-Racist moment or am I overreacting? (Even though I didn't react at all)- Vol: You dont know me fam'

you aint got no twitter


i dunno if i'd feel right letting you smoke with such a coward

i dont think "redbone" is a stereotype...

is it the most politically correct term to use?


is it negative at all? no.

in trinidad they have like 35 shades they call people


what does that have to do with dude assuming he wanted basketball shoes, which offended him?

if you think kay is overreacting, say that...thats the question he asked

what isnt needed is all the "WELL LOOK AT YOU, YOURE JUST AS BAD AS HE IS BECAUSE YOU DO SOMETHING COMPLETELY UNRELATED" and all the other irrelevant !*$$ being posted in this thread.

cause its not even in the same ballpark.

as far as dudes intentions, its irrelevant, him assuming kay was looking for basketball shoes was offensive to kay.....thats all thats relevant about the situation.

like countless dudes in here have admitted, it wasnt the best decision for dude to assume kay wanted basketball shoes, and an even worse decision to SAY it out LOUD at his place of employment....

it was horrible customer service, and if it offended kay, it offended him.....regardless of what he calls his girlfriend man...

regardless of if black dudes like the "big penis" stereotype or not....

im sure he'd be just as offended if he was walking to the cleat section through the cup section and a white guy said "YOURE GONNA NEED THE XL JOCK STRAP, BBC *wink*"

i know i would.

why would a person embrace or allow "positive" stereotypes about them and be offended by "negative" stereotypes?

gee, diego, why in the world would that be?

can we fathom the answer to that question? why people like positive assumptions about them and dislike the negative assumptions?

i cant, for the life of me, grasp why that would be....

i'd post more emoticons but im quick replying.
cant believe alot of u saying that wasnt racist
black dude at work had some meds and asked who had nails to pop the seal on the bottle... white guy opens it and hands it back, then says "now just pick the cotton".... room got super quiet  
OP i know what you're getting at and yes you're correct, that's racist or stereotyping however you want to term it. The thing is, in this world nowadays believe it or not, without stereotyping and @+*$, lots of $$$$ will NOT be made.

just think of rap and who their target audience is.
same goes for starbucks, bmw, etc

So just take it with a grain of salt and move on. Feelings ain't hurt and no love lost. The salesman was wrong in his wording and his approach but he was right in that he was trying to streamline his service and cater to your (perceived) preferences. He just don't know any better
Originally Posted by rickwonder

OP i know what you're getting at and yes you're correct, that's racist or stereotyping however you want to term it. The thing is, in this world nowadays believe it or not, without stereotyping and @+*$, lots of $$$$ will NOT be made.

just think of rap and who their target audience is.
same goes for starbucks, bmw, etc

So just take it with a grain of salt and move on. Feelings ain't hurt and no love lost. The salesman was wrong in his wording and his approach but he was right in that he was trying to streamline his service and cater to your (perceived) preferences. He just don't know any better

You ain't bout that life, if that was me dude would've been bodied quick. I'm white if that matters.
Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I guess I will repeat my question. If you were balling with 9 white guys and they picked you first, would you address it?

that is a terrible comparison. 
be more specific...
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I guess I will repeat my question. If you were balling with 9 white guys and they picked you first, would you address it?

that is a terrible comparison. 
be more specific...

no, it should offend you to get picked first in a basketball game....

not make you happy you got picked first...


Props to curb for exposing ksteezy's sidechick's idiotic logic.
, props.....to.....me?

Originally Posted by Da Doc03

black dude at work had some meds and asked who had nails to pop the seal on the bottle... white guy opens it and hands it back, then says "now just pick the cotton".... room got super quiet  
now THAT'S racist, someone making a prejudice is not racist, its profiling, stereotypes are sometimes racist, the only "negative" ones i hate r the drug selling thief gang banger/stupid ebonics speaking black guy sterotype, i could care less if someone thinks i love watermelon, i do, and cant swim, i learned how to swim in the Atlantic ocean, some stereotypes r just lame jokes or whack conversation pieces while others can hold a community back from certain valuable opportunities
Might the employee have been dismayed by the lack of basketball shoes and thought you might have been thinking the same thing and made the comment expecting you to say something along the lines of "I noticed that. What kind of "Elite" is this?" to which he'd respond with some sort of small talk explaining they're expanding or something rather? I mean, you did say you were surprised to find nothing but running stuff. Maybe it showed on your face and/or body language and he went ahead and tried to make small talk off of it.

Maybe not, I don't know the exact series of events or tone or anything beyond what was posted. I do know that NT absolutely loves to pull the race card though without even considering anything that may suggest otherwise.
Real Ruby- Youre making too much sense. Tone it down a little so that Daytona could find a little flaw in your post and proceed to indirectly call you a homosexual.

And since we all want to be politically correct all of a sudden, clearly Dayton should be expecting to get reported. Amirite?

A stereotype is a stereotype is a stereotype.
Good or Bad...you can't have one without the other.

Sensitive thugs sounding like they not built for the real world.

It's cool to assume a black man can dance.
But you assume a brotha plays basket ball and that's an insult?

My dude wearing Pradas, am I a horrible person for assuming that most people that wear Pradas aren't the outdoor type climbing mountains and snowboarding and %+@*?

Why Everytime I log onto NT I see some stupid ad about basketball sneakers?
How come black NTers aren't being offended by that?

Oh right, it wouldn't fit the agenda.
Originally Posted by NobleKane

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

I guess I will repeat my question. If you were balling with 9 white guys and they picked you first, would you address it?

that is a terrible comparison. 
be more specific...

