Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

I think the issue is. Nick doesn't bother anyone.

and it's tone deaf to speak on Nick's situation.

I don't follow 50, but was he so quick to speak on the social justice issues overt he past two months?

or is he blatantly showing where his loyalties are?

u spittin

Aint really looking forward to X/Snoop match up, in part cause I feel like X might start going crazy and the match might not even get finished. Music is vastly different too
Nick should have further solidified himself during peacetime. Should have ensured that he controlled Wildn't Out when they thought he was "peaceful". Never give them devils the chance to have any say in his projects nor career.
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Meg just made a post saying that she was shot. Either she needs to calm down with all that partying ish or she needs to hire some protection from the likes of J Prince. Not saying that he tried to have her targeted, but him and that 1501 cat seem shady.
Meg just made a post saying that she was shot. Either she needs to calm down with all that partying ish or she needs to hire some protection from the likes of J Prince. Not saying that he tried to have her targeted, but him and that 1501 cat seem shady.

****** started the J Prince conspiracies on twitter immediately bruh :lol:
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