Rappers now a days are all about SWAGG

some of you guys are completely forgetting that through ages 18 to early 20s, Malcolm X was out in the streets robbing, hustling, drug dealing, gambling, racketeering..etc i

mean thats the root of his story, he then went to jail and came out a changed man and later greatly helped change the American country and more...Pac died at 25 but still

managed to use his platform to influence his culture as well as his country...Yeah, he had some conflicting points, but why let that take from all the positive? the way we talk

about and remember Malcolm X always, and rightfully, highlights all the good things about him, so why is it any different when we talk about pac?

“If you walked by a street and (...) you saw a rose growing from concrete, even if it had messed up petals and it was a little to the side you would marvel at just seeing a rose grow through concrete. So way is it that when you see some ghetto kid grow out of the dirtiest circumstance and he can talk and he can sit across the room and make you cry, make you laugh, all you can talk about is my dirty rose, my dirty stems and how am leaning crooked to the side, u can’t even see that I’ve come up from out of that."
Originally Posted by PleaseSayTheBaby23

Originally Posted by Cedric Ceballos 1995 Lakers

curious as to where most of the people discrediting pac reside at. most likely it's where i think their from which leads me to not take their opinion seriously since their biased.



you might not think so

but its 48934009834984358903604 in the world who have live in the struggles he preached about that think he is!

The ones who lived it opinion > your opinion sitting on forum based off sneakers from your macbook

yall dudes too funny

glad we have some NTers here and there with a true knowing

assumptions are funny. of course someone who doesn't look up to tupac couldn't possibly know the struggle... hell they're prolly white and privileged typing at a starbucks on a macbook air while simultaneously booking a flight to their summer house in lake tahoe.
If Tupac was reckless and a hypocrite what was Malcolm?

History was pretty kind to Malcolm X
Originally Posted by tonton32

some of you guys are completely forgetting that through ages 18 to early 20s, Malcolm X was out in the streets robbing, hustling, drug dealing, gambling, racketeering..etc i

mean thats the root of his story, he then went to jail and came out a changed man and later greatly helped change the American country and more...Pac died at 25 but still

managed to use his platform to influence his culture as well as his country...Yeah, he had some conflicting points, but why let that take from all the positive? the way we talk

about and remember Malcolm X always, and rightfully, highlights all the good things about him, so why is it any different when we talk about pac?

And as far as comparing Pac to other rappers, I haven't heard anybody else come close to his second verse on Me Against the World.
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