Racism towards Obama and African American People

Originally Posted by SGS MM

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Why are people arguing over which minority gets discriminated against more?
You didn't know?

There's a "Most Discriminated Against" trophy on NT.

LMAO .. no man .. I'm arguing because he wrote something that to me meant something else and it just took off from there. I rarely argue about things like these just the same way I dont argue about politics and religion. It's always bound to end like this ...
Wasn't even comin' at you, dude.

Anything race-related on NT invariably regresses into a "who has it worse" contest.

That's just the way these threads go.
actually, i learned over the process of 9 weeks, everything about chicano culture, so yes, i do have an idea...
... you said yourself you know "everything" ...regardless if what you learned is "something" referring to him telling you that you know "nothing", you still dont know everything homie... so thats where the book smarts = experience kicks in ... you will not win with me, so just relax and continue on with some other NT'r ... dont evenrespond because frankly i'm leaving work in 18 minutes and i have stuff to do and this thread will be long gone by the time i return to NT ... but beforei leave just remember, its ok to be wrong sometimes, its ok to not be as smart as someone else and its ok to take an L once in a while ... just move on
eNPHAN wrote:
dude, "modern day slavery" is a cakewalk compared to the slavery of africans...

First of all, let me say, i DO have insight on the issue, no matter how much you try to downplay the class i took, it was a 9 week course on the very issue of "modern day slavery". In fact, the only reason i brought up the course is because you assumed i "knew nothing", when in fact, i have a grade in a class that disagrees with your assumption....

Second, let me remind you, none of these "modern day slaves" are placed in the situation against their will.....they willingly migrate for work....yes, they are underpaid and mistreated, however, noone is forcing them to stay....their socio-economic situation, illegally in another country may keep them "stuck" in the situation, but under no circumstances are illegal migrant workers murdered if they leave and go back to wherever they illegally migrated from....

I got tired of reading your so-called backing source .. Get a refund you have been robbed!!!! Better yet, what college/university did you get your educationfrom?? Modern day slavery applies to people that are working below the minimun wage mandated by law and exploited, but it's also applicable to human beingsthat have been brought here against their will and are treated and beaten just as bad as the blacks back in the day.You might not see the lynchings and stuffbut = as bad .. to say is a cake walk its absurd ..

How about before you speak next time you do a quick google search and educate yourself because that schooled saw you coming and got you for all that you wasworth!
i had to login to my girl's acct....specifically to respond one last time....
Originally Posted by SGS MM

eNPHAN wrote:
dude, "modern day slavery" is a cakewalk compared to the slavery of africans...

First of all, let me say, i DO have insight on the issue, no matter how much you try to downplay the class i took, it was a 9 week course on the very issue of "modern day slavery". In fact, the only reason i brought up the course is because you assumed i "knew nothing", when in fact, i have a grade in a class that disagrees with your assumption....

Second, let me remind you, none of these "modern day slaves" are placed in the situation against their will.....they willingly migrate for work....yes, they are underpaid and mistreated, however, noone is forcing them to stay....their socio-economic situation, illegally in another country may keep them "stuck" in the situation, but under no circumstances are illegal migrant workers murdered if they leave and go back to wherever they illegally migrated from....

I got tired of reading your so-called backing source .. Get a refund you have been robbed!!!! Better yet, what college/university did you get your education from?? Modern day slavery applies to people that are working below the minimun wage mandated by law and exploited, but it's also applicable to human beings that have been brought here against their will and are treated and beaten just as bad as the blacks back in the day.You might not see the lynchings and stuff but = as bad .. to say is a cake walk its absurd ..

How about before you speak next time you do a quick google search and educate yourself because that schooled saw you coming and got you for all that you was worth!

Um, bro, how are people who are not legal citizens petitioning for FEDERALLY mandated pay? they aren't citizens, therefore, yes, they do not have the"rights" of citizens....because...they aren't citizens....therefore, they will not receive pay that is mandated by law for CITIZENS....

again, they are not being forced to stay and work for under the minimum wage.....the pay they receive, that is well under the FEDERALLY MANDATED WAGES FORLEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS is STILL more than they would make legally in their home country....or else, guess what, they wouldn't work here...they would workthere....

Blacks didn't have the choice, nor were they paid ANYTHING.....even afterwards, after the southern states of the country benefited off of hundreds of yearsof work, black people didn't see any of that profit...

