Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

That's another thing that people don't wanna talk about. It's been stories of all kinds harassment and just outta line **** going on at those things but it stays low key. People are scared to say anything about that community now even when it's facts. You homophobic or whatever title they wanna throw. If you gay be gay, cool but some of the over the top, "you better accept any and everything" mentality is ridiculous.

It's a reason they would castrate us during lynchings.

FACTS!!! The first part has been my point ALLLLLLLLL long. People act as if gay people don’t commit crimes or sexually harass people. That is a PROBLEM. Like literally enabling harassment? Whether gay or straight, there’s no tolerance for it. You’ve got a crowd of horny, scantly clad, high and drunk people, IDC debauchery is at the forefront. And it’s like it gets a pass because of a persons “sexual preference”.

yeah, there’s nothing wrong with being sexually liberated. But if you assault or harass people, don’t cop pleas or use sexual discrimination as a calling point.
Y'all do the most with some of these posts. YES, some of us care about the choices and paths which our children will embark on. You know deep down if you had a son, you'd prefer him out here chasing some jawns. Would you love him either way ? Yes, but you have your preference.

you’re extrapolating a different meaning from my initial question. I was asking ****** if they cared if their kids turned out a particular way, not what they would prefer for their kids. Of course we have our preferences of how we’d like our seeds to turn out, but the question was simply asking if cats would hold certain views about their children if the kid didn’t meet those preferences.
MY ***** LOVE



Told y’all Dame was cash strapped. Money funny. But someone said Dame good.

he went on that Adam22 interview and got what, $600? Someone said
I just had the Cam interview on in the background while doing some light work on my off day and the way he ended it by saying Flip was in a "whole Yoga outfit" was too perfect :lol:
I threw it on on Christmas Eve at like 1am. Told myself I was just gonna watch a few mins and go to bed. Ended up watching the full interview.

This dude Cam. :rofl:
speaking of Cocoa..I feel like the OT genesis joint was forced on us..the beat is hot but that joint didn't deserve the hype it ultimately had lol

there was a rack of remixes, I think that had a lot to do with it

then the people behind and in the second video probably helped too. I know Busta and Khaled were involved.
there was a rack of remixes, I think that had a lot to do with it

then the people behind and in the second video probably helped too. I know Busta and Khaled were involved.
Definitely Busta had a major hand in his career, the first time I heard the song I thought he was a local rapper from the DMV that was starting to get a buzz

Chant music. It’s a major part of hip hop. “Flick of the wrist” was big too

I forgot about this song, it had a nice run the year it dropped..If I remember correctly, I think Boomtown did the video as well
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Why should he not be able to have pride in being a heterosexual male & express it publicly tho :lol:.white supremacy aims to oppress & destroy minorities in every way possible i didn't get that vibe towards gay people from that post.

also while on this topic their is a growing part of the LGBTQ community that clams they want to stop oppression, when if you look at their actions & words, in reality they just want the role of oppressor.

I've watched on social media over the past few years how there's been an attack on the image of hetero black men... and a majority of the time it's spearheaded by Black women who identify as LGBTQ who are constantly spreading hateful rhetoric.

Hell the IDK if they've changed it since, but someone pointed to the BLM website where they stated their agenda, and it literally had EVERY possible classification except hetero black men, now take into account the biggest voices of the BLM movement & it's starts looking real funny in the light.
Bro everyday there's literally some articles or tweets from people with thousands of followers who agree.... about HETERO black males being the "problem" in the black community.

This isn't some made up thing at all, there is a concentrated effort by some in the LGTBQ to mask all hetero black men as hateful, misogynistic, ignorant & hateful people, and it comes to no surprise to me that these people are usually backed by liberal WHITE publications & companies. they vilify and try to rebrand any trait associated as masculine... as toxic and somehow damaging

Also i do think there's an agenda, however i don't think the agenda is to necessarily try and turn men into homosexuals... but rather highlight and control only one image of a gay black male... which is usually loud, ignorant & fully feminine.

who you decide to sleep with should have no bearing on your personality traits, so i don't understand how 95% of the images of gay black men always ends up with a grown man trying to act like a city girl.

You could be a gay black male & not talk in a high pitched voice, not be walking around with designer handbags, throwing on lipstick, mimicking every trait of women. But for some odd reason that is the image that is constantly shown to represent black gay men.

Hell even with straight black men whenever they want to show a man as care free or pleasant it is almost always a super feminized version, as if you ca't be vulnerable & caring as a black man w/o putting on a dress or laying in a pile of flowers.

They want Less Huey's more Deray's
my grandparents were holocaust survivors I have radical theory about the current state of our nation if anyone would like to hear it pm me who will survive in America who will survive in America who will survive in America.....
Hit me w/ it.
Sort of along the same lines, men kissing men :lol:
How they got that off as not being gay is beyond me. That pic is still gay.
Who marginalized gay people???? It’s been big in America forever. I’ll wait. Some of y’all are probably guilty of humiliating or looking down upon gay people. Now all of the sudden, ya’ll are on board.

the PROBLEM nowadays is not homophobia. The problem is the coddling off gay people, or acting as if their above doing wrong or being vindictive. For instance, if a LGBQT person hits on or flirts with a person who’s heterosexual, and the heterosexual person becomes infuriated or may hurl a slur. They have a RIGHT to say no or lash out. The heterosexual person will be deemed homophobic and face much backlash. It’s no different than a women rejecting a man’s advances towards her. She may spout something to get dude away from her. If a gay person tries to flirt with a heterosexual person, that person has the right to respond in whichever way he or she desires. Doesn’t make them homophobic.

LGBQT people are NOTORIOUSLY big flirts and flamboyant, which can rub some people the wrong. It’s just like an annoying heterosexual person who’s flirtation or flamboyant with the sexual advances. But the heterosexual person would get wayyyyyy more criticism for doing it, than a LGBQT person. THAT IS A PROBLEM
EXACTLY! The young bucks are 1000000000x worse than the old heads. But let these cats tell it. My n_ we JUST posted a video of a blind stripper fighting :lol: :lol: :lol:

Plenty “old heads” are FLOURISHING on social media with great businesses. Y’all gotta stop thinking everyone wilds out on that mess. Some people STRICTLY use it for business, unlike some
of these people who strictly use it for dumb s*** and entertainment.

An old head didn’t created Worldstar Hip Hop, Shaderoom, or any of them dumba*** _____fight pages y’all love so dearly. Old heads ain’t telling their followers “DM me, I’ll help you flip $200 into $2000”

hellouthere. That’s young dumb people s*****
The fact of the matter is, no one should have to do this anyway. Let someone be who they want. Why does it need to be announced for the world to see?

Is this is a high school signing day recruiting announcement? ”I will be spending my next 3-4 years at the university of Alabama!!!”

A person should not have to announce whether their gay or straight. That’s no ones business except their own.
Seen the gay talk and kept scrolling....just waiting for grimey to go off.



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