Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

All the gunshot fx and hollerin' was OD. If Joe ain't rappin' I'd rather him settle down and just talk like a regular person. He made several great points but man did he do too much with them shots
In another life Joe woulda been a lawyer :lol: Dude can talk his *** off.
Dudes have got to stop this narrative, there's way too many newer artist who come from all sorts of random places that don't get called trash because they from there.

No need to stop when it’s blatantly true more times than none. People have to stop with that deflection tactic. Homie posted 5 joints from Peewee. How many did you all listen to? :lol:
No need to stop when it’s blatantly true more times than none. People have to stop with that deflection tactic. Homie posted 5 joints from Peewee. How many did you all listen to? :lol:

I listened to three, that mixed with hearing Peewee on features & & other solo songs. I had enough to know that it was average, not trash but he ain't saying nothing different from anyone else in that lane & he ain't introducing it in a new form.

A lot of these cats serve no purpose because they just a sub variation of someone who does a style very similar but better
When people call an artist "trash" I usually disregard their opinion usually automatically. Trash is thrown out so fast when people really mean "Not great".
Just say the song/artist is decent, it ain't gon diminish anything
When people call an artist "trash" I usually disregard their opinion usually automatically. Trash is thrown out so fast when people really mean "Not great".
Just say the song/artist is decent, it ain't gon diminish anything

Things are either trash or classic. No in between.
I listened to three, that mixed with hearing Peewee on features & & other solo songs. I had enough to know that it was average, not trash but he ain't saying nothing different from anyone else in that lane & he ain't introducing it in a new form.

A lot of these cats serve no purpose because they just a sub variation of someone who does a style very similar but better

Salute to you having actually listened to some of his material to actually have a basis for forming your opinion. At that point we can agree to disagreeing since music is subjective.

But I’m not rolling with the idea of anyone calling something trash when they haven’t listened to it. That’s that internet bs. :lol:
Has nothing to do with location of the specific artist. I heard half of 1 song and that's all I needed. Sub-par artist /boring visuals/ murder death kill/drugs/insert assault rifle/etc. . doesn't that get boring?

He's a clone of every other artist they push from atl to the mainstream with no creativity.

If I called him trash why would I sit down and listen to 69..lol sounds logical to me.
Has nothing to do with location of the specific artist. I heard half of 1 song and that's all I needed. Sub-par artist /boring visuals/ murder death kill/drugs/insert assault rifle/etc. . doesn't that get boring?


When people use this logic I wonder how much original stuff they really listen to. Most stuff is a variation of something else and there's a finite amount of things that haven't talked about so there's going to be tons of overlap. I guess I don't understand what people are looking for when listening to new artists
I guess I don't understand what people are looking for when listening to new artists

I posted a artist by the name of A-Wax a couple weeks ago along with some new tracks by Jarren Benton and got no love.

I gave that dude PeeWee a try and didn’t like what I heard. People just like different ****. I don’t understand it either sometimes
Has nothing to do with location of the specific artist. I heard half of 1 song and that's all I needed. Sub-par artist /boring visuals/ murder death kill/drugs/insert assault rifle/etc. . doesn't that get boring?

I still stand by my statement. Peewee the best in the TRAP genre. Hands down he rappin circles around anyone, flows on flows and he swagin imo nobody can match him even his big homie. I guess u gotta be a fan of trap music to understand it.
Has nothing to do with location of the specific artist. I heard half of 1 song and that's all I needed. Sub-par artist /boring visuals/ murder death kill/drugs/insert assault rifle/etc. . doesn't that get boring?

He's a clone of every other artist they push from atl to the mainstream with no creativity.

If I called him trash why would I sit down and listen to 69..lol sounds logical to me.

Nah Longway been doing his thing and this style for about 6-7 years now. A lot of these dudes are really clones of him

He’s another dude Asap Yams was tryna put on before he passed :smh:

When people use this logic I wonder how much original stuff they really listen to. Most stuff is a variation of something else and there's a finite amount of things that haven't talked about so there's going to be tons of overlap. I guess I don't understand what people are looking for when listening to new artists

Exactly. It’s art, the references are all around and in everybody’s stuff. Most “original” artist are just building off of and/or tryna transform something they consumed from someone else. It’s a very slippery slope.

A lot of the time it just depends on if you personally know the references. Like with the Migos flow, that **** had a real impact on the game but at the same time anybody thats heard a bunch of old Memphis **** would tell you it’s nothing new or “original”

_’s will post some OD generic A Boogie in here and then say XYZ artist ain’t doing nothing original :lol: :smh: That’s the other part of it. Liking or disliking what an artist is selling will determine how hard and far the critique or analysis goes
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