Bottom line, they work because those are the highest wages they can achieve....you complaining that illegal aliens don't have the rights of legal citizensis laughable...because, once again, you are blind to logic.

Legal citizens are entitled to rights that the fed. government upholds....
those who aren't legal citizens aren't entitled to such rights, because they are not citizens of said government..

The fed. set a min. wage for it's citizens.....
people who arent citizens arent entitled to the min. wage set by the government for it's citizens...

how is that hard to understand?

If it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO horrible, why don't migrant workers escape their oppression and "modern day slavery"?

the answer is, because they make more here than they could anywhere else, even if it's less than minimum wage.....and it's not as bad as REAL slavery,where the slaves constantly tried to escape, but were held AGAINST THEIR WILL.....

so yes, willingly working as a migrant farmer for PAID WAGES (even though they are under the federally mandated minimum wage for it's LEGAL citizens) isINDEED a CAKEWALK compared to the hundreds of years of slavery black people endured against their will, and the only payment they got in return was oppressionand rampant racism, which still exists in modern times, evidenced by Barack Obama "food stamps" with his face on a donkey and pictures of watermelon,fried chicken and kool aid behind it.....

yous a funny dude.

Originally Posted by MarleysProtege

actually, i learned over the process of 9 weeks, everything about chicano culture, so yes, i do have an idea...
... you said yourself you know "everything" ... regardless if what you learned is "something" referring to him telling you that you know "nothing", you still dont know everything homie ... so thats where the book smarts = experience kicks in ... you will not win with me, so just relax and continue on with some other NT'r ... dont even respond because frankly i'm leaving work in 18 minutes and i have stuff to do and this thread will be long gone by the time i return to NT ... but before i leave just remember, its ok to be wrong sometimes, its ok to not be as smart as someone else and its ok to take an L once in a while ... just move on
About chicano culture? yes, i learned everything...

everything, as in, everything he keeps mentioning like it's some huge esoteric secret...("no rights for illegal aliens" "modern dayslavery" etc.)

yes, i learned that...

when i say that i don't know everything on hispanic culture, i don't

i know something about the hispanic culture...which is everything aboutchicano culture...

see, as you should know, in college, they give you broad classes to cover the entire subject with a broad stroke.....those who want to learn more specifically,contact their professors outside of class...which i did.

he hasn't raised a single issue as it related to illegal aliens/chicano americans that i am not well versed in and familiar with...

like i said, yous a funny dude.
5iveonit wrote:
i had to login to my girl's acct....specifically to respond one last time....
SGS MM wrote:
eNPHAN wrote:
dude, "modern day slavery" is a cakewalk compared to the slavery of africans...

First of all, let me say, i DO have insight on the issue, no matter how much you try to downplay the class i took, it was a 9 week course on the very issue of "modern day slavery". In fact, the only reason i brought up the course is because you assumed i "knew nothing", when in fact, i have a grade in a class that disagrees with your assumption....

Second, let me remind you, none of these "modern day slaves" are placed in the situation against their will.....they willingly migrate for work....yes, they are underpaid and mistreated, however, noone is forcing them to stay....their socio-economic situation, illegally in another country may keep them "stuck" in the situation, but under no circumstances are illegal migrant workers murdered if they leave and go back to wherever they illegally migrated from....

I got tired of reading your so-called backing source .. Get a refund you have been robbed!!!! Better yet, what college/university did you get your education from?? Modern day slavery applies to people that are working below the minimun wage mandated by law and exploited, but it's also applicable to human beings that have been brought here against their will and are treated and beaten just as bad as the blacks back in the day.You might not see the lynchings and stuff but = as bad .. to say is a cake walk its absurd ..

How about before you speak next time you do a quick google search and educate yourself because that schooled saw you coming and got you for all that you was worth!

Um, bro, how are people who are not legal citizens petitioning for FEDERALLY mandated pay? they aren't citizens, therefore, yes, they do not have the "rights" of citizens....because...they aren't citizens....therefore, they will not receive pay that is mandated by law for CITIZENS....

again, they are not being forced to stay and work for under the minimum wage.....the pay they receive, that is well under the FEDERALLY MANDATED WAGES FOR LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS is STILL more than they would make legally in their home country....or else, guess what, they wouldn't work here...they would work there....

Blacks didn't have the choice, nor were they paid ANYTHING.....even afterwards, after the southern states of the country benefited off of hundreds of years of work, black people didn't see any of that profit...