Op didn't like the fact that the associate assumed he played ball, no?So if the team captain arbitrarily picks him first b/c he assumes OP could ball, its using the same racial assumption, no?Op answered 'no' he would not address it. I didn't think he would because he would benefit from the assumption in this scenerio.I don't care what anybody says, EVERYONE makes racial judgements. Not everyone expresses it tho.Perfect comparison to op's situation is when someone mentioned that they were offered a fork in an asian restaurant. Its basically people applying life experience to a current situation. And yes it is racially judging. Like I said earlier, it shouldn't be done; however a case like this is on the lower "offensive" end imo.
Reaching,talk about being sensitive.its all in the body language and his demeanor.u clearly said he didn't mean any harm so what's the issue? If u were really offended you would have said something but u didn't.
Originally Posted by goDie

Real Ruby- Youre making too much sense. Tone it down a little so that Daytona could find a little flaw in your post and proceed to indirectly call you a homosexual.

And since we all want to be politically correct all of a sudden, clearly Dayton should be expecting to get reported. Amirite?

A stereotype is a stereotype is a stereotype.
Good or Bad...you can't have one without the other.

Sensitive thugs sounding like they not built for the real world.

It's cool to assume a black man can dance.
But you assume a brotha plays basket ball and that's an insult?

My dude wearing Pradas, am I a horrible person for assuming that most people that wear Pradas aren't the outdoor type climbing mountains and snowboarding and %+@*?

Why Everytime I log onto NT I see some stupid ad about basketball sneakers?
How come black NTers aren't being offended by that?

Oh right, it wouldn't fit the agenda.


its not dudes job to identify and assume things about customers

its his job to say, WORD FOR WORD "how may i help you today, sir?"

that's it.

could he have offended kay with saying "how may i help you today, sir?" or "are you looking for a specific type of shoe?"




its not his job to ask potentially offensive questions or assume someone doesnt climb mountains by how theyre dressed nor the color of their skin....

why do you intellectual dudes miss the most basic, simple +@+%#@% points man?



I don't care what anybody says, EVERYONE makes racial judgements. Not everyone expresses it tho.
exactly. when you make the mistake of expressing it is when it becomes offensive...

why cant yall comprehend that?

a fork in an asian resturaunt is different. we're in the USA, a majority of americans eat with forks...even asian food.

i have to ask every place ive ever ordered asian meals from for chopsticks....am i offended they assume i want a fork? no.

im prolly the only person who asks for chopsticks over a fork....so much so, that they just give the fork by default.

how is that the same as assuming a black man is looking for basketball shoes, randomly?

Why Everytime I log onto NT I see some stupid ad about basketball sneakers?
How come black NTers aren't being offended by that?
read the things you type outloud before you hit post b


why arent black members of NIKEtalk.com (a place for sneaker enthusiasts) offended by advertisements for SNEAKERS on the SNEAKER-centered website they visit to discuss SNEAKERS?

you're asking that?

or were you backed into that moronic rhetorical question?


one more time for you


Might the employee have been dismayed by the lack of basketball shoes and thought you might have been thinking the same thing and made the comment expecting you to say something along the lines of "I noticed that. What kind of "Elite" is this?"
maybe, but why didnt he follow up with it right after saying "we dont carry basketball shoes......what kind of sports store ignores basketball?"

but he didnt.

he just said "no bball shoes man" BECAUSE kay is black...not because he THOUGHT kay looked like a basketball player...not because kay was literally dribbling a basketball around the store.....not because kay is a local basketball phenom thats in newspapers and is easily recognizable....he said it because kay was black

please, grasp this very simple and basic concept....

the guy was being prejudice and offended kay....period.

how do you even argue that?

why do you even want to argue that?

Ima LOL real hard if Kay is like 6' 5.
Then the employee would be assuming because of his height and you dudes could put your race card away for another time.
man...... Supreme LA sucks. They got some rude people working there.

oh wait. wrong thread.
Originally Posted by goDie

Ima LOL real hard if Kay is like 6' 5.
Then the employee would be assuming because of his height and you dudes could put your race card away for another time.
Because all runners are short.

I'm just trolling.
still saying anything to stay on the other side of the argument as me, huh?

if hes 6'5" the employee is still supposed to say 'can i help you find anything today?"

by walking into the store the employee should assume each customer wants to purchase merchandise from the store

not that the store cant help them find what they need.

thats backwards.

why offend customers by telling them you DONT have a product you ASSUME they want, when they're IN your store, being a patron?

come up with something else like "maybe he smelled like a basketball gym" this time.....
y do people try to downplay racially driven actions with the whole "race card" sarcasm, u guys r impossible, like for real, u cant be serious if u think race still isnt a social struggle even for it to be the 21st century
Originally Posted by DCAllAmerican

Originally Posted by sooperhooper

That's lighthearted judgement/ observation. I'm sure he meant no harm by it, especially if he was polite. You could probably tell by his tone if he meant something negative.

Now if he would've said something like "sir, the clearance section is that way" THEN we would have an issue.
Oh yea because the tone is the only thing that matters. It doesn't matter if he didn't INTEND on it being harmful, he make a racially motivated stereotype out of THIN AIR.

It wasn't harmless at all man. We have to stop letting folks "pop slick" without speaking up.

Dude saw a black dude lookng on the wall and said something about basketball shoes. I mean what more needs to be said man?

^ DC is exactly right, it's not harmless. First off, I didn't know Kay was black (my bad). Second, I simply read it and felt it was racist. I might have said something back. But yeah, him coming out of nowhere and saying that there were no basketball shoes there was racist. It was obvious there weren't any as Kay described it. Some of y'all on here who say it's reaching probably never any type of racist encounter and don't understand it.
Originally Posted by slickp42189

y do people try to downplay racially driven actions with the whole "race card" sarcasm, u guys r impossible, like for real, u cant be serious if u think race still isnt a social struggle even for it to be the 21st century

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