Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

people like Chance (and you)...seem to fall into the racist trope that Black voters are somehow uneducated, and “slaves to the Democratic Party”. *****s just can’t be realist...and recognize the obvious :lol:.

That line of thinking I see from black contrarians who don’t really understand history, civics or politics is some of the most patronizing ****. It’s obvious that black people don’t have to vote Democrat...and that party is far from perfect. Like, it’s REALLY obvious. Chance think he saying something profound.

he a goofy
people like Chance (and you)...seem to fall into the racist trope that Black voters are somehow uneducated, and “slaves to the Democratic Party”. *****s just can’t be realist...and recognize the obvious :lol:.

That line of thinking I see from black contrarians who don’t really understand history, civics or politics is some of the most patronizing ****. It’s obvious that black people don’t have to vote Democrat...and that party is far from perfect. Like, it’s REALLY obvious. Chance think he saying something profound.

he a goofy

exactly. I asked bruh, let’s consider more worthier black candidates than Kanye. You know what dude said? “I’m not into politics so, I don’t know of any other potential candidates” :lol: :lol: :lol:

people just wanna be apart of anything. Don’t GAF. Don’t do any research
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exactly. I asked bruh, let’s consider more worthier black candidates than Kanye. You know what dude said? “I’m not into politics so, I’m don’t any other potential candidates” :lol:lol :lol: :lol:

people just wanna be apart of anything. Don’t GAF. Don’t do any research

That's just being honest though.

The only other black person I knew of in the conversation was the lightskin chick who lied about Doggystyle. I would have voted for her. Put me on some more instead of clowning me :lol:
I understand the situation but everyone a little too eager to just let white people get this comfy bossing us around "you're not black" "you're stupid if you're not voting democrat" :lol: etc.
That's just being honest though.

The only other black person I knew of in the conversation was the lightskin chick who lied about Doggystyle. I would have voted for her. Put me on some more instead of clowning me :lol:

which chic said that? :lol:. I heard the story though
which chic said that? :lol:. I heard the story though
tenor (4).gif
people like Chance (and you)...seem to fall into the racist trope that Black voters are somehow uneducated, and “slaves to the Democratic Party”. *****s just can’t be realist...and recognize the obvious :lol:.

That line of thinking I see from black contrarians who don’t really understand history, civics or politics is some of the most patronizing ****. It’s obvious that black people don’t have to vote Democrat...and that party is far from perfect. Like, it’s REALLY obvious. Chance think he saying something profound.

he a goofy
Chance is an idiot and 6pac 6pac exposed himself, and due to the extenuating circumstances, we have to vote Democrat this coming November, but, it is painfully obvious that we've fallen into a state of comatose believing that every democratic politician is for us and this is not true. We need to wake up and start putting OUR People in charge and demanding more from Politicians before they get OUR votes. We also need to demand more from candidates. We have fools like Camela Harris telling lies on her parents about them smoking it up, to earn cool points. Then we have Hillary joining the breakfast club nanaying and showing off Hot Sauce. Biden's comments have shown that they have no respect for us.
Chance is an idiot and 6pac 6pac exposed himself, and due to the extenuating circumstances, we have to vote Democrat this coming November, but, it is painfully obvious that we've fallen into a state of comatose believing that every democratic politician is for us and this is not true. We need to wake up and start putting OUR People in charge and demanding more from Politicians before they get OUR votes. We also need to demand more from candidates. We have fools like Camela Harris telling lies on her parents about them smoking it up, to earn cool points. Then we have Hillary joining the breakfast club nanaying and showing off Hot Sauce. Biden's comments have shown that they have no respect for us.

I can’t believe Kamala Harris saw people’s reaction to how Hillary was going about her campaign, and basically followed right in her footsteps doing some of the same stuff
I understand the situation but everyone a little too eager to just let white people get this comfy bossing us around "you're not black" "you're stupid if you're not voting democrat" :lol: etc.

That’s obviously dumb as hell, and I’m not feeling no white people telling me that (regardless of if there is some dumb sprinkle of truth in it) :lol:. You’re generalizing again with, everybody is a lil too eager. That **** flat out is tone death and wrong.