Bottom line, they work because those are the highest wages they can achieve....you complaining that illegal aliens don't have the rights of legal citizens is laughable...because, once again, you are blind to logic.

Legal citizens are entitled to rights that the fed. government upholds....
those who aren't legal citizens aren't entitled to such rights, because they are not citizens of said government..

The fed. set a min. wage for it's citizens.....
people who arent citizens arent entitled to the min. wage set by the government for it's citizens...

how is that hard to understand?

If it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO horrible, why don't migrant workers escape their oppression and "modern day slavery"?

the answer is, because they make more here than they could anywhere else, even if it's less than minimum wage.....and it's not as bad as REAL slavery, where the slaves constantly tried to escape, but were held AGAINST THEIR WILL.....

so yes, willingly working as a migrant farmer for PAID WAGES (even though they are under the federally mandated minimum wage for it's LEGAL citizens) is INDEED a CAKEWALK compared to the hundreds of years of slavery black people endured against their will, and the only payment they got in return was oppression and rampant racism, which still exists in modern times, evidenced by Barack Obama "food stamps" with his face on a donkey and pictures of watermelon, fried chicken and kool aid behind it.....

yous a funny dude.

Hey Mr. "I have a BA in English and I will out smart you" Where in the world did you see me write on my last statement illegal?? I saidpeople meaning illegal and legal both the same. So once again I tell you go back and get a refund because you got robbed homie ..

the answer is, because they make more here than they could anywhere else,

You are so wrong in more ways than one .. It might be true for some but not for all .. once agian do a little google search and you will see what's reallygoing on .. Keep reaching homie!!!

compared to the hundreds of years of slavery black people endured against their will

Once again we started talking about now and I'm still talking about now .. So stop reaching to the pass because you have failed .. You are so educated butstill cant stick to the subj in hand .. If I'm wrong start from the beggining and you will see ..

rampant racism, which still exists in modern times, evidenced by Barack Obama "food stamps" with his face on a donkey and pictures of watermelon, fried chicken and kool aid behind it.....

Funny how you discredited my comparison to the dumb Mexican joke, Asian (Shrimp Fry Rice) but yet you are giving this for an example? LMAO .. I'm calledbeaner by whites all the time and I'm not even Mexican .. So once again, STOP REACHING .. Your education, elaborate speeches and blatant belittling willget you so far because your actually show what you are made off ..
Remember BS will get you so far, but it will not keep you there ...

P. S. Yous is FUNNY .. A funny Educated dumb *!* .. and now its more than an opinion is a fact!
Originally Posted by 5iveonit

About chicano culture? yes, i learned everything...

everything, as in, everything he keeps mentioning like it's some huge esoteric secret...("no rights for illegal aliens" "modern day slavery" etc.)

yes, i learned that...

when i say that i don't know everything on hispanic culture, i don't

i know something about the hispanic culture...which is everything about chicano culture...

see, as you should know, in college, they give you broad classes to cover the entire subject with a broad stroke.....those who want to learn more specifically, contact their professors outside of class...which i did.

he hasn't raised a single issue as it related to illegal aliens/chicano americans that i am not well versed in and familiar with...

like i said, yous a funny dude.
Actually those who want to learn more, opt to make that subj their MAJOR .. **** once again with that ..

But I have, Modern Day Slavery - You state in more than one occasion that they arent held against their will and force to work/etc. that they have the optionto go back .. WELL LET ME BREAK IT TO YOU

Slavery =
  1. The state of one bound in servitude as the property of a slaveholder or household.
  2. The practice of owning slaves.
  3. A mode of production in which slaves constitute the principal work force.
  4. The condition of being subject or addicted to a specified influence.
  5. A condition of hard work and subjection: wage slavery.
And all of these are happening now hence Modern Day Slavery!!! BTW, there are many held against their will and are unable toescape and go back if they could!

You are reaching ..
Originally Posted by SGS MM

5iveonit wrote:
i had to login to my girl's acct....specifically to respond one last time....
SGS MM wrote:
eNPHAN wrote:
dude, "modern day slavery" is a cakewalk compared to the slavery of africans...

First of all, let me say, i DO have insight on the issue, no matter how much you try to downplay the class i took, it was a 9 week course on the very issue of "modern day slavery". In fact, the only reason i brought up the course is because you assumed i "knew nothing", when in fact, i have a grade in a class that disagrees with your assumption....

