Rap About Nothing: Hip Hop Chat Thread

Tip son out here big wildin


***** do you know how goofy you look? There’s footage of you literally crying asking this man to fund your rap career 😭
Bizarro world version of the typical family argument. Instead of walking 32 miles to school in a blizzard it's did you wake up with 26 roaches on your face.

Clifford been in and out of trouble/jail his whole life. Probably been arrested more while rich than before. Dude got arrested at the gate of his gated community so that rich kid acting a certain way doesn't hit the same. Their show got cancelled for sexual allegations.

Look like his momma but acts very similar to his pops.

Cole is a great rapper but he benefited greatly being from this era ..I honestly don't think he would have made it in the 90s

I can see Drake & Kendrick still having the same success

I don't take this serious

He won't drop any names cuz he know he would look silly. It's 5 members of Wu alone that's better and had better albums than Cole.
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