Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

This Andre 3000 flute album is so bad. I knew it wasn't gonna be hip hop and went in with an open mind, but literally every track on the album sounds like the annoyingly long intro that you skip every time to get to the real songs. And then it ends. Good for listening to while you fall asleep I guess.
This Andre 3000 flute album is so bad. I knew it wasn't gonna be hip hop and went in with an open mind, but literally every track on the album sounds like the annoyingly long intro that you skip every time to get to the real songs. And then it ends. Good for listening to while you fall asleep I guess.
One day yall gon have to take him out of these top lists
Questlove made a great post about New Blue Sun. My only argument is The Love Below was 3K’s “departure” album. (And maybe one day we’ll have an honest conversation about that album…)

We’ve been clamoring for a solo rap album as if Big Boi was somehow holding him back. After two solo offerings it is clear Big brought out the MC in 3K. There is no Outkast without Big Boi and he needs more recognition for his contributions.
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