Second, let me remind you, none of these "modern day slaves" are placed in the situation against their will.....they willingly migrate for work....yes, they are underpaid and mistreated, however, noone is forcing them to stay....their socio-economic situation, illegally in another country may keep them "stuck" in the situation, but under no circumstances are illegal migrant workers murdered if they leave and go back to wherever they illegally migrated from....

I got tired of reading your so-called backing source .. Get a refund you have been robbed!!!! Better yet, what college/university did you get your education from?? Modern day slavery applies to people that are working below the minimun wage mandated by law and exploited, but it's also applicable to human beings that have been brought here against their will and are treated and beaten just as bad as the blacks back in the day.You might not see the lynchings and stuff but = as bad .. to say is a cake walk its absurd ..

How about before you speak next time you do a quick google search and educate yourself because that schooled saw you coming and got you for all that you was worth!

Um, bro, how are people who are not legal citizens petitioning for FEDERALLY mandated pay? they aren't citizens, therefore, yes, they do not have the "rights" of citizens....because...they aren't citizens....therefore, they will not receive pay that is mandated by law for CITIZENS....

again, they are not being forced to stay and work for under the minimum wage.....the pay they receive, that is well under the FEDERALLY MANDATED WAGES FOR LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZENS is STILL more than they would make legally in their home country....or else, guess what, they wouldn't work here...they would work there....

Blacks didn't have the choice, nor were they paid ANYTHING.....even afterwards, after the southern states of the country benefited off of hundreds of years of work, black people didn't see any of that profit...

Bottom line, they work because those are the highest wages they can achieve....you complaining that illegal aliens don't have the rights of legal citizens is laughable...because, once again, you are blind to logic.

Legal citizens are entitled to rights that the fed. government upholds....
those who aren't legal citizens aren't entitled to such rights, because they are not citizens of said government..

The fed. set a min. wage for it's citizens.....
people who arent citizens arent entitled to the min. wage set by the government for it's citizens...

how is that hard to understand?

If it is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO horrible, why don't migrant workers escape their oppression and "modern day slavery"?

the answer is, because they make more here than they could anywhere else, even if it's less than minimum wage.....and it's not as bad as REAL slavery, where the slaves constantly tried to escape, but were held AGAINST THEIR WILL.....

so yes, willingly working as a migrant farmer for PAID WAGES (even though they are under the federally mandated minimum wage for it's LEGAL citizens) is INDEED a CAKEWALK compared to the hundreds of years of slavery black people endured against their will, and the only payment they got in return was oppression and rampant racism, which still exists in modern times, evidenced by Barack Obama "food stamps" with his face on a donkey and pictures of watermelon, fried chicken and kool aid behind it.....

yous a funny dude.

Hey Mr. "I have a BA in English and I will out smart you" Where in the world did you see me write on my last statement illegal?? I said people meaning illegal and legal both the same. So once again I tell you go back and get a refund because you got robbed homie ..

the answer is, because they make more here than they could anywhere else,

You are so wrong in more ways than one .. It might be true for some but not for all .. once agian do a little google search and you will see what's really going on .. Keep reaching homie!!!

compared to the hundreds of years of slavery black people endured against their will

Once again we started talking about now and I'm still talking about now .. So stop reaching to the pass because you have failed .. You are so educated but still cant stick to the subj in hand .. If I'm wrong start from the beggining and you will see ..

rampant racism, which still exists in modern times, evidenced by Barack Obama "food stamps" with his face on a donkey and pictures of watermelon, fried chicken and kool aid behind it.....

Funny how you discredited my comparison to the dumb Mexican joke, Asian (Shrimp Fry Rice) but yet you are giving this for an example? LMAO .. I'm called ****** by whites all the time and I'm not even Mexican .. So once again, STOP REACHING .. Your education, elaborate speeches and blatant belittling will get you so far because your actually show what you are made off ..
Remember BS will get you so far, but it will not keep you there ...

