread is showing that only white people are racist
Fact is...white people have more of a problem with black people than black people do with whites...how much more evidence do you need??
This is definitely untrue.

so if enimen did that to beyonce....you think black people would go crazy?

thats the diffrence between black and white people...we accept everybody....name somebody white....black people dont accept?
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