But you gotta understand, people be frustrated with pointing out the obvious...taking time to explain the history, mechanisms and etc of ****. All for people to blast off hot takes, take no accountability...with zero research....and for those very people to get offended at people being frustrated by their lack of knowledge...but huge mouth and opinions on ****. Joe Biden will say some dumb *** racist *** like, you ain’t black if you don’t vote.

Trump and the GOP will literally pull mechanisms to stop black people from voting for their better interests. And then, celebrate the fact that they didn’t vote as a win for him :lol:. ***** literally says, thank you for not voting at all (30 sec mark)

The letter gets way less attention. And the history of this country at every turn shows you how white supremacist have systematically tried to stop any black progress with making black people not counted, not voters, harder to vote, or straight up denying it.

The entire system is f’d up. There is a way to possibly split up this ****, as it stands through over whelming voting and policy reform with a democratic house, senate and presidency. A way to hold those in Congress accountable. Just a week ago.....Trump and his people made shorty public enemy #1 AGAIN, for essentially saying we need to make America gray by dismantling systems of oppression. They framed a rational thought, you would agree with...like this (but y’all don’t pay attention to this)

For context....the two I posted above are Republican think tanks and senators etc. now follow me on to what is actual reality...and what she said:

They telling these people to go back to their country :lol:. For trying to make **** better for you and me. But details, history, research takes hard work and context/nuance. Many reactionaries don’t wanna do that. They just wanna be loud and be seen.
Chance is an idiot and 6pac 6pac exposed himself, and due to the extenuating circumstances, we have to vote Democrat this coming November, but, it is painfully obvious that we've fallen into a state of comatose believing that every democratic politician is for us and this is not true. We need to wake up and start putting OUR People in charge and demanding more from Politicians before they get OUR votes. We also need to demand more from candidates. We have fools like Camela Harris telling lies on her parents about them smoking it up, to earn cool points. Then we have Hillary joining the breakfast club nanaying and showing off Hot Sauce. Biden's comments have shown that they have no respect for us.
I can’t believe Kamala Harris saw people’s reaction to how Hillary was going about her campaign, and basically followed right in her footsteps doing some of the same stuff

Think I said this before....but if the breakfast club **** is enough for you to sit out and say....NOPE! Hot Sauce! Smoking weed! Pandering from a politician....NOOOOOOO!

You’re not paying attention.

Also the fact that the breakfast club **** with Kamala was likely taken out of context...and chopped up by right wing media....as well as Hilary ****.

6pac 6pac

CTG and the breakfast club probably do more damage :lol:. Awkward old politicians trying to do old school pandering politics to rightfully cynical ....but headline & clickbait thirsty audience is not the best platform obviously.

Again, you should most definitely hold your vote and expect more from candidates. I’m not saying you shouldn’t. Just don’t get caught up in the bs, by bad faith actors who play on black folks RIGHTFUL skepticism of the “system”.

Not built for us. But their is a mechanism there. Spook by the door. 🤫
To further add to my point, it was under a Democratic Regime in both Mayor of Chicago and Governor of Illinois is which Fred Hampton was assassinated and then there were all sorts of corruption and coverups. In addition, that very same Mayor had shoot to kill orders enacted during black protests (after Dr. King was assassinated).
Chance is an idiot and 6pac 6pac exposed himself, and due to the extenuating circumstances, we have to vote Democrat this coming November, but, it is painfully obvious that we've fallen into a state of comatose believing that every democratic politician is for us and this is not true. We need to wake up and start putting OUR People in charge and demanding more from Politicians before they get OUR votes. We also need to demand more from candidates. We have fools like Camela Harris telling lies on her parents about them smoking it up, to earn cool points. Then we have Hillary joining the breakfast club nanaying and showing off Hot Sauce. Biden's comments have shown that they have no respect for us.

How you agreeing with me and then saying I "exposed myself" :lol:

The only difference is that you probably wouldn't vote for Ye and after his Forbes interview I probably wouldn't either :lol:
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