Random things you thought as a kid...

Originally Posted by NiPxD

- My mother told me if i hold in a number 2 long enough it would come out my mouth
- My mother told me if i shake what i drink, my innards would be dislocated
- My mother told me if i dont brush my teeth before i have breakfast, i would swallow "stinky virus" that would rot my stomach
- My mother told me if i throw food away when i die and go to hell all that food wasted will turn to hot charcoals and bugs and i will be forced to eat them
- My mother told me not to mess with my shadow for it may come to life and replace me

- My mother terrified me when i was younger

That's just crazy, I was scared of my moms too, when I was a kidbut that was because she would woop my $%+ any time of the day
I thought that if I wore one one pair of shoes around for a while, my mother would. (Jamaica ftl)

I thought that werewolves were real.

I used to think girls vag's were where they hid all theyre stuff .

I thought thaty if I swallowed orange seeds (any seeds for the matter) that a tree would just grow right out of my mouth.

I though X-Pac was jesus
soda was "hot" no matter how long it was in the 'fridge

sharp cheese was gonna cut my mouth

Shaq lived in Nauticus (aqua museum in va )

bee stings caused fingerprints

you became an adult when u reached 100 lbs. no matter your age.

i would grow to be tall
Originally Posted by MrSpectacular

My mom told me if i didnt put anythign in the microwave and set it on cook and it hit zero it would blow up...

my dad told me if i broke a lightbulb it would explode

Parents just play on a kids ignorance...def FTL....
lol, I think all parents do this.
-Thought that no one lived in Manhattan...just people go there to work and when they leave they left some lights on to make it look cool at night..

-If i laughed while watching TV, I could hear my laugh in the background
Originally Posted by GUILLERMO GUTIEREZ

soda was "hot" no matter how long it was in the 'fridge

sharp cheese was gonna cut my mouth

Shaq lived in Nauticus (aqua museum in va )

bee stings caused fingerprints

you became an adult when u reached 100 lbs. no matter your age.

i would grow to be tall

i use to think taking # 2's were bad.. so i held in all my craps.

i use to think that if i slept under my blanket, the monster won't find/hurt me.
when i was like 5 or 4. when i saw old videos or cartoons or pictures that was black & white, i thought there was no color in real life back den.haha...smh @ me
Originally Posted by jermz101

I remember I used to think that a teachers house was the school.

I thought that I was a Power Ranger

I watched so much Dragon Ball Z that I believed I could do a Ka Meh Ha meh ha, but it was just imaginery

I used to think that even though Michael Jordan played in Chicago, I thought that their arena was dow the street from me in Boston, that would have been
if true.

those were the things that i was about to put...Dragon ball z the best ever created...
Originally Posted by BrokeBallah

I thought that anytime i think negative the opposite will happen. It would work most of the time and i use to feel Great, thinking i had super powers.

I thought the exact same thing
i also used to think that my crayola colors had feelings and felt bad if i used one color more then the others
-i used to think you can catch pink eye by looking at someone that had it.
-the typical, "if you eat a seed, a tree will grow in your stomach."...and..."if you bite your nails, a hand will grow in your stomach"
-my mom told me not to stand in front of the microwave because my heart will melt. (i believed this for soo long, and told all my friends)

-holding a boy's hands can devirginize me

at my parents.
When I was a child, my parents bought me a World Book Encyclopedia set. I liked learning about other countries so I always looked them up. The encyclopediaused o place an outline of the U.S. over the country map, just to compare the sizes of the country.

I remember thinking Korea was right below South Dakota, and wondered why it took four hours to fly to Florida but sixteen to fly to Korea.
Originally Posted by Thugnificence

Originally Posted by BrokeBallah

I thought that anytime i think negative the opposite will happen. It would work most of the time and i use to feel Great, thinking i had super powers.

I thought the exact same thing
i also used to think that my crayola colors had feelings and felt bad if i used one color more then the others
i used to feel this way about all my toys
u kno how u can gauge how fast someone else is drivin by how fast you're drivin?... well i never understood that as a child so i thought when u got yourlicense u were some how able to zoom in on other ppl's speedometers

i used the think the devil was always standing where you weren't looking
I used to think girls didnt poop.. even now that I know they do

I thought I was a mutant when I touched light switches and static came out..I had a rug in my house
(static electricity FTL) and thought I could change Red lights to Green with my mind after staring at them for 15 seconds.

I used to think if I swallowed watermelon seeds a watermelon would grow insides of me and I would die. Thanks Chucky Finster
I too thought that the Candyman was real...

I also thought for some reason that when you slow down in a car, that the wheels completely stopped turning instead of pads gently slowing them down. What aretard
That when my moms drank pepsi while driving she was gonna get arrested.
If my feet were hanging from under the covers when I was sleeping someone would come in my room and cut my toes off
My brother used to threaten me that if I swallowed a seed from grapes, oranges, or anything else, a tree of that fruit would grow inside me. Yeah, I was prettyshook.
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