Rare Photos of Famous People (link)

good thread OP
Originally Posted by Brandon3000

Originally Posted by Tfromthe617

Originally Posted by bballah3


this pic is HEAVY

99.5% of NT doesnt even understand this picture

it really grinds my gears when people do this, like they're in on some big secret.. why don't you enlighten us as to what makes it so heavy?

I agree, like "I'm so above the rest of these small minded NTers because I bought the best of The Beatles from Best Buy, bought a poster off ebay and wikipedia'd Andy Warhol after I had Jay-Z rap about his paintings being on his wall." dudes need to get off that
pretty much
that adolf pic is disturbing, just wondering how someone can grow into such a monster. i guess the amphetamines and other drugs didnt help, but to have such sick contemplations is very sad. if you could go back and be the photographer, would you have slain the monster?
Originally Posted by 23ska909red02


Gonna grow up to be so extremely disturbed and hateful and evil.
i guess the one time in our life where everyone is unanimous on pro abortion
yes, a clockwork orange.

and apocolypse now is so severely overrated, it pains me.

that movie is....long



the narrative apex is a 30 minute conversation in a dark hut....
Originally Posted by millionuppercuts

Originally Posted by bballah3


this pic is HEAVY

99.5% of NT doesnt even understand this picture
Do Explain...cause it's just MAD H O M O to me. Andy Warhol calls himself "A-Sexual" and a voyeur. He's a known nutcase...Why the hell is he feeling up on both John Lennon and that hideous creature Yoko.
still not explained so until then it stands as ........  
Originally Posted by bballah3


this pic is HEAVY

99.5% of NT doesnt even understand this picture
What an odd assumption. Anyone who is even vaguely familiar with pop culture and Andy should be able to understand what's going on.

Anyways, it's a shame Brigitte Bardot is such a crazy bigot now, and how does Johnny Depp not age? He looks the same as he did 20 years ago.
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