Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

This is what Magic33 Magic33 was bumping, instead of Savage Life.


Nasty ::stoneface: :sick:

Nah b, I told you Aesop Rock wasn't it. :lol:
Dudes these days are some bowaz chowaz
You know I had to Google this, right? LLS Yep, guys are doing the most with their mouths nowadays, but so are us women. Like when Gabrielle Union said she tosses D. Wade's salad.....now every time I see her and she is smiling, I think she has dookie remnants in her teeth. (shudders)
Neck cramps are worse lol
LMAO Well, as a woman a guy's neck cramps does not affect me personally as much as one trying to kiss me with that coating on their tongue. If a guy does that and I never seen him scrap his tongue, then I am good on him.
Dudes these days are some bowaz chowaz
That a cheat code for super Mario
LMAO Well, as a woman a guy's neck cramps does not affect me personally as much as one trying to kiss me with that coating on their tongue. If a guy does that and I never seen him scrap his tongue, then I am good on him.
Lol... y’all be fronting though...Sometimes during heat of the moment when it’s steamy hot, y’all open your moufs wide open after A1 taste testing
Lol... y’all be fronting though...Sometimes during heat of the moment when it’s steamy hot, y’all open your moufs wide open after A1 taste testing

Come to think about it.....I have done that in the heat of the moment, so you right about that. LOL In general though, I am not a fan of all of that, so in order for me to not think about it, (in my Bernie Mac voice) he gots to be GOODT.
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