Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

@6pac you need to watch this

Starting at 36

Tory and his defense team wanted to win the public opinion trial. I remember Ak bragging about getting transcripts, like he was special. But who was he getting them from? She said that the defense team gets them free, but the regular person would have to pay $1,000 for them(48:30). And you go back and see what was the information being released, it was all pro Tory and partial information, so it was obvious who it came from. That's why people thought he would be found not guilty or there would be a hung jury, because it was one sided. It was interesting to me how we got Kelsey's testimony fumbling and bumbling looking to discredit her, but not the response which caused that interview audio to be allowed in to evidence. Now people are still trying to argue it, not realizing we didn't hear all the trial testimony. Now it takes ambulance videos, and phone calls for people to finally realize it.

and the little goofy white YouTube dude who wasn't even a criminal lawyer, but he was a "lawyer" giving his "takes". He's not a part of the culture, so what's his angle? But he was interacting with Tory's team?

and the whole Roc Nation meeting with witnesses. It's like people watch too many movies and tv shows and want everything to be a conspiracy

This whole time I'm wondering why dudes want to go out on a limb backing and supporting someone like Tory, and why he wouldn't be feeding lies and information to the public. I'm a good guy, she's the dishonest one. That flies?

saw this thread a couple days ago. I knew
some of this but ain’t know the extent

how was ****** letting this tiny man act like this unchecked :lol: :lol:
I’m confused af looking at that Tory thread wondering why nobody ever put lil man on his head. I personally wanna give the lil ***** a wedgie now.

Security guards are the size of linemen.

I feel for this fan cuz they might've had a chance against just Tory but when you see 4-5 giants coming right after him you already know what type of time it is.

Out of all the incidents in that Twitter thread it seems like Travis would've been the only person who had a legit chance of a 1 on 1 or at least evenly matched fight with Tory.

Travis security guards prolly ain't no joke considering all the money he makes.
OJ still look young…. Looking healthier now than bricksquad days

I swear that short 🥷 age better. I got cpl short uncles on my mom side and that ***** look young af and he in his 50s

I was thinking that during one of his interviews, he looks younger now. Probably because he's not using now.


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