Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread


Was a dope fit until I scrolled down. Fewtch got this whole legend losing his identity :smh:
Yea, he got killed by that dude World. Lil Kim was dating him. Supposedly dude is NUTS and was actually going after 50 too for talking ish about Lil Kim around the time Magic Stick came out. He ended up getting locked up first though.

Yeah. That’s who tried to air him out.

Mal made a good point about 50 a few weeks back.

You don’t grow up without your parents, get hit 9 times, and then turn out to be a normally functioning adult with all your marbles in tact. 50 is off in the head, but I can see how that trauma can **** with a person.

Not just to be without your parents, but his moms was in the game and got killed

Idk, Clifford swung on Floyd. That's a wild dude.

So he says. Like I said, I wish we could have a video to see what really happen.

Old Brooklyn was a wild place
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