Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread


The Drake stans are gonna overdose on copium at this rate...
To expand a little on what I mentioned in the Drake thread, it's beyond laughable that anyone would buy this story.
Based on years of personal experience, not a single serious player in that type of industry would conduct an alleged deal like this via bank transfer. It's a completely delusional idea.
The standard for transactions relating to shady cyber activities/services is cryptocurrency (Bitcoin or ETH) and it's been that way for many years. The only scenario where these kind of people would accept Paypal, Cashapp, Zelle, direct bank transfers, ... is if they have a tight personal relationship to the client or a vouch from trusted associates.

Generally if there isn't a prior established relationship between a buyer and client, a trusted and neutral middleman will be hired to hold the money until completion of the service.
Upfront payments aren't really a thing, and the supposed $2500 is laughably far below marketrate anyway. Unless this is the work of absolute bottom of the barrel amateurs, nothing about this makes sense.
Even if you don't know anything about the business, just think about the numbers for a second. 30 million botted streams with a $2500 down payment? :lol:

its also been debunked
its PS

anthony saleh llc does not exist
I knew dude was bull**** when he said Drake hasn't bought bots from him or people he knows, so therefore Drake's numbers are 100% real. :lol: I guess dude knows every single botter.
Also, I bank with BofA and every transfer to and from my savings has a confirmation #.
To be fair, generally people in the community of shady and illicit cyber activities know eachother or know of eachother. Especially people in the same branch of business.
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