P. S. Yous is FUNNY .. A funny Educated dumb *!* .. and now its more than an opinion is a fact!

So now you're talking about legal U.S. Citizens that are paid under the federal minimum wage?

i mentioned the hundreds of years of slavery because YOU are making the comparison with the phrase "modern day slavery"

you have to add the "modern day" because it is something completely different from the REAL definition of slavery....

the example, about Obama, that i gave tied my argument back to the original post, so
all you want, YOU'RE the one that isn't even sure what you're arguing at this point...

i'm showing you how the past, that you say you weren't even talking about, influences the now, and why the black struggle is unique to BLACK PEOPLE

no other minority group got it like they got it...period...

you trying to argue with me by telling me illegal aliens don't have the rights of legal citizens is irrelevant to my statement....and actually, i don'tsee anything wrong with illegal immigrants not having the same rights of legal citizens....

once again, for the third time, and hopefully you actually retain this information, i only mentioned my education because your co-moron, the kid with the bobmarley avy, brought up HIS education when i asked YOU where YOU went to school.

i discredited your example of other minorities' oppression, and even went so far as to find the first "asian racism" article i could (which, btw,was about being offended by the question "do you eat dog?"), because you're here talking about "i get called ****** by white people"while i'm talking about dudes losing their life simply because they're black.....

you didn't research the race riots in East St. Louis, did you? an entire city erupted in riots, in which white mobs killed, literally, thousands of blackpeople...

to my knowledge, the closest thing to that Hispanics have endured in this country were the "Zoot Suit" riots, nowhere near THOUSANDS werekilled....nor was it endorsed by government entities...yes, most of the violence was carried out by those in the military, however, they were not supported bypolice and other government entities....

so like i said, the racism and systematic oppression of black people far outweighs those of ALL OTHER MINORITIES here in the UNITED STATES....

that statement, once again, does not mean that no other minority is oppressed or experiences racism, however, the Black experience is unique to blacks, and, inmy opinion, is far worse than anything ANY other ethnic group has endured.

now, i will make this statement, and actually stick to it...

i'm done arguing with a moron of your porportions.
5iveonit/eNPHAN or whatever you call yourself wrote:

i mentioned the hundreds of years of slavery because YOU are making the comparison with the phrase "modern day slavery"
I was not making a comparison partner, I was sticking to the initial arguments which was/is "Hispanics have it just as bad in the US as theBlacks do". PRESENT NOT PASS ...

the example, about Obama, that i gave tied my argument back to the original post, so
all you want, YOU'RE the one that isn't even sure what you're arguing at this point...
I'm sorry but did I miss something, you are the one that don't even know what you arguing for .. can't even follow the conversationI'm talking about illegals and legal citizens and you make it seemed like I was talking about illegals the entire time. COME ON .. STOP REACHING

why the black struggle is unique to BLACK PEOPLE

no other minority group got it like they got it...period...
SMH ... They had it bad, but presently there are other minorities that have it just as bad! Not to mention their entire Generation/Culture isstill around vices the Tainos/Maya/Azteks .. go ahead and show me a a few of them Indians .. SMH ... GENOCIDE it's not bad, they just killed them all andthe ones that they didnt kill were forever enslave to their culture/religions/way of thinking .. hence why almost the entire Mexico on down are Christians havespanish as their main Language and are mostly all name after a Saint .. SMH!!!!

you trying to argue with me by telling me illegal aliens don't have the rights of legal citizens is irrelevant to my statement....and actually, i don't see anything wrong with illegal immigrants not having the same rights of legal citizens....

Actually I never argue about the rights, I just stated because of illegal immgrants and the fear of deportation most of the hate crimes are not reported,therefore you dont see the stats as high as lets say white on black ... You just took it entirely another direction homie .. ONCE AGAIN REACHING!! But the laststatement, wow what education do for you .. forget about everything America was founded on and make such a bold yet stupid statement .. LMAO! Laws are Laws, wehave them to protect the people, regardless of where/what/who they are meant to be obay .. so **** .. you are murdering yourself homie!

and, in my opinion, is far worse than anything ANY other ethnic group has endured.

now, i will make this statement, and actually stick to it...

i'm done arguing with a moron of your porportions.

Lastly **** once again with that BS man .. No No Contest Here .. Take your L and let it be your last because when it comes to reality you need acheck .. The subj in hand was and sitll is once again racisim now .. READ BACK and you will see I'm not lying and Hispanics have it just as bad as black.. The smartes thing you have said all day was/is and will ever be "in my opinion" vice is a fact like you was stating a while back ... Hell if Iwas reading this, I would of have thought you was campaining for McCain with all your flip-flop taking me back to memory lane and twisting the issue in hand ..SMH .. STOP REACHING .. You got robbed ...
Originally Posted by mikykr20

ok i agree but what about racism towar others races such as whites hispanics and even asians and so on? and how come its only a big deal if it happens to black people?
SMH at your avy...

Originally Posted by PrurientSole

Originally Posted by Mo Matik

Why are people arguing over which minority gets discriminated against more?
You didn't know?

