Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

You good man? You were in the Food thread ranting about "if Beyonce took me to Red Lobster..."

Everything ok over on your end?
I'm fine, I was just responding to finessence finessence for clowning dude for being sus. Personally I don't care necessarily about artist personal lives if it isn't intertwined w/ their work. That's gossip; not my thing.

That Beyonce post came from me talking to somehow about "good sex" rewards.
****** gonna be doing fake features, posthumous verses that never existed
I remember making a post like this right when DMX passed

The ****ed up thing these label execs so damn disgusting nowadays and with technology being the way it is I refuse to listen to any posthumous X music

I can't wholeheartedly believe whatsoever that these weirdo's won't shuffle his lyrics around and have him say things he never said.

This deepfake **** just isn't manipulating videos

These fools dropped a EP while he was on life support

Why wouldn't they use a figure such as DMX to get whatever message they want across after his death?
The more you see the more you see realize the only thing really black and white about our existence is life and death. Maybe it is indeed gray, but I try to look at things as if it were a colour wheel; a set standard w/ endless possibilities.

In Civil War, I agreed w/ Steve, yet felt that Tony was right. I thought Steve was right too, but when removing my personal bias, I didn't find either of the 2 to be wrong in their argument aside from how they handled it.

And maybe using "most" is a stretch, but I do think a significant amount of people sexual attracted to both sexes.

What sort of weed do you smoke? I want to make sure I stay away from it.


Definitely a Cargo beat
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