There's a "Most Discriminated Against" trophy on NT.
[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]That's exactly what it seems like.
I just came back into this thread and it turned into a whole new thing. Damn. I think it's kinda messed up that Hispanics weren't regarded as part ofthe initial post. No one is responsible for that except for OP. We heard dude in the video mention "spick", "vato", "gay-a**language" and it's only about African Americans apparently.
I'mnot even tryin' to spark anything (as if it already hasn't been sparked), but it goes to show you how much less hispanics are viewed in today'ssociety. Much less another race.
I was just at Walmart and the cashier was telling me that Obama's grandmother fell down the stairs becasue she tripped on her Turban.. now her hip isbroken
Originally Posted by Bree Olsen

I was just at Walmart and the cashier was telling me that Obama's grandmother fell down the stairs becasue she tripped on her Turban.. now her hip is broken

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]And your joke sucks. Back to the drawing board.[/color]

becasue anyone???

Dude is extremely racist. He's been poppin' racist remarks all thruout thisthread.
HARMCITY45 wrote:

How those same physcological methods are stil prevalent to this day

Shame on you for your ignorance sir..shame on you..


Also, was that a question???? Because if it is, same physiological techniques are still use in modern day.

Lastly, by no means am I downplaying what happend to black people in the pass, the subj is/was and will be "HISPANICS HAVE IT JUST AS BAD AS BLACK DO INTHE US" not Hispanics HAD it just as bad, but have it (NOW) just as bad .. PERIOD!
Originally Posted by Bree Olsen

I was just at Walmart and the cashier was telling me that Obama's grandmother fell down the stairs becasue she tripped on her Turban.. now her hip is broken

Hit the showers kid, you're done for tonight.

Wow this thread has taken a turn.
the guy in the vid is a clown. racism sucks but unfortunately, it does still exist AND it goes both ways. btw, obama is garbage.
HARMCITY45 wrote:

the methods that they used on slaves,yes it mostly applies to blacks...what conquistadors did to the hispanics is a totally diffrent circumstace

But it damn sure did sound as if you were downplaying what has happend to the my race over the last 400+ years...

so I did take offense...

Race crimes are wrong no matter what color....

but hispanic/asian/white ect. wasn't being hanged and burned alive...

They wasn't being mauled by policedogs and beaten by police when trying to get equal rights...

Blacks are still not even considered a human in the constitution...still to this day

and you mean to tell me...it's just as bad all around the board?...No sir it's not

I'm sorry if you felt that way.

However, now Hispanics have it just as bad as Blacks period. If anything legal and illegal Hispanics mostly of Mexicon/Central and South America getdiscriminated and treated like lesser of a HUMAN.

I can't and will not argue the fact that Blacks were treated like animals for a long time, but I will once again bring the point of GENOCIDE - If theIndians had more of a population like Blacks in Africa we would of have had to endure and suffer the same fate Blacks did. Instead we were wiped off theplanet before that happend and the few that remaind mostly in central and so america were used for share numbers to raise the Christianity religion in the NewWorld - pretty much enslaved for ever ...

Your argument as well has flaws, indian where killed and skinned because of their colors .. I guess since the population wasn't as big it doesnt count ..

Once again, by no means am I arguing your point because its a fact, but I'm saying once again that Hispanics have it just as bad ..
BTW, who do you think built mostly everything in the Caribeans and Latin America? Blacks helped just in case ....
but hispanic/asian/white ect. wasn't being hanged and burned alive...

They wasn't being mauled by policedogs and beaten by police when trying to get equal rights...

You sure about that? The Chicano Movement must have never happened then. Look back then if you were a minority you were singled out and subject toget beat, hung, whatever. Arguing about this is pretty pointless really.

Blacks are still not even considered a human in the constitution...still to this day
Word? I could have sworn there are amendments that makes everybody equal. If you want to say that when the Constitution was first written it onlyapplied to whites (which it did) then that means everybody else is left out of the loop. Not just blacks.
Originally Posted by SGS MM

However, now Hispanics have it just as bad as Blacks period.

Not really, studies shows "New York Times" that African American are the number one discriminate people, then Caucasian, Hispanic, Asianand I forgot after that.
At my school rarely I see another race make fun of Hispanics.
Posted a Gig on craigslist and misspelled a word i guess, and dude replied with racism towards Obama

i would of gon off on the dude but hes not worth it
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